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0001 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/angle_units.h"
0002 #include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
0003 #include "DetectorDescription/DDCMS/interface/DDPlugins.h"
0004 #include "DetectorDescription/DDCMS/interface/DDutils.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0007 #include "Geometry/HGCalCommonData/interface/HGCalGeomTools.h"
0008 #include "Geometry/HGCalCommonData/interface/HGCalParameters.h"
0009 #include "Geometry/HGCalCommonData/interface/HGCalTypes.h"
0011 //#define EDM_ML_DEBUG
0012 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0013 #include <unordered_set>
0014 #endif
0015 using namespace angle_units::operators;
0017 static long algorithm(dd4hep::Detector& /* description */, cms::DDParsingContext& ctxt, xml_h e) {
0018   cms::DDNamespace ns(ctxt, e, true);
0019   cms::DDAlgoArguments args(ctxt, e);
0020   static constexpr double tol2 = 0.00001 * dd4hep::mm;
0022   const auto& wafers = args.value<std::vector<std::string> >("WaferName");  // Wafers
0023   const auto& covers = args.value<std::vector<std::string> >("CoverName");  // Insensitive layers of hexagonal size
0024 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0025   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: " << wafers.size() << " wafers";
0026   unsigned int i(0);
0027   for (auto wafer : wafers) {
0028     edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Wafer[" << i << "] " << wafer;
0029     ++i;
0030   }
0031   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: " << covers.size() << " covers";
0032   i = 0;
0033   for (auto cover : covers) {
0034     edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Cover[" << i << "] " << cover;
0035     ++i;
0036   }
0037 #endif
0038   const auto& materials = args.value<std::vector<std::string> >("MaterialNames");  // Materials
0039   const auto& names = args.value<std::vector<std::string> >("VolumeNames");        // Names
0040   const auto& thick = args.value<std::vector<double> >("Thickness");               // Thickness of the material
0041   std::vector<int> copyNumber;                                                     // Initial copy numbers
0042   copyNumber.resize(materials.size(), 1);
0043 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0044   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: " << materials.size() << " types of volumes";
0045   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
0046     edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Volume [" << i << "] " << names[i] << " of thickness "
0047                                   << cms::convert2mm(thick[i]) << " filled with " << materials[i]
0048                                   << " first copy number " << copyNumber[i];
0049 #endif
0050   const auto& layers = args.value<std::vector<int> >("Layers");             // Number of layers in a section
0051   const auto& layerThick = args.value<std::vector<double> >("LayerThick");  // Thickness of each section
0052 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0053   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: " << layers.size() << " blocks";
0054   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); ++i)
0055     edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Block [" << i << "] of thickness " << cms::convert2mm(layerThick[i]) << " with "
0056                                   << layers[i] << " layers";
0057 #endif
0058   const auto& layerType = args.value<std::vector<int> >("LayerType");    // Type of the layer
0059   const auto& layerSense = args.value<std::vector<int> >("LayerSense");  // Content of a layer (sensitive?)
0060 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0061   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: " << layerType.size() << " layers";
0062   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layerType.size(); ++i)
0063     edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Layer [" << i << "] with material type " << layerType[i] << " sensitive class "
0064                                   << layerSense[i];
0065 #endif
0066   const auto& zMinBlock = args.value<double>("zMinBlock");  // Starting z-value of the block
0067   const auto& rMaxFine = args.value<double>("rMaxFine");    // Maximum r-value for fine wafer
0068   const auto& waferW = args.value<double>("waferW");        // Width of the wafer
0069   const auto& waferGap = args.value<double>("waferGap");    // Gap between 2 wafers
0070   const auto& absorbW = args.value<double>("absorberW");    // Width of the absorber
0071   const auto& absorbH = args.value<double>("absorberH");    // Height of the absorber
0072 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0073   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: zStart " << cms::convert2mm(zMinBlock) << " rFineCoarse "
0074                                 << cms::convert2mm(rMaxFine) << " wafer width " << cms::convert2mm(waferW)
0075                                 << " gap among wafers " << cms::convert2mm(waferGap) << " absorber width "
0076                                 << cms::convert2mm(absorbW) << " absorber height " << cms::convert2mm(absorbH);
0077 #endif
0078   const auto& slopeB = args.value<std::vector<double> >("SlopeBottom");   // Slope at the lower R
0079   const auto& slopeT = args.value<std::vector<double> >("SlopeTop");      // Slopes at the larger R
0080   const auto& zFront = args.value<std::vector<double> >("ZFront");        // Starting Z values for the slopes
0081   const auto& rMaxFront = args.value<std::vector<double> >("RMaxFront");  // Corresponding rMax's
0082 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0083   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: Bottom slopes " << slopeB[0] << ":" << slopeB[1] << " and "
0084                                 << slopeT.size() << " slopes for top";
0085   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < slopeT.size(); ++i)
0086     edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "Block [" << i << "] Zmin " << cms::convert2mm(zFront[i]) << " Rmax "
0087                                   << cms::convert2mm(rMaxFront[i]) << " Slope " << slopeT[i];
0088 #endif
0089   std::string idNameSpace = static_cast<std::string>(;  // Namespace of this and ALL sub-parts
0090   const auto& idName = args.parentName();                         // Name of the "parent" volume.
