File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:15:00
0001 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDAlgorithm.h"
0002 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDAlgorithmFactory.h"
0003 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCurrentNamespace.h"
0004 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"
0005 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDMaterial.h"
0006 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolid.h"
0007 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSplit.h"
0008 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDTypes.h"
0009 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDutils.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/PluginFactory.h"
0012 #include "Geometry/HGCalCommonData/interface/HGCalTypes.h"
0013 #include "Geometry/HGCalCommonData/interface/HGCalWaferMask.h"
0015 #include <string>
0016 #include <vector>
0017 #include <sstream>
0021 class DDHGCalPassivePartial : public DDAlgorithm {
0022 public:
0024 DDHGCalPassivePartial() = default;
0025 ~DDHGCalPassivePartial() override = default;
0027 void initialize(const DDNumericArguments& nArgs,
0028 const DDVectorArguments& vArgs,
0029 const DDMapArguments& mArgs,
0030 const DDStringArguments& sArgs,
0031 const DDStringVectorArguments& vsArgs) override;
0032 void execute(DDCompactView& cpv) override;
0034 private:
0035 std::string material_;
0036 double thick_;
0037 double waferSize_;
0038 double waferSepar_;
0039 std::vector<std::string> tags_;
0040 std::vector<int> partialTypes_;
0041 std::vector<int> placementIndex_;
0042 std::vector<std::string> placementIndexTags_;
0043 std::vector<std::string> layerNames_;
0044 std::vector<std::string> materials_;
0045 std::vector<double> layerThick_;
0046 std::vector<int> layerType_;
0047 };
0049 void DDHGCalPassivePartial::initialize(const DDNumericArguments& nArgs,
0050 const DDVectorArguments& vArgs,
0051 const DDMapArguments&,
0052 const DDStringArguments& sArgs,
0053 const DDStringVectorArguments& vsArgs) {
0054 material_ = sArgs["ModuleMaterial"];
0055 thick_ = nArgs["ModuleThickness"];
0056 waferSize_ = nArgs["WaferSize"];
0057 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0058 waferSepar_ = nArgs["SensorSeparation"];
0059 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalPassivePartial: Module " << parent().name() << " made of " << material_
0060 << " T " << thick_ << " Wafer 2r " << waferSize_ << " Half Separation " << waferSepar_;
0061 #endif
0062 tags_ = vsArgs["Tags"];
0063 partialTypes_ = dbl_to_int(vArgs["PartialTypes"]);
0064 placementIndex_ = dbl_to_int(vArgs["PlacementIndex"]);
0065 placementIndexTags_ = vsArgs["PlacementIndexTags"];
0066 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0067 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalPassivePartial: " << tags_.size() << " variations of wafer types";
0068 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < tags_.size(); ++k) {
0069 for (unsigned int m = 0; m < placementIndex_.size(); ++m) {
0070 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Type[" << k << "] " << tags_[k] << " Partial " << partialTypes_[k]
0071 << " Placement Index " << placementIndex_[m] << " Tag " << placementIndexTags_[m];
0072 }
0073 }
0074 #endif
0075 layerNames_ = vsArgs["LayerNames"];
0076 materials_ = vsArgs["LayerMaterials"];
0077 layerThick_ = vArgs["LayerThickness"];
0078 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0079 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalPassivePartial: " << layerNames_.size() << " types of volumes";
0080 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layerNames_.size(); ++i)
0081 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Volume [" << i << "] " << layerNames_[i] << " of thickness " << layerThick_[i]
0082 << " filled with " << materials_[i];
0083 #endif
0084 layerType_ = dbl_to_int(vArgs["LayerType"]);
0085 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0086 std::ostringstream st1;
0087 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layerType_.size(); ++i)
0088 st1 << " [" << i << "] " << layerType_[i];
0089 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "There are " << layerType_.size() << " blocks" << st1.str();
0090 #endif
0091 }
0093 void DDHGCalPassivePartial::execute(DDCompactView& cpv) {
0094 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0095 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "==>> Executing DDHGCalPassivePartial...";
0096 #endif
0098 static constexpr double tol = 0.00001;
0099 std::string parentName = parent().name().name();
0102 for (unsigned int k = 0; k < tags_.size(); ++k) {
