File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:15:25
0006 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0007 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDCurrentNamespace.h"
0008 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSplit.h"
0009 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDTypes.h"
0010 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDAlgorithm.h"
0011 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDAlgorithmFactory.h"
0013 #include <string>
0014 #include <vector>
0016 using namespace std;
0018 class DDTOBRodAlgo : public DDAlgorithm {
0019 public:
0021 DDTOBRodAlgo();
0022 ~DDTOBRodAlgo() override;
0024 void initialize(const DDNumericArguments& nArgs,
0025 const DDVectorArguments& vArgs,
0026 const DDMapArguments& mArgs,
0027 const DDStringArguments& sArgs,
0028 const DDStringVectorArguments& vsArgs) override;
0030 void execute(DDCompactView& cpv) override;
0032 private:
0033 string central;
0034 string idNameSpace;
0036 double shift;
0037 vector<string> sideRod;
0038 vector<double> sideRodX;
0039 vector<double> sideRodY;
0040 vector<double> sideRodZ;
0041 string endRod1;
0042 vector<double> endRod1Y;
0043 vector<double> endRod1Z;
0044 string endRod2;
0045 double endRod2Y;
0046 double endRod2Z;
0048 string cable;
0049 double cableZ;
0051 string clamp;
0052 vector<double> clampX;
0053 vector<double> clampZ;
0054 string sideCool;
0055 vector<double> sideCoolX;
0056 vector<double> sideCoolY;
0057 vector<double> sideCoolZ;
0058 string endCool;
0059 string endCoolRot;
0060 double endCoolY;
0061 double endCoolZ;
0063 string optFibre;
0064 vector<double> optFibreX;
0065 vector<double> optFibreZ;
0067 string sideClamp1;
0068 vector<double> sideClampX;
0069 vector<double> sideClamp1DZ;
0070 string sideClamp2;
0071 vector<double> sideClamp2DZ;
0073 string module;
0074 vector<string> moduleRot;
0075 vector<double> moduleY;
0076 vector<double> moduleZ;
0077 vector<string> connect;
0078 vector<double> connectY;
0079 vector<double> connectZ;
0081 string aohName;
0082 vector<double> aohCopies;
0083 vector<double> aohX;
0084 vector<double> aohY;
0085 vector<double> aohZ;
0086 };
0088 DDTOBRodAlgo::DDTOBRodAlgo()
0089 : sideRod(0),
0090 sideRodX(0),
0091 sideRodY(0),
0092 sideRodZ(0),
0093 endRod1Y(0),
0094 endRod1Z(0),
0095 clampX(0),
0096 clampZ(0),
0097 sideCoolX(0),
0098 sideCoolY(0),
0099 sideCoolZ(0),
0100 endCoolY(0),
0101 endCoolZ(0),
0102 optFibreX(0),
0103 optFibreZ(0),
0104 sideClampX(0),
0105 sideClamp1DZ(0),
0106 sideClamp2DZ(0),
0107 moduleRot(0),
0108 moduleY(0),
0109 moduleZ(0),
0110 connect(0),
0111 connectY(0),
0112 connectZ(0),
0113 aohCopies(0),
0114 aohX(0),
0115 aohY(0),
0116 aohZ(0) {
0117 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo info: Creating an instance";
0118 }
0120 DDTOBRodAlgo::~DDTOBRodAlgo() {}
0122 void DDTOBRodAlgo::initialize(const DDNumericArguments& nArgs,
0123 const DDVectorArguments& vArgs,
0124 const DDMapArguments&,
0125 const DDStringArguments& sArgs,
0126 const DDStringVectorArguments& vsArgs) {
0127 central = sArgs["CentralName"];
0128 shift = nArgs["Shift"];
0129 idNameSpace = DDCurrentNamespace::ns();
0130 DDName parentName = parent().name();
0131 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: Parent " << parentName << " Central " << central << " NameSpace "
0132 << idNameSpace << "\tShift " << shift;
0134 sideRod = vsArgs["SideRodName"];
0135 sideRodX = vArgs["SideRodX"];
0136 sideRodY = vArgs["SideRodY"];
0137 sideRodZ = vArgs["SideRodZ"];
0138 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideRod.size()); i++) {
0139 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << sideRod[i] << " to be positioned " << sideRodX.size()
0140 << " times at y = " << sideRodY[i] << " z = " << sideRodZ[i] << " and x";
0141 for (double j : sideRodX)
0142 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\tsideRodX[" << i << "] = " << j;
0143 }
0145 endRod1 = sArgs["EndRod1Name"];
0146 endRod1Y = vArgs["EndRod1Y"];
0147 endRod1Z = vArgs["EndRod1Z"];
0148 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << endRod1 << " to be "
0149 << "positioned " << endRod1Y.size() << " times at";