0091 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0092   std::unordered_set<int> copies;  // List of copy #'s
0093   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: NameSpace " << idNameSpace << " Mother " << idName;
0094 #endif
0096   // Mother module
0097   dd4hep::Volume module = ns.volume(idName);
0098 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0099   edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "==>> Constructing DDHGCalTBModule...";
0100 #endif
0102   double zi(zMinBlock);
0103   double ww = (waferW + waferGap);
0104   double dx = 0.5 * ww;
0105   double dy = 3.0 * dx * tan(30._deg);
0106   double rr = 2.0 * dx * tan(30._deg);
0107   int laymin(0);
0108   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) {
0109     double zo = zi + layerThick[i];
0110     double routF = HGCalGeomTools::radius(zi, zFront, rMaxFront, slopeT);
0111     int laymax = laymin + layers[i];
0112     double zz = zi;
0113     double thickTot(0);
0114     for (int ly = laymin; ly < laymax; ++ly) {
0115       int ii = layerType[ly];
0116       int copy = copyNumber[ii];
0117       double rinB = (layerSense[ly] == 0) ? (zo * slopeB[0]) : (zo * slopeB[1]);
0118       zz += (0.5 * thick[ii]);
0119       thickTot += thick[ii];
0121       std::string name = "HGCal" + names[ii] + std::to_string(copy);
0122 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0123       edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: Layer " << ly << ":" << ii << " Front " << cms::convert2mm(zi)
0124                                     << ", " << cms::convert2mm(routF) << " Back " << cms::convert2mm(zo) << ", "
0125                                     << cms::convert2mm(rinB) << " superlayer thickness "
0126                                     << cms::convert2mm(layerThick[i]);
0127 #endif
0129       dd4hep::Material matter = ns.material(materials[ii]);
0130       dd4hep::Volume glog;
0131       if (layerSense[ly] == 0) {
0132         dd4hep::Solid solid = dd4hep::Box(absorbW, absorbH, 0.5 * thick[ii]);
0133         ns.addSolidNS(ns.prepend(name), solid);
0134         glog = dd4hep::Volume(, solid, matter);
0135 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0136         edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule test: " << << " box of dimension "
0137                                       << cms::convert2mm(absorbW) << ":" << cms::convert2mm(absorbH) << ":"
0138                                       << cms::convert2mm(0.5 * thick[ii]);
0139 #endif
0140       } else {
0141         dd4hep::Solid solid = dd4hep::Tube(rinB, routF, 0.5 * thick[ii], 0.0, 2._pi);
0142         ns.addSolidNS(ns.prepend(name), solid);
0143         glog = dd4hep::Volume(, solid, matter);
0144 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0145         edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule: " << << " Tubs made of " << materials[ii]
0146                                       << " of dimensions " << cms::convert2mm(rinB) << ", " << cms::convert2mm(routF)
0147                                       << ", " << cms::convert2mm(0.5 * thick[ii]) << ", 0.0, 360.0";
0148 #endif
0149         int ncol = static_cast<int>(2.0 * routF / ww) + 1;
0150         int nrow = static_cast<int>(routF / (ww * tan(30._deg))) + 1;
0151 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0152         int incm(0), inrm(0), kount(0), ntot(0), nin(0), nfine(0), ncoarse(0);
0153         edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << << " rout " << cms::convert2mm(routF) << " Row " << nrow
0154                                       << " Column " << ncol;
0155 #endif
0156         double xc[6], yc[6];
0157         for (int nr = -nrow; nr <= nrow; ++nr) {
0158           int inr = (nr >= 0) ? nr : -nr;
0159           for (int nc = -ncol; nc <= ncol; ++nc) {
0160             int inc = (nc >= 0) ? nc : -nc;
0161             if (inr % 2 == inc % 2) {
0162               double xpos = nc * dx;
0163               double ypos = nr * dy;
0164               xc[0] = xpos + dx;
0165               yc[0] = ypos - 0.5 * rr;
0166               xc[1] = xpos + dx;
