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0001 import itertools
0002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0004 def producers_by_type(process, *types):
0005     "Find all EDProducers in the Process that are instances of the given C++ type."
0006     switches = (module for module in (getattr(switchproducer, case) \
0007       for switchproducer in process._Process__switchproducers.values() \
0008       for case in switchproducer.parameterNames_()) \
0009       if isinstance(module, cms.EDProducer))
0010     return (module for module in itertools.chain(process._Process__producers.values(), switches) \
0011       if module._TypedParameterizable__type in types)
0013 def filters_by_type(process, *types):
0014     "Find all EDFilters in the Process that are instances of the given C++ type."
0015     return (filter for filter in process._Process__filters.values() if filter._TypedParameterizable__type in types)
0017 def analyzers_by_type(process, *types):
0018     "Find all EDAnalyzers in the Process that are instances of the given C++ type."
0019     return (analyzer for analyzer in process._Process__analyzers.values() if analyzer._TypedParameterizable__type in types)
0021 def esproducers_by_type(process, *types):
0022     "Find all ESProducers in the Process that are instances of the given C++ type."
0023     return (module for module in process._Process__esproducers.values() if module._TypedParameterizable__type in types)
0025 def modules_by_type(process, *types):
0026     "Find all modiles or other components in the Process that are instances of the given C++ type."
0027     switches = (module for module in (getattr(switchproducer, case) \
0028       for switchproducer in process._Process__switchproducers.values() \
0029       for case in switchproducer.parameterNames_()))
0030     return (module for module in itertools.chain(process.__dict__.values(), switches) \
0031       if hasattr(module, '_TypedParameterizable__type') and module._TypedParameterizable__type in types)
0034 def insert_modules_before(process, target, *modules):
0035     "Add the `modules` before the `target` in any Sequence, Paths or EndPath that contains the latter."
0036     for sequence in itertools.chain(
0037         process._Process__sequences.values(),
0038         process._Process__paths.values(),
0039         process._Process__endpaths.values()
0040     ):
0041         try:
0042             position = sequence.index(target)
0043         except ValueError:
0044             continue
0045         else:
0046             for module in reversed(modules):
0047                 sequence.insert(position, module)
0050 def insert_modules_after(process, target, *modules):
0051     "Add the `modules` after the `target` in any Sequence, Paths or EndPath that contains the latter."
0052     for sequence in itertools.chain(
0053         process._Process__sequences.values(),
0054         process._Process__paths.values(),
0055         process._Process__endpaths.values()
0056     ):
0057         try:
0058             position = sequence.index(target)
0059         except ValueError:
0060             continue
0061         else:
0062             for module in reversed(modules):
0063                 sequence.insert(position+1, module)
0066 # logic from Modifier.toModify from FWCore/ParameterSet/python/
0067 def replace_with(fromObj, toObj):
0068     """Replace one object with a different one of the same type.
0070     This function replaces the contents of `fromObj` object with those of `toObj`,
0071     so all references ot it remain valid.
0072     """
0074     if not isinstance(toObj, type(fromObj)):
0075         raise TypeError('replaceWith requires both arguments to be the same type')
0077     if isinstance(toObj, cms._ModuleSequenceType):
0078         fromObj._seq = toObj._seq
0080     elif isinstance(toObj, cms._Parameterizable):
0081         # delete the old items, in case `toObj` is not a complete superset of `fromObj`
0082         for p in fromObj.parameterNames_():
0083             delattr(fromObj, p)
0084         for p in toObj.parameterNames_():
0085             setattr(fromObj, p, getattr(toObj, p))
0086         if isinstance(toObj, cms._TypedParameterizable):
0087             fromObj._TypedParameterizable__type = toObj._TypedParameterizable__type
0089     else:
0090         raise TypeError('replaceWith does not work with "%s" objects' % str(type(fromObj)))
0093 # update or set the HLT prescale for the given path to the given value, in all the prescale columns
0094 def set_prescale(process, path, prescale):
0095     columns = len(process.PrescaleService.lvl1Labels.value())
0096     prescales = cms.vuint32([prescale] * columns)
0098     for pset in process.PrescaleService.prescaleTable:
0099       if pset.pathName.value() == path:
0100         pset.prescales = prescales
0101         break
0102     else:
0103       process.PrescaleService.prescaleTable.append(cms.PSet(
0104         pathName = cms.string(path),
0105         prescales = prescales
0106       ))