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Warning, /HLTrigger/Configuration/scripts/utils/hltMenuContentToCSVs is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0002 import os
0003 import csv
0004 import json
0005 import argparse
0006 import subprocess
0008 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0009 import HLTrigger.Configuration.Tools.options as options
0010 from HLTrigger.Configuration.extend_argparse import *
0012 def MKDIRP(dirpath, verbose=False, dry_run=False):
0013     if verbose:
0014         print('\033[1m'+'>'+'\033[0m'+' os.mkdirs("'+dirpath+'")')
0015     if dry_run:
0016         return
0017     try:
0018         os.makedirs(dirpath)
0019     except OSError:
0020         if not os.path.isdir(dirpath):
0021             raise
0023 def colored_text(txt, keys=[]):
0024     _tmp_out = ''
0025     for _i_tmp in keys:
0026         _tmp_out += '\033['+_i_tmp+'m'
0027     _tmp_out += txt
0028     if len(keys) > 0:
0029         _tmp_out += '\033[0m'
0030     return _tmp_out
0032 def getHLTProcess(config):
0033     if
0034         configline = f'--runNumber {}'
0035     else:
0036         configline = f'--{} --{} --configName {}'
0038     # cmd to download HLT configuration
0039     cmdline = f'hltConfigFromDB {configline} --noedsources --noes --nooutput'
0040     if config.proxy:
0041         cmdline += f' --dbproxy --dbproxyhost {config.proxy_host} --dbproxyport {config.proxy_port}'
0043     # download HLT configuration
0044     proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell = True, stdin = None, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = None)
0045     (out, err) = proc.communicate()
0047     # load HLT configuration
0048     try:
0049         foo = {'process': None}
0050         exec(out, foo)
0051         process = foo['process']
0052     except:
0053         raise Exception(f'query did not return a valid python file:\n query="{cmdline}"')
0055     if not isinstance(process, cms.Process):
0056         raise Exception(f'query did not return a valid HLT menu:\n query="{cmdline}"')
0058     return process
0060 def getPrescaleTableLines(process, pathNames):
0061     ret = []
0062     if hasattr(process, 'PrescaleService'):
0063         ret += [['Path']+process.PrescaleService.lvl1Labels]
0064         ncols = len(process.PrescaleService.lvl1Labels)
0065         psDict = {pset_i.pathName.value():pset_i.prescales for pset_i in process.PrescaleService.prescaleTable}
0066         for pathName in pathNames:
0067             if pathName not in process.paths_():
0068                 raise SystemExit(f'getPrescaleTableLines: {pathName}')
0069             psvals = psDict[pathName] if pathName in psDict else [1]*ncols
0070             ret += [[pathName]+[str(psval_i) for psval_i in psvals]]
0071     return ret
0073 def getPrescale(process, pathName, psColumnName):
0074     ret = ''
0075     if not hasattr(process, 'PrescaleService'):
0076         return ret
0077     psColIndex = -1
0078     for psColIdx_i, psColName_i in enumerate(process.PrescaleService.lvl1Labels):
0079         if psColName_i == psColumnName:
0080             psColIndex = psColIdx_i
0081     if psColIndex < 0:
0082         return ret
0083     ret = '1'
0084     for pset_i in process.PrescaleService.prescaleTable:
0085         if pathName == pset_i.pathName:
0086             ret = f'{pset_i.prescales[psColIndex]}'
0087             break
0088     return ret
0090 def getDatasets(process, pathName):
0091     # format: "PD1 (smartPSinPD1), PD2 (smartPSinPD2), .."
0092     ret = []
0093     datasets = [dataset_i for dataset_i in process.datasets.parameterNames_() \
0094         if pathName in process.datasets.getParameter(dataset_i)]
0095     for dataset_i in datasets:
0096         datasetLabel = dataset_i
0097         # if the DatasetPath exists, add value of smart-prescale
0098         if hasattr(process, 'Dataset_'+dataset_i):
0099             datasetPath_i = getattr(process, 'Dataset_'+dataset_i)
0100             if isinstance(datasetPath_i, cms.Path):
0101                 for modName in datasetPath_i.moduleNames():
0102                     module = getattr(process, modName)
0103                     if module.type_() == 'TriggerResultsFilter':
0104                         if hasattr(module, 'triggerConditions'):
0105                             for trigCond_j in module.triggerConditions:
0106                                 trigCond_j_split = trigCond_j.split(' / ')
0107                                 if trigCond_j_split[0] == pathName and len(trigCond_j_split) > 1:
0108                                     datasetLabel += f'({trigCond_j_split[1]})'
0109         ret += [datasetLabel]
0110     return ', '.join(ret)
0112 def getStreams(process, pathName):
0113     # format: "Stream1, Stream2, .."
