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0001 #include "Geometry/MTDNumberingBuilder/interface/GeometricTimingDet.h"
0002 #include "Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder/interface/TrackerShapeToBounds.h"
0003 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilteredView.h"
0004 #include "DetectorDescription/DDCMS/interface/DDFilteredView.h"
0005 #include "CondFormats/GeometryObjects/interface/PGeometricTimingDet.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/GeantUnits.h"
0008 #include <DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h>
0010 #include <cfloat>
0011 #include <vector>
0012 #include <string>
0014 namespace {
0016   const std::string strue("true");
0018   template <typename DDView>
0019   double getDouble(const char* s, DDView const& ev) {
0020     DDValue val(s);
0021     std::vector<const DDsvalues_type*> result;
0022     ev.specificsV(result);
0023     std::vector<const DDsvalues_type*>::iterator it = result.begin();
0024     bool foundIt = false;
0025     for (; it != result.end(); ++it) {
0026       foundIt = DDfetch(*it, val);
0027       if (foundIt)
0028         break;
0029     }
0030     if (foundIt) {
0031       const std::vector<std::string>& temp = val.strings();
0032       if (temp.size() != 1) {
0033         throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "I need 1 " << s << " tags";
0034       }
0035       return double(::atof(temp[0].c_str()));
0036     }
0037     return 0;
0038   }
0040   template <typename DDView>
0041   std::string getString(const char* s, DDView const& ev) {
0042     DDValue val(s);
0043     std::vector<const DDsvalues_type*> result;
0044     ev.specificsV(result);
0045     std::vector<const DDsvalues_type*>::iterator it = result.begin();
0046     bool foundIt = false;
0047     for (; it != result.end(); ++it) {
0048       foundIt = DDfetch(*it, val);
0049       if (foundIt)
0050         break;
0051     }
0052     if (foundIt) {
0053       const std::vector<std::string>& temp = val.strings();
0054       if (temp.size() != 1) {
0055         throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "I need 1 " << s << " tags";
0056       }
0057       return temp[0];
0058     }
0059     return "NotFound";
0060   }
0061 }  // namespace
0063 /**
0064  * What to do in the destructor?
0065  * destroy all the daughters!
0066  */
0067 GeometricTimingDet::~GeometricTimingDet() { deleteComponents(); }
0069 GeometricTimingDet::GeometricTimingDet(DDFilteredView* fv, GeometricTimingEnumType type)
0070     :  //
0071       // Set by hand the ddd_
0072       //
0073       trans_(fv->translation()),
0074       phi_(trans_.Phi()),
0075       rho_(trans_.Rho()),
0076       rot_(fv->rotation()),
0077       shape_(cms::dd::name_from_value(cms::LegacySolidShapeMap, fv->shape())),
0078       ddname_(fv->name()),
0079       type_(type),
0080       params_(fv->parameters()),
0081       radLength_(getDouble("TrackerRadLength", *fv)),
0082       xi_(getDouble("TrackerXi", *fv)),
0083       pixROCRows_(getDouble("PixelROCRows", *fv)),
0084       pixROCCols_(getDouble("PixelROCCols", *fv)),
0085       pixROCx_(getDouble("PixelROC_X", *fv)),
0086       pixROCy_(getDouble("PixelROC_Y", *fv)),
0087       stereo_(getString("TrackerStereoDetectors", *fv) == strue),
0088       siliconAPVNum_(getDouble("SiliconAPVNumber", *fv)) {
0089   const DDFilteredView::nav_type& nt = fv->navPos();
0090   ddd_ = nav_type(nt.begin(), nt.end());
0091 }
0093 GeometricTimingDet::GeometricTimingDet(cms::DDFilteredView* fv, GeometricTimingEnumType type)
0094     : trans_(fv->translation() / dd4hep::mm),
0095       rot_(fv->rotation()),
0096       shape_(fv->shape()),
0097       ddname_(fv->name()),
0098       type_(type),
0099       params_(fv->parameters()),
0100       radLength_(fv->get<double>("TrackerRadLength")),
0101       xi_(fv->get<double>("TrackerXi")),
0102       pixROCRows_(fv->get<double>("PixelROCRows")),
0103       pixROCCols_(fv->get<double>("PixelROCCols")),
0104       pixROCx_(fv->get<double>("PixelROC_X")),
0105       pixROCy_(fv->get<double>("PixelROC_Y")),
0106       stereo_(fv->get<std::string_view>("TrackerStereoDetectors") == strue),
0107       siliconAPVNum_(fv->get<double>("SiliconAPVNumber")) {
0108   phi_ = trans_.Phi();
0109   rho_ = trans_.Rho();
0110   for (size_t pit = 0; pit < params_.size(); pit++) {
0111     params_[pit] = params_[pit] / dd4hep::mm;
0112   }
0113   //
0114   // Not navPos(), as not properly working for DD4hep and not used
0115   //
0116   ddd_ = nav_type(fv->copyNos().size(), 0);
0117 }
0119 // PGeometricTimingDet is persistent version... make it... then come back here and make the
0120 // constructor.