0103 for (unsigned int m = 0; m < placementIndex_.size(); ++m) {
0105 std::string mother = parentName + placementIndexTags_[m] + tags_[k];
0106 std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > wxy =
0107 HGCalWaferMask::waferXY(partialTypes_[k], placementIndex_[m], waferSize_, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false);
0108 std::vector<double> xM, yM;
0109 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (wxy.size() - 1); ++i) {
0110 xM.emplace_back(wxy[i].first);
0111 yM.emplace_back(wxy[i].second);
0112 }
0113 std::vector<double> zw = {-0.5 * thick_, 0.5 * thick_};
0114 std::vector<double> zx(2, 0), zy(2, 0), scale(2, 1.0);
0115 DDSolid solid = DDSolidFactory::extrudedpolygon(mother, xM, yM, zw, zx, zy, scale);
0116 DDName matName(DDSplit(material_).first, DDSplit(material_).second);
0117 DDMaterial matter(matName);
0118 DDLogicalPart glogM = DDLogicalPart(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
0119 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0120 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalPassivePartial: " << << " extruded polygon made of "
0121 << matName << " z|x|y|s (0) " << zw[0] << ":" << zx[0] << ":" << zy[0] << ":"
0122 << scale[0] << " z|x|y|s (1) " << zw[1] << ":" << zx[1] << ":" << zy[1] << ":"
0123 << scale[1] << " partial " << partialTypes_[k] << " placement index "
0124 << placementIndex_[m] << " and " << xM.size() << " edges";
0125 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < xM.size(); ++j)
0126 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "[" << j << "] " << xM[j] << ":" << yM[j];
0127 #endif
0130 std::vector<DDLogicalPart> glogs(materials_.size());
0131 std::vector<int> copyNumber(materials_.size(), 1);
0132 double zi(-0.5 * thick_), thickTot(0.0);
0133 for (unsigned int l = 0; l < layerType_.size(); l++) {
0134 unsigned int i = layerType_[l];
0135 wxy = HGCalWaferMask::waferXY(partialTypes_[k], placementIndex_[m], waferSize_, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false);
0136 std::vector<double> xL, yL;
0137 for (unsigned int i0 = 0; i0 < (wxy.size() - 1); ++i0) {
0138 xL.emplace_back(wxy[i0].first);
0139 yL.emplace_back(wxy[i0].second);
0140 }
0141 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0142 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalPassivePartial:Layer " << l << ":" << i << " T " << layerThick_[i]
0143 << " Copy " << copyNumber[i] << " Partial type " << partialTypes_[k];
0144 #endif
0145 DDRotation rot;
0146 if (copyNumber[i] == 1) {
0147 zw[0] = -0.5 * layerThick_[i];
0148 zw[1] = 0.5 * layerThick_[i];
0149 std::string lname = mother + layerNames_[i];
0150 solid = DDSolidFactory::extrudedpolygon(lname, xL, yL, zw, zx, zy, scale);
0151 DDName matN(DDSplit(materials_[i]).first, DDSplit(materials_[i]).second);
0152 DDMaterial matter(matN);
0153 glogs[i] = DDLogicalPart(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
0154 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0155 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalPassivePartial: " << << " extruded polygon made of "
0156 << matN << " z|x|y|s (0) " << zw[0] << ":" << zx[0] << ":" << zy[0] << ":"
0157 << scale[0] << " z|x|y|s (1) " << zw[1] << ":" << zx[1] << ":" << zy[1] << ":"
0158 << scale[1] << " partial " << partialTypes_[k] << " placement index "
0159 << placementIndex_[m] << " and " << xL.size() << " edges";
0160 for (unsigned int j = 0; j < xL.size(); ++j)
0161 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "[" << j << "] " << xL[j] << ":" << yL[j];
0162 #endif
0163 }
0164 DDTranslation tran(0, 0, (zi + 0.5 * layerThick_[i]));
0165 cpv.position(glogs[i], glogM, copyNumber[i], tran, rot);
0166 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0167 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalPassivePartial: " << glogs[i].name() << " number " << copyNumber[i]
0168 << " positioned in " << << " at " << tran << " with no rotation";
0169 #endif
0170 ++copyNumber[i];
0171 zi += layerThick_[i];
0172 thickTot += layerThick_[i];
0173 }
0174 if ((std::abs(thickTot - thick_) >= tol) && (!layerType_.empty())) {
0175 if (thickTot > thick_) {
0176 edm::LogError("HGCalGeom") << "Thickness of the partition " << thick_ << " is smaller than " << thickTot
0177 << ": thickness of all its components **** ERROR ****";
0178 } else {
0179 edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Thickness of the partition " << thick_ << " does not match with " << thickTot
0180 << " of the components";
0181 }
0182 }
0183 }
0184 }
0185 }
0187 DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(DDAlgorithmFactory, DDHGCalPassivePartial, "hgcal:DDHGCalPassivePartial");