0114     datasets = [dataset_i for dataset_i in process.datasets.parameterNames_() \
0115         if pathName in process.datasets.getParameter(dataset_i)]
0116     streams = [stream_i for stream_i in process.streams.parameterNames_() \
0117         for dataset_i in datasets if dataset_i in process.streams.getParameter(stream_i)]
0118     return ', '.join(streams)
0120 def getL1TSeed(process, pathName):
0121     ret = ''
0122     path = process.paths_()[pathName]
0123     minIdx = None
0124     for modName in path.moduleNames():
0125         module = getattr(process, modName)
0126         try: modIdx = path.index(module)
0127         except: continue
0128         if module.type_() == 'HLTL1TSeed':
0129             if hasattr(module, 'L1SeedsLogicalExpression'):
0130                 if minIdx == None or modIdx < minIdx:
0131                     ret = module.L1SeedsLogicalExpression.value()
0132                     minIdx = modIdx
0133     return ret
0135 def getDatasetStreamDict(process):
0136     # key: "Dataset", value: list of "Streams"
0137     ret = {}
0138     for dataset_i in process.datasets.parameterNames_():
0139         ret[dataset_i] = []
0140         for stream_i in process.streams.parameterNames_():
0141             if dataset_i in process.streams.getParameter(stream_i):
0142                 ret[dataset_i].append(stream_i)
0143         ret[dataset_i] = sorted(list(set(ret[dataset_i])))
0144     return ret
0146 def create_csv(outputFilePath, delimiter, lines):
0147     # create output directory
0148     MKDIRP(os.path.dirname(outputFilePath))
0149     # write .csv file
0150     with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as csvfile:
0151         outf = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=delimiter)
0152         for line_i in lines:
0153             outf.writerow(line_i)
0154     print(colored_text(outputFilePath, ['1']))
0156 def main():
0157     # define an argparse parser to parse our options
0158     textwidth = int( 80 )
0159     try:
0160         textwidth = int( os.popen("stty size", "r").read().split()[1] )
0161     except:
0162         pass
0163     formatter = FixedWidthFormatter( HelpFormatterRespectNewlines, width = textwidth )
0165     # read defaults
0166     defaults = options.HLTProcessOptions()
0168     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
0169         description       = 'Create outputs to announce the release of a new HLT menu.',
0170         argument_default  = argparse.SUPPRESS,
0171         formatter_class   = formatter,
0172         add_help          = False
0173     )
0175     # required argument
0176     parser.add_argument('menu',
0177                         action  = 'store',
0178                         type    = options.ConnectionHLTMenu,
0179                         metavar = 'MENU',
0180                         help    = 'HLT menu to dump from the database. Supported formats are:\n  - /path/to/configuration[/Vn]\n  - [[{v1|v2|v3}/]{run3|run2|online|adg}:]/path/to/configuration[/Vn]\n  - run:runnumber\nThe possible converters are "v1", "v2, and "v3" (default).\nThe possible databases are "run3" (default, used for offline development), "run2" (used for accessing run2 offline development menus), "online" (used to extract online menus within Point 5) and "adg" (used to extract the online menus outside Point 5).\nIf no menu version is specified, the latest one is automatically used.\nIf "run:" is used instead, the HLT menu used for the given run number is looked up and used.\nNote other converters and databases exist as options but they are only for expert/special use.' )
0182     # options
0183     parser.add_argument('--dbproxy',
0184                         dest    = 'proxy',
0185                         action  = 'store_true',
0186                         default = defaults.proxy,
0187                         help    = 'Use a socks proxy to connect outside CERN network (default: False)' )
0188     parser.add_argument('--dbproxyport',
0189                         dest    = 'proxy_port',
0190                         action  = 'store',
0191                         metavar = 'PROXYPORT',
0192                         default = defaults.proxy_port,
0193                         help    = 'Port of the socks proxy (default: 8080)' )
0194     parser.add_argument('--dbproxyhost',
0195                         dest    = 'proxy_host',
0196                         action  = 'store',
0197                         metavar = 'PROXYHOST',
0198                         default = defaults.proxy_host,