0121 GeometricTimingDet::GeometricTimingDet(const PGeometricTimingDet::Item& onePGD, GeometricTimingEnumType type)
0122     : trans_(onePGD.x_, onePGD.y_, onePGD.z_),
0123       phi_(onePGD.phi_),  //_trans.Phi()),
0124       rho_(onePGD.rho_),  //_trans.Rho()),
0125       rot_(onePGD.a11_,
0126            onePGD.a12_,
0127            onePGD.a13_,
0128            onePGD.a21_,
0129            onePGD.a22_,
0130            onePGD.a23_,
0131            onePGD.a31_,
0132            onePGD.a32_,
0133            onePGD.a33_),
0134       shape_(cms::dd::name_from_value(cms::LegacySolidShapeMap, static_cast<LegacySolidShape>(onePGD.shape_))),
0135       ddd_(),
0136       ddname_(onePGD.name_),  //, "fromdb");
0137       type_(type),
0138       params_(),
0139       geographicalID_(onePGD.geographicalID_),
0140       radLength_(onePGD.radLength_),
0141       xi_(onePGD.xi_),
0142       pixROCRows_(onePGD.pixROCRows_),
0143       pixROCCols_(onePGD.pixROCCols_),
0144       pixROCx_(onePGD.pixROCx_),
0145       pixROCy_(onePGD.pixROCy_),
0146       stereo_(onePGD.stereo_),
0147       siliconAPVNum_(onePGD.siliconAPVNum_) {
0148   if (onePGD.shape_ == 1 || onePGD.shape_ == 3) {  //The parms vector is neede only in the case of box or trap shape
0149     params_.reserve(11);
0150     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_0);
0151     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_1);
0152     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_2);
0153     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_3);
0154     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_4);
0155     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_5);
0156     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_6);
0157     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_7);
0158     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_8);
0159     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_9);
0160     params_.emplace_back(onePGD.params_10);
0161   }
0163   ddd_.reserve(onePGD.numnt_);
0164   ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt0_);
0165   ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt1_);
0166   ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt2_);
0167   ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt3_);
0168   if (onePGD.numnt_ > 4) {
0169     ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt4_);
0170     if (onePGD.numnt_ > 5) {
0171       ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt5_);
0172       if (onePGD.numnt_ > 6) {
0173         ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt6_);
0174         if (onePGD.numnt_ > 7) {
0175           ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt7_);
0176           if (onePGD.numnt_ > 8) {
0177             ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt8_);
0178             if (onePGD.numnt_ > 9) {
0179               ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt9_);
0180               if (onePGD.numnt_ > 10) {
0181                 ddd_.emplace_back(onePGD.nt10_);
0182               }
0183             }
0184           }
0185         }
0186       }
0187     }
0188   }
0189 }
0191 GeometricTimingDet::ConstGeometricTimingDetContainer GeometricTimingDet::deepComponents() const {
0192   //
0193   // iterate on all the components ;)
0194   //
0195   ConstGeometricTimingDetContainer temp;
0196   deepComponents(temp);
0197   return temp;
0198 }
0200 void GeometricTimingDet::deepComponents(ConstGeometricTimingDetContainer& cont) const {
0201   if (isLeaf()) {
0202     cont.emplace_back(this);
0203   } else
0204     std::for_each(
0205         container_.begin(), container_.end(), [&](const GeometricTimingDet* iDet) { iDet->deepComponents(cont); });
0206 }
0208 void GeometricTimingDet::addComponents(GeometricTimingDetContainer const& cont) {
0209   container_.reserve(container_.size() + cont.size());
0210   std::copy(cont.begin(), cont.end(), back_inserter(container_));
0211 }
0213 void GeometricTimingDet::addComponents(ConstGeometricTimingDetContainer const& cont) {
0214   container_.reserve(container_.size() + cont.size());
0215   std::copy(cont.begin(), cont.end(), back_inserter(container_));
0216 }
0218 void GeometricTimingDet::addComponent(GeometricTimingDet* det) { container_.emplace_back(det); }
0220 namespace {
0221   struct Deleter {
0222     void operator()(GeometricTimingDet const* det) const { delete const_cast<GeometricTimingDet*>(det); }
0223   };
0224 }  // namespace
0226 void GeometricTimingDet::deleteComponents() {
0227   std::for_each(container_.begin(), container_.end(), Deleter());
0228   container_.clear();
0229 }
0231 GeometricTimingDet::Position GeometricTimingDet::positionBounds() const {
0232   Position pos(geant_units::operators::convertMmToCm(trans_.x()),
0233                geant_units::operators::convertMmToCm(trans_.y()),
0234                geant_units::operators::convertMmToCm(trans_.z()));
0235   return pos;
0236 }
0238 GeometricTimingDet::Rotation GeometricTimingDet::rotationBounds() const {
0239   Translation x, y, z;
0240   rot_.GetComponents(x, y, z);
0241   Rotation rotation(float(x.X()),
0242                     float(x.Y()),
0243                     float(x.Z()),
0244                     float(y.X()),
0245                     float(y.Y()),
0246                     float(y.Z()),
0247                     float(z.X()),
0248                     float(z.Y()),
0249                     float(z.Z()));
0250   return rotation;
0251 }
0253 std::unique_ptr<Bounds> GeometricTimingDet::bounds() const {
0254   const std::vector<double>& par = params_;
0255   TrackerShapeToBounds shapeToBounds;
0256   return std::unique_ptr<Bounds>(shapeToBounds.buildBounds(shape_, par));
0257 }