Warning, /Geometry/TrackerCommonData/data/Materials/tib_struc.in is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 TIB Structure (anything but modules)
0002 ====================================
0003 Input file for mixture.f
0004 Start new mixtures with a '#' in the first column
0005 Start the components with a '*' in the first column
0006 You can type any kind of comment in as long as you don't start it
0007 with '#' or '*' !
0008 .....................................................................
0009 For mixture declaration: Name of Mixture, Name of GMIX for title file,
0010 Monte Carlo Volume, MC Area
0011 For items in a compound: Item number, Comment, Material (has to be
0012 written exactly as in material.input file),
0013 Volume, Multiplicity, Type
0014 Type is one of the following: SUP for support
0015 SEN for sensitive volumes
0016 CAB for cables
0017 COL for cooling
0018 ELE for electronics
0019 .....................................................................
0021 o TIB Layer CF support cylinder
0022 -----------------------------
0024 GSguazzoni 20080218
0026 (1) CF of cylinder skins
0027 (2)(3) Kapton strips (320g) to hold optical
0028 fibers and fixing glue (170g) evenly distributed over
0029 ~13627cm3 of "TIB_CFCylinder" volume.
0030 (4) Silicone spirals (300g) to group fibers, distributed as above
0031 ......................................................................
0032 # "TIB layer support" "TIB_CFCylinder" 1. -1.
0033 * 1 "CF cylinder" "Carbon fibre str." 1. 1 SUP
0034 * 2 "Kapton strips" "T_Kapton" 0.01677 1 SUP
0035 * 3 "Glue" "Epoxy" 0.00960 1 SUP
0036 * 4 "Silicone spirals" "Silicone_Gel" 0.02281 1 SUP
0037 ......................................................................
0038 ======================================================================
0040 o TIB String cooling pipe per cm (~elliptical section)
0041 ----------------------------------------------------
0043 20071014 GSguazzoni
0045 MCVolume: 0.45cm*0.21cm*1cm = 0.09450 cm^3
0047 (1) Aluminium: weight per cm of the pipe before the 'flattening'
0048 operation;
0049 (2) Coolant: internal volume after flattening computed assuming two
0050 half-circular section (1.05mm in radius) and a regtangular section
0051 ( (4.5mm-2.1mm)*2.1mm ).
0053 NB A factor 1.0225 applied to both components to take into account the
0054 fact that the pipe is not straight as in the simulation...
0056 Volumes per cm
0058 ......................................................................
0059 # "TIB Cooling Pipe per cm" "TIB_CoolPipe" 0.09450 -1.
0060 * 1 "Pipe" "Aluminium" 0.03542 1 COL
0061 * 2 "Coolant" "C6F14_F2_-30C" 0.05009 1 COL
0062 ......................................................................
0063 ======================================================================
0065 o TIB Mother Cable per cm (no head, only narrower part)
0066 -----------------------------------------------------
0068 20071014 GSguazzoni
0070 MCVolume: 2.4cm*0.12*1cm = 0.09450 cm^3
0072 Is called 'cable' but is more a PCB!
0074 Nominal thickness 1266micron; measured ~1150 micron
0076 Mesured value: 0.589g/cm (fit over several cables, different in length)
0078 (1) See below;
0079 (2) Copper (5 layers): 35micron*0.13*2+35micron*0.90*2+70micron*0.90*1
0080 [thickness*occupancy*number_of_layers] (GDeRobertis 20070903)
0081 (3) See below;
0082 (4) AOH fiber pigtail; on average, over the MC length, there are 4cm
0083 (12cm) of pigtail per cm of MC for SS (DS) strings; on average
0084 7.14 (average weighted on the number of DS and SS strings!)
0086 Kapton (1.4g/cm2) vs. glue (1.3 g/cm2) relative composition inferred
0087 from measured weight.
0089 Volumes per cm
0091 ......................................................................
0092 # "TIB MotherCable per cm" "TIB_MCable" 0.28800 -1.
0093 * 1 "PCB Kapton" "T_Kapton" 0.17786 1 ELE
0094 * 2 "PCB Copper" "Copper" 0.03248 1 ELE
0095 * 3 "PCB Glue" "Epoxy" 0.03692 1 ELE
0096 * 4 "Fiber Pigtails (average)" "T_FiberPigtail" 0.7854E-2 7.14 CAB
0097 ......................................................................