0199                         help    = 'Host of the socks proxy (default: "localhost")' )
0201     parser.add_argument('--prescale-column',
0202                         dest    = 'prescale_column',
0203                         action  = 'store',
0204                         default = '2p0E34',
0205                         help    = 'Name of main prescale column (default: "2p0E34")' )
0207     parser.add_argument('--csv-delimiter',
0208                         dest    = 'csv_delimiter',
0209                         action  = 'store',
0210                         default = '|',
0211                         help    = 'Delimiter used in the .csv output files (default: "|")' )
0213     parser.add_argument('--metadata-json',
0214                         dest    = 'metadata_json',
0215                         action  = 'store',
0216                         default = 'owners.json',
0217                         help    = 'Path to .json file with metadata on HLT Paths (online?, group-owners)' )
0219     parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir',
0220                         dest    = 'output_dir',
0221                         action  = 'store',
0222                         default = '.',
0223                         help    = 'Path to output directory' )
0225     # redefine "--help" to be the last option, and use a customized message
0226     parser.add_argument('-h', '--help',
0227                         action  = 'help',
0228                         help    = 'Show this help message and exit' )
0230     # parse command line arguments and options
0231     config = parser.parse_args()
0233     process = getHLTProcess(config)
0235     pathNames = [pathName for pathName, path in process.paths_().items()]
0237     ## Tab: HLT Prescales
0238     create_csv(
0239         outputFilePath = os.path.join(config.output_dir, 'tabHLTPrescales.csv'),
0240         delimiter = config.csv_delimiter,
0241         lines = getPrescaleTableLines(process, pathNames),
0242     )
0244     ## Tab: HLT Menu
0245     metadataDict = {}
0246     if config.metadata_json and os.path.isfile(config.metadata_json):
0247         metadataDict = json.load(open(config.metadata_json))
0249     pathAttributes = {}
0250     for pathName in pathNames:
0251         pathNameUnv = pathName[:pathName.rfind('_v')+2] if '_v' in pathName else pathName
0252         pathOwners = ', '.join(metadataDict[pathNameUnv]['owners']) if pathNameUnv in metadataDict else ''
0253         pathIsOnline = 'Yes' if pathNameUnv in metadataDict and metadataDict[pathNameUnv]['online?'] else 'No'
0254         pathAttributes[pathName] = {
0255             'Owners': pathOwners,
0256             'Online?': pathIsOnline,
0257             'PS ('+config.prescale_column+')': getPrescale(process, pathName, config.prescale_column),
0258             'Datasets (SmartPS)': getDatasets(process, pathName),
0259             'Streams': getStreams(process, pathName),
0260             'L1T Seed': getL1TSeed(process, pathName),
0261         }
0263     linesHLTMenu = [[
0264         'Path',
0265         'Owners',
0266         'Online?',
0267         'PS ('+config.prescale_column+')',
0268         'Datasets (SmartPS)',
0269         'Streams',
0270         'L1T Seed',
0271     ]]
0273     for pathName in pathNames:
0274         if pathName.startswith('Dataset_'):
0275             continue
0276         pathDict = pathAttributes[pathName]
0277         linesHLTMenu += [[
0278             pathName,
0279             pathDict[linesHLTMenu[0][1]],
0280             pathDict[linesHLTMenu[0][2]],
0281             pathDict[linesHLTMenu[0][3]],
0282             pathDict[linesHLTMenu[0][4]],
0283             pathDict[linesHLTMenu[0][5]],
0284             pathDict[linesHLTMenu[0][6]],
0285         ]]
0287     create_csv(
0288         outputFilePath = os.path.join(config.output_dir, 'tabHLTMenu.csv'),
0289         delimiter = config.csv_delimiter,
0290         lines = linesHLTMenu,
0291     )
0293     ## Tab: HLT Datasets and Streams
0294     dsetDict = getDatasetStreamDict(process)
0295     linesHLTDatasetsAndStreams = [['Primary Dataset', 'Stream']]
0296     linesHLTDatasetsAndStreams += [[dset, ', '.join(dsetDict[dset])] for dset in sorted(dsetDict.keys())]
0297     create_csv(
0298         outputFilePath = os.path.join(config.output_dir, 'tabHLTDatasetsAndStreams.csv'),
0299         delimiter = config.csv_delimiter,
0300         lines = linesHLTDatasetsAndStreams,
0301     )
0303 ###
0304 ### main
0305 ###
0306 if __name__ == '__main__':
0307     main()