Warning, /HLTrigger/Configuration/scripts/hltCheckPrescaleModules is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0002 import sys
0003 import types
0004 import re
0006 # global options
0007 enableWarnings = False
0009 if '-w' in sys.argv:
0010 sys.argv.remove('-w')
0011 enableWarnings = True
0013 if len(sys.argv) != 2:
0014 print("usage: %s [-w] menu.py" % sys.argv[0])
0015 sys.exit(1)
0017 # whitelist paths exempt from validation
0018 whitelist = [
0019 'HLTriggerFirstPath',
0020 'HLTriggerFinalPath',
0021 'Status_OnCPU',
0022 'Status_OnGPU',
0023 ]
0025 # load the menu and get the "process" object
0026 menu = types.ModuleType('menu')
0027 name = sys.argv[1]
0028 exec(open(name).read(), globals(), menu.__dict__)
0029 process = menu.process
0031 # get all paths
0032 paths = process.paths_()
0034 # keep track of prescaler names, and of duplicates
0035 prescalerNames = set()
0036 duplicateNames = set()
0038 # prescaler name generator
0039 generatePrescalerName = re.compile(r'^HLT_|_v\d+$|_')
0041 # loop over all paths and look for duplicate prescaler modules
0042 for path in paths:
0043 if path in whitelist:
0044 continue
0046 goodLabel = 'hltPre' + generatePrescalerName.sub('', path)
0047 found = False
0049 for module in paths[path].moduleNames():
0050 if module in process.filters_(): # found a filter
0051 if process.filters_()[module].type_() == 'HLTPrescaler': # it's a prescaler
0052 if found:
0053 print('ERROR: path %s has more than one HLTPrescaler module' % path)
0054 found = True
0055 label = process.filters_()[module].label()
0056 if enableWarnings and label != goodLabel:
0057 print('WARNING: path %s has an HLTPrescaler module labaled "%s", while the suggested label is "%s"' % (path, label, goodLabel))
0058 if label in prescalerNames:
0059 duplicateNames.add(label)
0060 else:
0061 prescalerNames.add(label)
0062 if not found:
0063 print('ERROR: path %s dos not have an HLTPrescaler module' % path)
0065 # print the duplicate prescales, and the affected paths
0066 for label in duplicateNames:
0067 print('ERROR: prescale "%s" is shared by the paths' % label)
0068 for path in paths:
0069 if label in paths[path].moduleNames():
0070 print('\t%s' % path)
0071 print()