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0001 /** Implementation of the RPC Geometry Builder from DDD stored in CondDB
0002  *
0003  *  \author M. Maggi - INFN Bari
0004  */
0005 #include "Geometry/RPCGeometryBuilder/src/RPCGeometryBuilderFromCondDB.h"
0006 #include "Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCGeometry.h"
0007 #include "Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCRollSpecs.h"
0009 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilter.h>
0010 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilteredView.h>
0011 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSolid.h>
0013 #include "Geometry/MuonNumbering/interface/MuonGeometryConstants.h"
0014 #include "Geometry/MuonNumbering/interface/MuonBaseNumber.h"
0015 #include "Geometry/MuonNumbering/interface/RPCNumberingScheme.h"
0017 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/RectangularPlaneBounds.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/TrapezoidalPlaneBounds.h"
0019 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/TrapezoidalStripTopology.h"
0021 #include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/Basic3DVector.h"
0023 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
0025 #include <iostream>
0026 #include <algorithm>
0028 using CLHEP::cm;
0030 RPCGeometryBuilderFromCondDB::RPCGeometryBuilderFromCondDB() {}
0032 RPCGeometryBuilderFromCondDB::~RPCGeometryBuilderFromCondDB() {}
0034 RPCGeometry* RPCGeometryBuilderFromCondDB::build(const RecoIdealGeometry& rgeo) {
0035   const std::vector<DetId>& detids(rgeo.detIds());
0036   RPCGeometry* geometry = new RPCGeometry();
0038   for (unsigned int id = 0; id < detids.size(); ++id) {
0039     RPCDetId rpcid(detids[id]);
0040     RPCDetId chid(rpcid.region(), rpcid.ring(), rpcid.station(), rpcid.sector(), rpcid.layer(), rpcid.subsector(), 0);
0042     const auto tranStart = rgeo.tranStart(id);
0043     const auto shapeStart = rgeo.shapeStart(id);
0044     const auto rotStart = rgeo.rotStart(id);
0045     const std::string& name = *rgeo.strStart(id);
0047     Surface::PositionType pos(*(tranStart) / cm, *(tranStart + 1) / cm, *(tranStart + 2) / cm);
0048     // CLHEP way
0049     Surface::RotationType rot(*(rotStart + 0),
0050                               *(rotStart + 1),
0051                               *(rotStart + 2),
0052                               *(rotStart + 3),
0053                               *(rotStart + 4),
0054                               *(rotStart + 5),
0055                               *(rotStart + 6),
0056                               *(rotStart + 7),
0057                               *(rotStart + 8));
0059     RPCRollSpecs* rollspecs = nullptr;
0060     Bounds* bounds = nullptr;
0062     if (rgeo.shapeEnd(id) - shapeStart == 4) {
0063       const float width = *(shapeStart + 0) / cm;
0064       const float length = *(shapeStart + 1) / cm;
0065       const float thickness = *(shapeStart + 2) / cm;
0066       const float nstrip = *(shapeStart + 3);
0068       bounds = new RectangularPlaneBounds(width, length, thickness);
0069       const std::vector<float> pars = {width, length, nstrip};
0071       rollspecs = new RPCRollSpecs(GeomDetEnumerators::RPCBarrel, name, pars);
0073     } else {
0074       const float be = *(shapeStart + 0) / cm;
0075       const float te = *(shapeStart + 1) / cm;
0076       const float ap = *(shapeStart + 2) / cm;
0077       const float ti = *(shapeStart + 3) / cm;
0078       const float nstrip = *(shapeStart + 4);
0080       bounds = new TrapezoidalPlaneBounds(be, te, ap, ti);
0081       const std::vector<float> pars = {be, te, ap, nstrip};
0083       rollspecs = new RPCRollSpecs(GeomDetEnumerators::RPCEndcap, name, pars);
0085       //Change of axes for the forward
0086       Basic3DVector<float> newX(1., 0., 0.);
0087       Basic3DVector<float> newY(0., 0., 1.);
0089       newY *= -1;
0090       Basic3DVector<float> newZ(0., 1., 0.);
0091       rot.rotateAxes(newX, newY, newZ);
0092     }
0094     BoundPlane* bp = new BoundPlane(pos, rot, bounds);
0095     ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundPlane> surf(bp);
0096     RPCRoll* r = new RPCRoll(rpcid, surf, rollspecs);
0097     geometry->add(r);
0099     auto rls = chids.find(chid);
0100     if (rls == chids.end())
0101       rls = chids.insert(std::make_pair(chid, std::list<RPCRoll*>())).first;
0102     rls->second.emplace_back(r);
0103   }
0105   // Create the RPCChambers and store them on the Geometry
0106   for (auto& ich : chids) {
0107     const RPCDetId& chid = ich.first;
0108     const auto& rls = ich.second;
0110     // compute the overall boundplane.