0098 ======================================================================
0100 o TIB SS Module Connector box on MC
0101 ---------------------------------
0103 20071014 GSguazzoni
0105 MCVolume: 8*0.57cm*0.69cm*0.31cm = 0.97538 cm^3
0107 ......................................................................
0108 # "SSMCModConn" "TIB_SSMCModConn" 0.97538 -1.
0109 * 1 "Half LV tail" "TIBTID_HybridTails" 0.01860 1.47 ELE
0110 * 2 "Kapton Last 19mm HV tail" "T_Kapton" 0.01596 1 ELE
0111 * 3 "Copper Last 19mm HV tail" "Copper" 0.00056 1 ELE
0112 * 4 "Stiffner LV connector" "T_FR4" 0.08824 1 ELE
0113 * 5 "Stiffner HV connector" "T_FR4" 0.00841 1 ELE
0114 * 6 "Connectors hyb side case" "Polyethylene" 0.20526 1 ELE
0115 * 7 "Connectors hyb side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.00169 30 ELE
0116 * 8 "Connectors MC side case" "Polyethylene" 0.31579 1 ELE
0117 * 9 "Connectors MC side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.00007 30 ELE
0118 ......................................................................
0119 ======================================================================
0121 o TIB DS Module Connector box on MC
0122 ---------------------------------
0124 20071014 GSguazzoni
0126 MCVolume: 8*0.74cm*0.97cm*0.25cm = 1.43560 cm^3
0128 ......................................................................
0129 # "DSMCModConn" "TIB_DSMCModConn" 1.43560 -1.
0130 * 1 "2x SSMCModConn" "TIB_SSMCModConn" 0.97538 2 ELE
0131 ......................................................................
0132 ======================================================================
0134 o TIB Head of the Mother Cable (CCMU and connectors)
0135 --------------------------------------------------
0137 20071014 GSguazzoni
0139 MCVolume: 3.2cm*0.5cm*4.4cm = 7.04 cm^3
0141 (1), (2), (3) See MotherCable
0142 (16) AOH fiber pigtail; on average, over the MC head, there are 6*4.4cm
0143 (18*4.4cm) of pigtail for SS (DS) strings; on average
0144 ~47cm (average weighted on the number of DS and SS strings!)
0146 ......................................................................
0147 # "MCHead" "TIB_MCHead" 7.04000 -1.
0148 * 1 "CCUM" "TIBTID_CCUM" 6.00000 1 ELE
0149 * 2 "Kapton" "T_Kapton" 1.04343 1 ELE
0150 * 3 "Copper" "Copper" 0.19054 1 ELE
0151 * 4 "Glue" "Epoxy" 0.21662 1 ELE
0152 * 5 "Capacitors" "Barium_Titanate" 0.04983 1 ELE
0153 * 6 "2x CCU Conn case" "Polyethylene" 0.84211 1 ELE
0154 * 7 "2x CCU Conn pins" "T_Bronze" 0.05624 1 ELE
0155 * 8 "HV+LV MC side case" "Polyethylene" 0.52632 1 ELE
0156 * 9 "HV+LV MC side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.06749 1 ELE
0157 * 10 "HV+LV Medusa side case" "Polyethylene" 0.21053 1 CAB
0158 * 11 "HV+LV Medusa side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.05624 1 CAB
0159 * 12 "I2C conn MC side case" "Polyethylene" 0.42105 1 ELE
0160 * 13 "I2C conn MC side pins and support" "T_Bronze" 0.04499 1 ELE
0161 * 14 "I2C conn Cable side case" "Polyethylene" 0.94737 1 CAB
0162 * 15 "I2C conn Cable side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.04124 1 CAB
0163 * 16 "Fiber Pigtails (average)" "T_FiberPigtail" 0.00785 47 CAB
0164 ......................................................................
0165 ======================================================================
0167 o TIB Internal Manifold rings per cm (barrel flange CF + cooling pipes)
0168 --------------------------------------------------------------------
0170 20071014 GSguazzoni
0172 MCVolume: 3.4cm*0.8cm*1cm = 2.72 cm^3
0174 Volumes per cm
0176 ......................................................................
0177 # "MFRing INT per cm" "TIB_MFIntRing" 2.72000 -1.
0178 * 1 "Square-section MF pipe" "Aluminium" 0.29159 2 COL
0179 * 2 "Caps and joint fittings" "Aluminium" 0.06759 2 COL
0180 * 3 "Joints and ring nuts" "Aluminium" 0.02233 2 COL
0181 * 4 "Coolant" "C6F14_F2_-30C" 0.43760 2 COL
0182 * 5 "Structure" "Carbon fibre str." 0.21000 1 SUP
0183 * 6 "Inserts" "Aluminium" 0.01715 1 SUP
0184 * 7 "GNDing hardware" "Copper" 0.04500 1 CAB
0185 * 8 "GNDing hw Plating" "Gold" 0.00090 1 CAB
0186 ......................................................................
