File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:14:23
0001 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/TrapezoidalStripTopology.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0004 #include <iostream>
0005 #include <cmath>
0006 #include <algorithm>
0010 TrapezoidalStripTopology::TrapezoidalStripTopology(int ns, float p, float l, float r0)
0011 : theNumberOfStrips(ns), thePitch(p), theDistToBeam(r0), theDetHeight(l) {
0012 theOffset = -theNumberOfStrips / 2. * thePitch;
0013 theYAxOr = 1;
0014 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0015 edm::LogVerbatim("CommonTopologies") << "Constructing TrapezoidalStripTopology with nstrips = " << ns
0016 << " pitch = " << p << " length = " << l << " r0 =" << r0;
0017 #endif
0018 }
0020 TrapezoidalStripTopology::TrapezoidalStripTopology(int ns, float p, float l, float r0, int yAx)
0021 : theNumberOfStrips(ns), thePitch(p), theDistToBeam(r0), theDetHeight(l), theYAxOr(yAx) {
0022 theOffset = -theNumberOfStrips / 2. * thePitch;
0023 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0024 edm::LogVerbatim("CommonTopologies") << "Constructing TrapezoidalStripTopology with nstrips = " << ns
0025 << " pitch = " << p << " length = " << l << " r0 =" << r0
0026 << " yAxOrientation =" << yAx;
0027 #endif
0028 }
0030 LocalPoint TrapezoidalStripTopology::localPosition(float strip) const {
0031 return LocalPoint(strip * thePitch + theOffset, 0.0);
0032 }
0034 LocalPoint TrapezoidalStripTopology::localPosition(const MeasurementPoint& mp) const {
0035 float y = mp.y() * theDetHeight;
0036 float x = (mp.x() * thePitch + theOffset) * (theYAxOr * y + theDistToBeam) / theDistToBeam;
0037 return LocalPoint(x, y);
0038 }
0040 LocalError TrapezoidalStripTopology::localError(float strip, float stripErr2) const {
0041 float lt, lc2, ls2, lslc;
0042 float localL2, localP2;
0043 float sl2, sp2;
0045 lt = -(strip * thePitch + theOffset) * theYAxOr / theDistToBeam;
0046 lc2 = 1.f / (1. + lt * lt);
0047 lslc = lt * lc2;
0048 ls2 = 1.f - lc2;
0049 localL2 = theDetHeight * theDetHeight / lc2;
0050 localP2 = thePitch * thePitch * lc2;
0051 sl2 = localL2 / 12.;
0052 sp2 = stripErr2 * localP2;
0053 return LocalError(lc2 * sp2 + ls2 * sl2, lslc * (sp2 - sl2), ls2 * sp2 + lc2 * sl2);
0054 }
0056 LocalError TrapezoidalStripTopology::localError(const MeasurementPoint& mp, const MeasurementError& merr) const {
0057 float lt, lc2, ls2, lslc;
0058 float localL, localP;
0059 float sl2, sp2, spl;
0061 lt = -(mp.x() * thePitch + theOffset) * theYAxOr / theDistToBeam;
0062 lc2 = 1. / (1. + lt * lt);
0063 lslc = lt * lc2;
0064 ls2 = 1.f - lc2;
0065 localL = theDetHeight / std::sqrt(lc2);
0066 localP = localPitch(localPosition(mp));
0067 sp2 = merr.uu() * localP * localP;
0068 sl2 = merr.vv() * localL * localL;
0069 spl = merr.uv() * localP * localL;
0070 return LocalError(lc2 * sp2 + ls2 * sl2 - 2 * lslc * spl,
0071 lslc * (sp2 - sl2) + (lc2 - ls2) * spl,
0072 ls2 * sp2 + lc2 * sl2 + 2 * lslc * spl);
0073 }
0075 float TrapezoidalStripTopology::strip(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
0076 float aStrip = ((lp.x() * theDistToBeam / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam)) - theOffset) / thePitch;
0077 if (aStrip < 0)
0078 aStrip = 0;
0079 else if (aStrip > theNumberOfStrips)
0080 aStrip = theNumberOfStrips;
0081 return aStrip;
0082 }
0084 MeasurementPoint TrapezoidalStripTopology::measurementPosition(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
0085 return MeasurementPoint(((lp.x() * theDistToBeam / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam)) - theOffset) / thePitch,
0086 lp.y() / theDetHeight);
0087 }
0089 MeasurementError TrapezoidalStripTopology::measurementError(const LocalPoint& lp, const LocalError& lerr) const {
0090 float lt, lc2, ls2, lslc;
0091 float localL, localP;
0092 float sl2, sp2, spl;
0093 lt = -lp.x() / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam) * theYAxOr;
0094 lc2 = 1. / (1. + lt * lt);
0095 lslc = lt * lc2;
0096 ls2 = 1. - lc2;
0097 localL = theDetHeight / std::sqrt(lc2);
0098 localP = localPitch(lp);
0099 sp2 = lc2 * lerr.xx() + ls2 * lerr.yy() + 2 * lslc * lerr.xy();
0100 sl2 = ls2 * lerr.xx() + lc2 * lerr.yy() - 2 * lslc * lerr.xy();
0101 spl = lslc * (lerr.yy() - lerr.xx()) + (lc2 - ls2) * lerr.xy();
0102 return MeasurementError(sp2 / (localP * localP), spl / (localP * localL), sl2 / (localL * localL));
0103 }
0105 int TrapezoidalStripTopology::channel(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
0106 return std::min(int(strip(lp)), theNumberOfStrips - 1);
0107 }
0109 float TrapezoidalStripTopology::pitch() const { return thePitch; }
0111 float TrapezoidalStripTopology::localPitch(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
0112 float x = lp.x();
0113 float y = theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam;
0114 return thePitch * y / (theDistToBeam * std::sqrt(1.f + x * x / (y * y)));
0115 }
0117 float TrapezoidalStripTopology::stripAngle(float strip) const {
0118 return std::atan(-(strip * thePitch + theOffset) * theYAxOr / theDistToBeam);
0119 }
0121 int TrapezoidalStripTopology::nstrips() const { return theNumberOfStrips; }
0123 float TrapezoidalStripTopology::shiftOffset(float pitch_fraction) {
0124 theOffset += thePitch * pitch_fraction;
0125 return theOffset;
0126 }
0128 float TrapezoidalStripTopology::localStripLength(const LocalPoint& lp) const {
0129 float ltan = -lp.x() / (theYAxOr * lp.y() + theDistToBeam) * theYAxOr;
0130 float localL = theDetHeight * std::sqrt(1.f + ltan * ltan);
0134 return localL;
0135 }