0167               yc[1] = ypos + 0.5 * rr;
0168               xc[2] = xpos;
0169               yc[2] = ypos + rr;
0170               xc[3] = xpos - dx;
0171               yc[3] = ypos + 0.5 * rr;
0172               xc[4] = xpos + dx;
0173               yc[4] = ypos - 0.5 * rr;
0174               xc[5] = xpos;
0175               yc[5] = ypos - rr;
0176               bool cornerAll(true);
0177               for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
0178                 double rpos = std::sqrt(xc[k] * xc[k] + yc[k] * yc[k]);
0179                 if (rpos < rinB || rpos > routF)
0180                   cornerAll = false;
0181               }
0182 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0183               ++ntot;
0184 #endif
0185               if (cornerAll) {
0186                 dd4hep::Volume glog1;
0187                 if (layerSense[ly] == 1) {
0188                   double rpos = std::sqrt(xpos * xpos + ypos * ypos);
0189                   glog1 = (rpos < rMaxFine) ? ns.volume(wafers[0]) : ns.volume(wafers[1]);
0190 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0191                   ++nin;
0192                   if (rpos < rMaxFine)
0193                     ++nfine;
0194                   else
0195                     ++ncoarse;
0196 #endif
0197                 } else {
0198                   glog1 = ns.volume(covers[layerSense[ly] - 2]);
0199                 }
0200                 int copyL = HGCalTypes::packTypeUV(0, nc, nr);
0201 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0202                 if (inc > incm)
0203                   incm = inc;
0204                 if (inr > inrm)
0205                   inrm = inr;
0206                 kount++;
0207                 copies.insert(copy);
0208 #endif
0209                 dd4hep::Position tran(xpos, ypos, 0.0);
0210                 glog.placeVolume(glog1, copyL, tran);
0211 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0212                 edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom")
0213                     << "DDHGCalModule: " << << " number " << copyL << " positioned in " <<
0214                     << " at (" << cms::convert2mm(xpos) << "," << cms::convert2mm(ypos) << ",0)";
0215 #endif
0216               }
0217             }
0218           }
0219         }
0220 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0221         edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalModule: # of columns " << incm << " # of rows " << inrm << " and "
0222                                       << nin << ":" << kount << ":" << ntot << " wafers (" << nfine << ":" << ncoarse
0223                                       << ") for " << << " R " << cms::convert2mm(rinB) << ":"
0224                                       << cms::convert2mm(routF);
0225 #endif
0226       }
0227       dd4hep::Position r1(0, 0, zz);
0228       module.placeVolume(glog, copy, r1);
0229       ++copyNumber[ii];
0230 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0231       edm::LogVerbatim("HGCalGeom") << "DDHGCalTBModule test: " << << " number " << copy
0232                                     << " positioned in " << << " at (0,0," << cms::convert2mm(zz) << ")";
0233 #endif
0234       zz += (0.5 * thick[ii]);
0235     }  // End of loop over layers in a block
0236     zi = zo;
0237     laymin = laymax;
0238     if (fabs(thickTot - layerThick[i]) > tol2) {
0239       if (thickTot > layerThick[i]) {
0240         edm::LogError("HGCalGeom") << "Thickness of the partition " << cms::convert2mm(layerThick[i])
0241                                    << " is smaller than thickness " << cms::convert2mm(thickTot)
0242                                    << " of all its components **** ERROR ****\n";
0243       } else {
0244         edm::LogWarning("HGCalGeom") << "Thickness of the partition " << cms::convert2mm(layerThick[i])
0245                                      << " does not match with " << cms::convert2mm(thickTot) << " of the components\n";
0246       }
0247     }
0248   }  // End of loop over blocks
0250   return cms::s_executed;
0251 }
0253 // first argument is the type from the xml file