0111     BoundPlane* bp = nullptr;
0112     if (!rls.empty()) {
0113       // First set the baseline plane to calculate relative poisions
0114       const auto& refSurf = (*rls.begin())->surface();
0115       if (chid.region() == 0) {
0116         float corners[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
0117         for (auto rl : rls) {
0118           const double h2 = rl->surface().bounds().length() / 2;
0119           const double w2 = rl->surface().bounds().width() / 2;
0120           const auto x1y1AtRef = refSurf.toLocal(rl->toGlobal(LocalPoint(-w2, -h2, 0)));
0121           const auto x2y2AtRef = refSurf.toLocal(rl->toGlobal(LocalPoint(+w2, +h2, 0)));
0122           corners[0] = std::min(corners[0], x1y1AtRef.x());
0123           corners[1] = std::min(corners[1], x1y1AtRef.y());
0124           corners[2] = std::max(corners[2], x2y2AtRef.x());
0125           corners[3] = std::max(corners[3], x2y2AtRef.y());
0127           corners[4] = std::min(corners[4], x1y1AtRef.z());
0128           corners[5] = std::max(corners[5], x1y1AtRef.z());
0129         }
0130         const LocalPoint lpOfCentre((corners[0] + corners[2]) / 2, (corners[1] + corners[3]) / 2, 0);
0131         const auto gpOfCentre = refSurf.toGlobal(lpOfCentre);
0132         auto bounds = new RectangularPlaneBounds(
0133             (corners[2] - corners[0]) / 2, (corners[3] - corners[1]) / 2, (corners[5] - corners[4]) + 0.5);
0134         bp = new BoundPlane(gpOfCentre, refSurf.rotation(), bounds);
0135       } else {
0136         float cornersLo[3] = {0, 0, 0}, cornersHi[3] = {0, 0, 0};
0137         float cornersZ[2] = {0, 0};
0138         for (auto rl : rls) {
0139           const double h2 = rl->surface().bounds().length() / 2;
0140           const double w2 = rl->surface().bounds().width() / 2;
0141           const auto& topo = dynamic_cast<const TrapezoidalStripTopology&>(rl->specificTopology());
0142           const double r = topo.radius();
0143           const double wAtLo = w2 / r * (r - h2);
0144           const double wAtHi = w2 / r * (r + h2);
0146           const auto x1y1AtRef = refSurf.toLocal(rl->toGlobal(LocalPoint(-wAtLo, -h2, 0)));
0147           const auto x2y1AtRef = refSurf.toLocal(rl->toGlobal(LocalPoint(+wAtLo, -h2, 0)));
0148           const auto x1y2AtRef = refSurf.toLocal(rl->toGlobal(LocalPoint(-wAtHi, +h2, 0)));
0149           const auto x2y2AtRef = refSurf.toLocal(rl->toGlobal(LocalPoint(+wAtHi, +h2, 0)));
0151           cornersLo[0] = std::min(cornersLo[0], x1y1AtRef.x());
0152           cornersLo[1] = std::max(cornersLo[1], x2y1AtRef.x());
0153           cornersLo[2] = std::min(cornersLo[2], x1y1AtRef.y());
0155           cornersHi[0] = std::min(cornersHi[0], x1y2AtRef.x());
0156           cornersHi[1] = std::max(cornersHi[1], x2y2AtRef.x());
0157           cornersHi[2] = std::max(cornersHi[2], x1y2AtRef.y());
0159           cornersZ[0] = std::min(cornersZ[0], x1y1AtRef.z());
0160           cornersZ[1] = std::max(cornersZ[1], x1y1AtRef.z());
0161         }
0162         const LocalPoint lpOfCentre((cornersHi[0] + cornersHi[1]) / 2, (cornersLo[2] + cornersHi[2]) / 2, 0);
0163         const auto gpOfCentre = refSurf.toGlobal(lpOfCentre);
0164         auto bounds = new TrapezoidalPlaneBounds((cornersLo[1] - cornersLo[0]) / 2,
0165                                                  (cornersHi[1] - cornersHi[0]) / 2,
0166                                                  (cornersHi[2] - cornersLo[2]) / 2,
0167                                                  (cornersZ[1] - cornersZ[0]) + 0.5);
0168         bp = new BoundPlane(gpOfCentre, refSurf.rotation(), bounds);
0169       }
0170     }
0172     ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundPlane> surf(bp);
0173     // Create the chamber
0174     RPCChamber* ch = new RPCChamber(chid, surf);
0175     // Add the rolls to rhe chamber
0176     for (auto rl : rls)
0177       ch->add(rl);
0178     // Add the chamber to the geometry
0179     geometry->add(ch);
0180   }
0181   return geometry;
0182 }