0150 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(endRod1Y.size()); i++)
0151 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\t[" << i << "]\ty = " << endRod1Y[i] << "\tz = " << endRod1Z[i];
0153 endRod2 = sArgs["EndRod2Name"];
0154 endRod2Y = nArgs["EndRod2Y"];
0155 endRod2Z = nArgs["EndRod2Z"];
0156 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << endRod2 << " to be "
0157 << "positioned at y = " << endRod2Y << " z = " << endRod2Z;
0159 cable = sArgs["CableName"];
0160 cableZ = nArgs["CableZ"];
0161 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << cable << " to be "
0162 << "positioned at z = " << cableZ;
0164 clamp = sArgs["ClampName"];
0165 clampX = vArgs["ClampX"];
0166 clampZ = vArgs["ClampZ"];
0167 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << clamp << " to be "
0168 << "positioned " << clampX.size() << " times at";
0169 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(clampX.size()); i++)
0170 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\t[" << i << "]\tx = " << clampX[i] << "\tz = " << clampZ[i];
0172 sideCool = sArgs["SideCoolName"];
0173 sideCoolX = vArgs["SideCoolX"];
0174 sideCoolY = vArgs["SideCoolY"];
0175 sideCoolZ = vArgs["SideCoolZ"];
0176 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << sideCool << " to be "
0177 << "positioned " << sideCoolX.size() << " times at";
0178 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideCoolX.size()); i++)
0179 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\t[" << i << "]\tx = " << sideCoolX[i] << "\ty = " << sideCoolY[i]
0180 << "\tz = " << sideCoolZ[i];
0182 endCool = sArgs["EndCoolName"];
0183 endCoolY = nArgs["EndCoolY"];
0184 endCoolZ = nArgs["EndCoolZ"];
0185 endCoolRot = sArgs["EndCoolRot"];
0186 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << endCool << " to be "
0187 << "positioned with " << endCoolRot << " rotation at"
0188 << " y = " << endCoolY << " z = " << endCoolZ;
0190 optFibre = sArgs["OptFibreName"];
0191 optFibreX = vArgs["optFibreX"];
0192 optFibreZ = vArgs["optFibreZ"];
0193 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << optFibre << " to be "
0194 << "positioned " << optFibreX.size() << " times at";
0195 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(optFibreX.size()); i++)
0196 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\t[" << i << "]\tx = " << optFibreX[i] << "\tz = " << optFibreZ[i];
0198 sideClamp1 = sArgs["SideClamp1Name"];
0199 sideClampX = vArgs["SideClampX"];
0200 sideClamp1DZ = vArgs["SideClamp1DZ"];
0201 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << sideClamp1 << " to be "
0202 << "positioned " << sideClampX.size() << " times at";
0203 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideClampX.size()); i++)
0204 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\t[" << i << "]\tx = " << sideClampX[i] << "\tdz = " << sideClamp1DZ[i];
0206 sideClamp2 = sArgs["SideClamp2Name"];
0207 sideClamp2DZ = vArgs["SideClamp2DZ"];
0208 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug: " << sideClamp2 << " to be "
0209 << "positioned " << sideClampX.size() << " times at";
0210 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideClampX.size()); i++)
0211 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\t[" << i << "]\tx = " << sideClampX[i] << "\tdz = " << sideClamp2DZ[i];
0213 moduleRot = vsArgs["ModuleRot"];
0214 module = sArgs["ModuleName"];
0215 moduleY = vArgs["ModuleY"];
0216 moduleZ = vArgs["ModuleZ"];
0217 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug:\t" << module << " positioned " << moduleRot.size() << " times";
0218 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(moduleRot.size()); i++)
0219 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\tRotation " << moduleRot[i] << "\ty = " << moduleY[i] << "\tz = " << moduleZ[i];
0221 connect = vsArgs["ICCName"];
0222 connectY = vArgs["ICCY"];
0223 connectZ = vArgs["ICCZ"];
0224 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug:\t" << connect.size() << " ICC positioned with no rotation";
0225 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(connect.size()); i++)