0187 ======================================================================
0189 o TIB External Manifold rings per cm (barrel flange CF + cooling pipes)
0190 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
0192 20071014 GSguazzoni
0194 MCVolume: 3.4cm*0.8cm*1cm = 2.72 cm^3
0196 With respect to internal only an average amount of Amphenol cables
0197 is added...
0199 Volumes per cm
0201 ......................................................................
0202 # "MFRing EXT per cm" "TIB_MFExtRing" 2.72000 -1.
0203 * 1 "MFRing INT per cm" "TIB_MFIntRing" 2.72000 1 COL
0204 * 2 "Amphenol cable 26cond per cm" "TIBTID_AmphCable" 0.1 0.2688 CAB
0205 ......................................................................
0206 ======================================================================
0208 o TIB Mixture for central support rings
0209 -------------------------------------
0211 20071014 GSguazzoni
0213 MCVolume: 1.cm^3
0215 Real volume larger than simulated volume...
0217 (1) CF
0218 (2) Aluminum inserts
0220 Volumes per cm
0222 ......................................................................
0223 # "CentSupport per cm3" "TIB_CentRing" 1.00000 -1.
0224 * 1 "CF" "Carbon fibre str." 1.87500 1 SUP
0225 * 2 "Aluminium" "Aluminium" 0.09375 1 SUP
0226 ......................................................................
0227 ======================================================================
0229 o TIB DOHM Primary Board
0230 ----------------------
0232 20070924 GSguazzoni
0234 MCVolume: 28.5*6.0*0.4 cm^3 = 68.4 cm^3
0236 (7)-(8) On board I2C connectors: 7x26pins, 1x50pins, 1x12pins ~9.5x26pins
0237 (15)-(16) I2C connector cable side; on average 6.17 cables/DOHM
0238 (also DOHM-AUX 50pins connector and PT1000 12pins connector
0239 occupancy taken into account)
0240 (17)-(20) I2C caps; on average 9.5-6.17 cap/connector
0241 (28) CF pillars for DOHM carrier; located below the DOHM,
0242 inserted here
0244 ......................................................................
0245 # "DOHM Primary" "TIB_DOHM" 68.4 -1.
0246 * 1 "PCB FR4" "T_FR4" 24.000 1 ELE
0247 * 2 "PCB Copper" "Copper" 1.0750 1 ELE
0248 * 3 "Resistors" "Ceramic" 0.0036 11 ELE
0249 * 4 "Capacitors" "Barium_Titanate" 0.0036 18 ELE
0250 * 5 "IC chips copper" "Copper" 0.00446 7 ELE
0251 * 6 "IC chips EMC" "Epoxy" 0.03077 7 ELE
0252 * 7 "I2C conn DOHM side case" "Polyethylene" 0.42105 9.5 ELE
0253 * 8 "I2C conn DOHM side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.04499 9.5 ELE
0254 * 9 "LV conn DOHM side case" "Polyethylene" 1.57895 1 ELE
0255 * 10 "LV conn DOHM side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.21000 1 ELE
0256 * 11 "NAIS Conn case" "Polyethylene" 0.31474 2 ELE
0257 * 12 "NAIS Conn pins" "T_Bronze" 0.02016 2 ELE
0258 * 13 "2x CCU Conn case" "Polyethylene" 0.84211 1 ELE
0259 * 14 "2x CCU Conn pins" "T_Bronze" 0.05624 1 ELE
0260 * 15 "I2C Conn cable side case" "Polyethylene" 0.94737 6.17 CAB
0261 * 16 "I2C Conn cable side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.04124 6.17 CAB
0262 * 17 "I2C Conn cap fr4" "T_FR4" 0.29000 3.33 ELE
0263 * 18 "I2C Conn cap copper traces" "Copper" 0.01299 3.33 ELE
0264 * 19 "I2C Conn cap conn case" "Polyethylene" 0.73684 3.33 ELE
0265 * 20 "I2C Conn cap conn pins" "T_Bronze" 0.04124 3.33 ELE
0266 * 21 "CCUM" "TIBTID_CCUM" 6.00000 1 ELE
0267 * 22 "DOH" "TIBTID_DOH" 3.85000 2 ELE
0268 * 23 "LV conn medusa side case" "Polyethylene" 3.15789 1 ELE
0269 * 24 "LV conn medusa side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.10500 1 ELE
0270 * 25 "Optical fibers" "T_FiberPigtail" 0.00785 72 CAB
0271 * 26 "Medusa Cables" "T_MedusaWire" 0.01131 108 CAB
0272 * 27 "Al screws and supports" "Aluminium" 0.61111 1 SUP
0273 * 28 "CF Supports" "Carbon fibre str." 7.10059 1 SUP
0274 ......................................................................
