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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 hltPhase2PixelTracksSoA = cms.EDProducer('CAHitNtupletAlpakaPhase2@alpaka',
0004     pixelRecHitSrc = cms.InputTag('hltPhase2SiPixelRecHitsSoA'),
0005     CPE = cms.string('PixelCPEFastParamsPhase2'),
0006     ptmin = cms.double(0.9),
0007     CAThetaCutBarrel = cms.double(0.002),
0008     CAThetaCutForward = cms.double(0.003),
0009     hardCurvCut = cms.double(0.0328407225),
0010     dcaCutInnerTriplet = cms.double(0.15),
0011     dcaCutOuterTriplet = cms.double(0.25),
0012     earlyFishbone = cms.bool(True),
0013     lateFishbone = cms.bool(False),
0014     fillStatistics = cms.bool(False),
0015     minHitsPerNtuplet = cms.uint32(4),
0016     phiCuts = cms.vint32(
0017         522, 522, 522, 626, 730, 730, 626, 730, 730, 522, 522,
0018         522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522,
0019         522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 730, 730, 730, 730,
0020         730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730, 730,
0021         730, 730, 730, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522, 522
0022     ),
0023     maxNumberOfDoublets = cms.uint32(5*512*1024),
0024     minHitsForSharingCut = cms.uint32(10),
0025     fitNas4 = cms.bool(False),
0026     doClusterCut = cms.bool(True),
0027     doZ0Cut = cms.bool(True),
0028     doPtCut = cms.bool(True),
0029     useRiemannFit = cms.bool(False),
0030     doSharedHitCut = cms.bool(True),
0031     dupPassThrough = cms.bool(False),
0032     useSimpleTripletCleaner = cms.bool(True),
0033     idealConditions = cms.bool(False),
0034     includeJumpingForwardDoublets = cms.bool(True),
0035     trackQualityCuts = cms.PSet(
0036         maxChi2 = cms.double(5.0),
0037         minPt   = cms.double(0.9),
0038         maxTip  = cms.double(0.3),
0039         maxZip  = cms.double(12.),
0040     ),
0041     # autoselect the alpaka backend
0042     alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(backend = cms.untracked.string(''))
0043 )