0226 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "\t" << connect[i] << "\ty = " << connectY[i] << "\tz = " << connectZ[i];
0228 aohName = sArgs["AOHName"];
0229 aohCopies = vArgs["AOHCopies"];
0230 aohX = vArgs["AOHx"];
0231 aohY = vArgs["AOHy"];
0232 aohZ = vArgs["AOHz"];
0233 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo debug:\t" << aohName << " AOH will be positioned on ICC's";
0234 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(aohCopies.size()); i++)
0235 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << " copies " << aohCopies[i] << "\tx = " << aohX[i] << "\ty = " << aohY[i]
0236 << "\tz = " << aohZ[i];
0237 }
0239 void DDTOBRodAlgo::execute(DDCompactView& cpv) {
0240 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "==>> Constructing DDTOBRodAlgo...";
0241 DDName rodName = parent().name();
0242 DDName centName(DDSplit(central).first, DDSplit(central).second);
0245 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideRod.size()); i++) {
0246 for (int j = 0; j < (int)(sideRodX.size()); j++) {
0247 DDTranslation r(sideRodX[j], sideRodY[i], sideRodZ[i]);
0248 DDName child(DDSplit(sideRod[i]).first, DDSplit(sideRod[i]).second);
0249 cpv.position(child, rodName, j + 1, r, DDRotation());
0250 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << j + 1 << " positioned in " << rodName
0251 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0252 }
0253 }
0256 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(clampX.size()); i++) {
0257 DDTranslation r(clampX[i], 0, shift + clampZ[i]);
0258 DDName child(DDSplit(clamp).first, DDSplit(clamp).second);
0259 cpv.position(child, rodName, i + 1, r, DDRotation());
0260 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << rodName
0261 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0262 }
0265 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideCoolX.size()); i++) {
0266 DDTranslation r(sideCoolX[i], sideCoolY[i], shift + sideCoolZ[i]);
0267 DDName child(DDSplit(sideCool).first, DDSplit(sideCool).second);
0268 cpv.position(child, rodName, i + 1, r, DDRotation());
0269 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << rodName
0270 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0271 }
0274 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(optFibreX.size()); i++) {
0275 DDTranslation r(optFibreX[i], 0, shift + optFibreZ[i]);
0276 DDName child(DDSplit(optFibre).first, DDSplit(optFibre).second);
0277 cpv.position(child, rodName, i + 1, r, DDRotation());
0278 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << rodName
0279 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0280 }
0283 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideClamp1DZ.size()); i++) {
0284 int j = i / 2;
0285 DDTranslation r(sideClampX[i], moduleY[j], shift + moduleZ[j] + sideClamp1DZ[i]);
0286 DDName child(DDSplit(sideClamp1).first, DDSplit(sideClamp1).second);
0287 cpv.position(child, rodName, i + 1, r, DDRotation());
0288 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << rodName
0289 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0290 }
0291 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sideClamp2DZ.size()); i++) {
0292 int j = i / 2;
0293 DDTranslation r(sideClampX[i], moduleY[j], shift + moduleZ[j] + sideClamp2DZ[i]);
0294 DDName child(DDSplit(sideClamp2).first, DDSplit(sideClamp2).second);
0295 cpv.position(child, rodName, i + 1, r, DDRotation());
0296 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << rodName
0297 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0298 }
0301 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(endRod1Y.size()); i++) {
0302 DDTranslation r(0, endRod1Y[i], shift + endRod1Z[i]);
0303 DDName child(DDSplit(endRod1).first, DDSplit(endRod1).second);
0304 cpv.position(child, centName, i + 1, r, DDRotation());
0305 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << centName
0306 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0307 }
0308 DDTranslation r1(0, endRod2Y, shift + endRod2Z);
0309 DDName child1(DDSplit(endRod2).first, DDSplit(endRod2).second);
0310 cpv.position(child1, centName, 1, r1, DDRotation());
0311 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child1 << " number 1 "