0275 ======================================================================
0277 o TIB DOHM Auxiliary Board
0278 ------------------------
0280 20070924 GSguazzoni
0282 MCVolume: 15.5*6.0*0.4 cm^3 = 37.2 cm^3
0284 (7)-(8) On board I2C connectors: 8x26pins, 1x50pins ~10x26pins
0285 (9)-(10) I2C conncetor cable side; on average 7.72 cables/DOHM
0286 (also DOHM-AUX 50pins connector occupancy taken into account)
0287 (11)-(14) I2C caps; on average 10-7.72 cap/connector
0288 (16) CF pillars for DOHM carrier; located below the AUX,
0289 inserted here
0291 ......................................................................
0292 # "AUX" "TIB_AUX" 37.2 -1.
0293 * 1 "PCB FR4" "T_FR4" 12.9200 1 ELE
0294 * 2 "PCB Copper" "Copper" 0.56500 1 ELE
0295 * 3 "Resistors" "Ceramic" 0.00360 12 ELE
0296 * 4 "Capacitors" "Barium_Titanate" 0.00360 15 ELE
0297 * 5 "IC chips copper" "Copper" 0.00446 2 ELE
0298 * 6 "IC chips EMC" "Epoxy" 0.03077 2 ELE
0299 * 7 "I2C conn MC side case" "Polyethylene" 0.42105 10 ELE
0300 * 8 "I2C conn MC side pins and support" "T_Bronze" 0.04499 10 ELE
0301 * 9 "I2C Connectors cable side case" "Polyethylene" 0.94737 7.72 CAB
0302 * 10 "I2C Connectors cable side pins" "T_Bronze" 0.04124 7.72 CAB
0303 * 11 "I2C Connectors cap fr4" "T_FR4" 0.29000 2.28 ELE
0304 * 12 "I2C Connectors cap copper traces" "Copper" 0.01268 2.28 ELE
0305 * 13 "I2C Connectors cap conn case" "Polyethylene" 0.73684 2.28 ELE
0306 * 14 "I2C Connectors cap conn pins" "T_Bronze" 0.04124 2.28 ELE
0307 * 15 "Al screws and supports" "Aluminium" 0.61111 1 SUP
0308 * 16 "CF Supports" "Carbon fibre str." 7.10059 1 SUP
0309 ......................................................................
0310 ======================================================================
0312 o TIB DOHM Carrier mixture
0313 ------------------------
0315 20070924 GSguazzoni
0317 MCVolume: 40885 cm^3
0319 Surface = total volume over thickness 47672/0.8 cm^2
0321 ......................................................................
0322 # "DOHM Carrier" "TIB_DOHMCarrier" 40885. -1.
0323 * 1 "CF Skins" "Carbon fibre str." 0.080 59590. SUP
0324 * 2 "Glue" "Epoxy" 0.015 59590. SUP
0325 * 3 "Kapton foil" "T_Kapton" 0.015 59590. SUP
0326 * 4 "Aluminum foil" "Aluminium" 0.002 59590. SUP
0327 * 5 "Amphenol cable 26cond per cm" "TIBTID_AmphCable" 0.1 19778. CAB
0328 * 6 "Support hardware" "Aluminium" 3.074 56 SUP
0329 * 7 "GNDing hardware" "Copper" 16.741 1 CAB
0330 ......................................................................
0331 ======================================================================
0333 o TIB Pillars mixture
0334 ------------------------
0336 20071220 GSguazzoni
0338 MCVolume: 1 cm^3
0340 ......................................................................
0341 # "TIB Pillar" "TIB_Pillar" 1. -1.
0342 * 1 "CF" "Carbon fibre str." 0.60 1 SUP
0343 * 2 "Aluminium" "Aluminium" 0.12 1 SUP
0344 ......................................................................
0345 ======================================================================
0347 # "END" "END" 0. 0.
0348 this has to be the last line !