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0001 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellGeometry.h"
0002 #include "Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader.h"
0003 #include "Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/IdealZDCTrapezoid.h"
0004 #include "Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/ZdcGeometry.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0006 #include <algorithm>
0008 typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat;
0010 ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader() : theTopology(new ZdcTopology), extTopology(theTopology) {
0011   init();
0012 }
0014 ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader(const ZdcTopology& ht) : theTopology(nullptr), extTopology(&ht) {
0015   init();
0016 }
0018 void ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::init() {}
0020 ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::ReturnType ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::load(DetId::Detector /*det*/, int subdet) {
0021   ReturnType hg(new ZdcGeometry(extTopology));
0022   if (subdet == HcalZDCDetId::SubdetectorId) {
0023     fill(HcalZDCDetId::EM, hg);
0024     fill(HcalZDCDetId::LUM, hg);
0025     fill(HcalZDCDetId::HAD, hg);
0026     if (m_zdcAddRPD)
0027       fill(
0028           HcalZDCDetId::RPD,
0029           hg);  // line will be needed in next version of code, but is commented out for now in order to ensure run1 compatability.
0030   }
0031   return hg;
0032 }
0034 ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::ReturnType ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::load() {
0035   ReturnType hg(new ZdcGeometry(extTopology));
0036   fill(HcalZDCDetId::EM, hg);
0037   fill(HcalZDCDetId::LUM, hg);
0038   fill(HcalZDCDetId::HAD, hg);
0039   if (m_zdcAddRPD)
0040     fill(HcalZDCDetId::RPD, hg);
0041   return hg;
0042 }
0044 void ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::fill(HcalZDCDetId::Section section, ReturnType geom) {
0045   // start by making the new HcalDetIds
0046   std::vector<HcalZDCDetId> zdcIds;
0047   HcalZDCDetId id;
0048   int firstCell = extTopology->firstCell(section);
0049   int lastCell = extTopology->lastCell(section);
0050   for (int ichannel = firstCell; ichannel <= lastCell; ++ichannel) {
0051     id = HcalZDCDetId(section, true, ichannel);
0052     if (extTopology->valid(id))
0053       zdcIds.emplace_back(id);
0054     id = HcalZDCDetId(section, false, ichannel);
0055     if (extTopology->valid(id))
0056       zdcIds.emplace_back(id);
0057   }
0058   if (geom->cornersMgr() == nullptr)
0059     geom->allocateCorners(HcalZDCDetId::kSizeForDenseIndexing);
0060   if (geom->parMgr() == nullptr)
0061     geom->allocatePar(ZdcGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape * ZdcGeometry::k_NumberOfShapes,
0062                       ZdcGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape);
0064   edm::LogVerbatim("ZdcGeometry") << "Number of ZDC DetIds made: " << section << " " << zdcIds.size();
0066   // for each new HcalZdcDetId, make a CaloCellGeometry
0068   for (std::vector<HcalZDCDetId>::const_iterator zdcIdItr = zdcIds.begin(); zdcIdItr != zdcIds.end(); ++zdcIdItr) {
0069     makeCell(*zdcIdItr, geom);
0070   }
0071 }
0073 void ZdcHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell(const HcalZDCDetId& detId, ReturnType geom) const {
0074   double zside(detId.zside());
0076   const HcalZDCDetId::Section section(detId.section());
0078   const int channel(;
0080   edm::LogVerbatim("ZdcGeometry") << "ZDCGeometry::Cell: " << detId << " Section " << section << " channel " << channel;
0081   //********* Here are all the hardcoded numbers you need to know, in **cm**
0082   //********* Most are from the zdc.xml and zdclum.xml files ******
0084   static const double x0(0);  // these 3 are for the "mother" volume
0085   static const double y0(0);
0086   static const double z0(14000);
0088   static const double angEM(0);  // the angles of front face wrt vertical
0089   static const double angLUM(0);
0090   static const double angRPD(0);
0091   static const double angHAD(atan(1.));  // this is 45 deg
0093   // these dimensions are **half**-sizes
0095   static const double dxHAD(4.8);
0096   static const double dxEM(dxHAD / 5.);
0097   static const double dxLUM(4.8);  // to be updated when known
0098   static const double dxRPD(4.8);  // to be updated when known
0100   static const double dhEM(6.25);
0101   static const double dhLUM(6.25);  // to be updated when known
0102   static const double dhHAD(6.25);
0103   static const double dhRPD(6.25);  // to be updated when known
0105   static const double dzEM(33. * 0.15);
0106   static const double dzLUM(23.5);  // to be updated when known
0107   static const double dzHAD(0.82 * 6. / cos(angHAD));
0108   static const double dzRPD(23.5);  // to be updated when known
0110   // these are not half-dimensions, they are offsets from nominal
0111   // for the center-of-front-face points
0113   static const double xOffEM(-4. * dxEM);
0114   static const double xOffLUM(0);
0115   static const double xOffHAD(0);
0116   static const double xOffRPD(0);
0118   static const double yOffEM(0);
0119   static const double yOffLUM(0);
0120   static const double yOffHAD(0);
0121   static const double yOffRPD(0);
0123   static const double zOffEM(-49.85 - 0.15);
0124   static const double zOffLUM(-39.555);
0125   static const double zOffHAD(-29.00);
0126   static const double zOffRPD(-39.555);
0128   //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0130   double dx, dh, dz, x, y, z, an;
0132   if (section == HcalZDCDetId::EM) {
0133     dx = dxEM;
0134     dh = dhEM;
0135     dz = dzEM;
0136     an = angEM;
0137     x = zside * (x0 + xOffEM + (channel - 1.0) * dxEM * 2.);
0138     y = y0 + yOffEM;
0139     z = zside * (z0 + zOffEM);
0140   } else if (section == HcalZDCDetId::LUM) {
0141     dx = dxLUM;
0142     dh = dhLUM;
0143     dz = dzLUM;
0144     an = angLUM;
0145     x = zside * (x0 + xOffLUM);
0146     y = y0 + yOffLUM;
0147     z = zside * (z0 + zOffLUM + (channel - 1.0) * dzLUM * 2.);
0148   } else if (section == HcalZDCDetId::RPD) {
0149     dx = dxRPD;
0150     dh = dhRPD;
0151     dz = dzRPD;
0152     an = angRPD;
0153     x = zside * (x0 + xOffRPD);
0154     y = y0 + yOffRPD;
0155     z = zside * (z0 + zOffRPD + (channel - 1.0) * dzRPD * 2.);
0156   } else {
0157     assert(section == HcalZDCDetId::HAD);
0158     dx = dxHAD;
0159     dh = dhHAD;
0160     dz = dzHAD;
0161     an = angHAD;
0162     x = zside * (x0 + xOffHAD);
0163     y = y0 + yOffHAD;
0164     z = zside * (z0 + zOffHAD + (channel - 1.0) * dzHAD * 2.);
0165   }
0167   const GlobalPoint fc(x, y, z);
0169   const double dy(dh * cos(an));
0171   std::vector<CCGFloat> zz;
0172   zz.reserve(ZdcGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape);
0173   zz.emplace_back(an);
0174   zz.emplace_back(dx);
0175   zz.emplace_back(dy);
0176   zz.emplace_back(dz);
0178   geom->newCell(fc, fc, fc, CaloCellGeometry::getParmPtr(zz, geom->parMgr(), geom->parVecVec()), detId);
0179 }