0312 << "positioned in " << centName << " at " << r1 << " with no rotation";
0315 DDTranslation r2(0, endCoolY, shift + endCoolZ);
0316 string rotstr = DDSplit(endCoolRot).first;
0317 string rotns = DDSplit(endCoolRot).second;
0318 DDRotation rot2(DDName(rotstr, rotns));
0319 DDName child2(DDSplit(endCool).first, DDSplit(endCool).second);
0320 cpv.position(child2, centName, 1, r2, rot2);
0321 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child2 << " number 1 "
0322 << "positioned in " << centName << " at " << r2 << " with " << rot2;
0325 DDTranslation r3(0, 0, shift + cableZ);
0326 DDName child3(DDSplit(cable).first, DDSplit(cable).second);
0327 cpv.position(child3, centName, 1, r3, DDRotation());
0328 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child3 << " number 1 "
0329 << "positioned in " << centName << " at " << r3 << " with no rotation";
0332 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(moduleRot.size()); i++) {
0333 DDTranslation r(0, moduleY[i], shift + moduleZ[i]);
0334 rotstr = DDSplit(moduleRot[i]).first;
0335 DDRotation rot;
0336 if (rotstr != "NULL") {
0337 rotns = DDSplit(moduleRot[i]).second;
0338 rot = DDRotation(DDName(rotstr, rotns));
0339 }
0340 DDName child(DDSplit(module).first, DDSplit(module).second);
0341 cpv.position(child, centName, i + 1, r, rot);
0342 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << centName
0343 << " at " << r << " with " << rot;
0344 }
0347 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(connect.size()); i++) {
0348 DDTranslation r(0, connectY[i], shift + connectZ[i]);
0349 DDName child(DDSplit(connect[i]).first, DDSplit(connect[i]).second);
0350 cpv.position(child, centName, i + 1, r, DDRotation());
0351 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << i + 1 << " positioned in " << centName
0352 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0353 }
0356 int copyNumber = 0;
0357 for (int i = 0; i < (int)(aohCopies.size()); i++) {
0358 if (aohCopies[i] != 0) {
0360 copyNumber++;
0361 DDTranslation r(aohX[i] + 0, aohY[i] + connectY[i], aohZ[i] + shift + connectZ[i]);
0362 DDName child(DDSplit(aohName).first, DDSplit(aohName).second);
0363 cpv.position(child, centName, copyNumber, r, DDRotation());
0364 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << copyNumber << " positioned in " << centName
0365 << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0367 if (aohCopies[i] == 2) {
0368 copyNumber++;
0369 DDTranslation r(-aohX[i] + 0, aohY[i] + connectY[i], -aohZ[i] + shift + connectZ[i]);
0370 DDName child(DDSplit(aohName).first, DDSplit(aohName).second);
0371 cpv.position(child, centName, copyNumber, r, DDRotation());
0372 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << copyNumber << " positioned in "
0373 << centName << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0374 }
0376 if (aohCopies[i] == 4) {
0377 for (unsigned int j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
0378 copyNumber++;
0379 switch (j) {
0380 case 1: {
0381 DDTranslation r(-aohX[i] + 0, aohY[i] + connectY[i], +aohZ[i] + shift + connectZ[i]);
0382 DDName child(DDSplit(aohName).first, DDSplit(aohName).second);
0383 cpv.position(child, centName, copyNumber, r, DDRotation());
0384 break;
0385 }
0386 case 2: {
0387 DDTranslation r(-aohX[i] + 0, aohY[i] + connectY[i], -aohZ[i] + shift + connectZ[i]);
0388 DDName child(DDSplit(aohName).first, DDSplit(aohName).second);
0389 cpv.position(child, centName, copyNumber, r, DDRotation());
0390 break;
0391 }
0392 case 3: {
0393 DDTranslation r(+aohX[i] + 0, aohY[i] + connectY[i], -aohZ[i] + shift + connectZ[i]);
0394 DDName child(DDSplit(aohName).first, DDSplit(aohName).second);
0395 cpv.position(child, centName, copyNumber, r, DDRotation());
0396 break;
0397 }
0398 }
0399 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "DDTOBRodAlgo test: " << child << " number " << copyNumber << " positioned in "
0400 << centName << " at " << r << " with no rotation";
0401 }
0402 }
0403 }
0404 }
0406 LogDebug("TOBGeom") << "<<== End of DDTOBRodAlgo construction ...";
0407 }
0409 DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(DDAlgorithmFactory, DDTOBRodAlgo, "track:DDTOBRodAlgo");