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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:18:19

0001 #!/bin/bash
0003 function die { echo $1: status $2 ; exit $2; }
0005 check_file_existence() {
0006     local file_path="$1"
0008     if [ -e "$file_path" ]; then
0009         # File exists, do nothing
0010         :
0011     else
0012         # Print error message in red
0013         echo -e "\e[91mError: File '$file_path' does not exist.\e[0m"
0014         exit 1
0015     fi
0016 }
0018 function compare_files() {
0019     local file1_path="$1"
0020     local file2_path="$2"
0022     ## check that the input files exist
0023     check_file_existence "$file1_path"
0024     check_file_existence "$file2_path"
0026     local exclude_set=("HLTAnalyzerEndpath" "RatesMonitoring" "DQMHistograms")
0028     local lines_file1=()
0029     local lines_file2=()
0030     local not_in_file2=()
0032     # extract the list of paths to match from the first file
0033     while IFS= read -r line; do
0034     if [[ ! $line =~ ^# ]]; then
0035         # Extract the first word before a space
0036         first_word=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')
0037         lines_file1+=("$first_word")
0038     fi
0039     done < "$file1_path"
0041     # extract the list of paths to match from the second file
0042     while IFS= read -r line; do
0043     if [[ ! $line =~ ^# ]]; then
0044         # Extract the first word before a space
0045         first_word=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')
0046         lines_file2+=("$first_word")
0047     fi
0048     done < "$file2_path"
0050     # find the set not in common
0051     for line in "${lines_file1[@]}"; do
0052         if [[ ! "${lines_file2[@]}" =~ "$line" ]]; then
0053             not_in_file2+=("$line")
0054         fi
0055     done
0057     # Remove lines from not_in_file2 that contain any substring in exclude_set
0058     for pattern in "${exclude_set[@]}"; do
0059         not_in_file2=("${not_in_file2[@]//*$pattern*}")
0060     done
0062     # Remove empty elements and empty lines after substitution
0063     not_in_file2=("${not_in_file2[@]//''}")
0065     # Remove empty elements from the array
0066     local cleaned_not_in_file2=()
0067     for element in "${not_in_file2[@]}"; do
0068         if [[ -n "$element" ]]; then
0069             cleaned_not_in_file2+=("$element")
0070         fi
0071     done
0073     file1_name=$(basename "$file1_path")
0074     file2_name=$(basename "$file2_path")
0076     if [ ${#cleaned_not_in_file2[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
0077         echo -e "\033[92mAll lines from $file1_name are included in $file2_name.\033[0m"
0078         return 0
0079     else
0080         echo "Lines present in $file1_name but not in $file2_name (excluding the exclusion set):"
0081         printf '%s\n' "${not_in_file2[@]}"
0082         return 1
0083     fi
0084 }
0086 TABLES_AREA="$CMSSW_BASE/src/HLTrigger/Configuration/tables"
0088 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_pion.txt $TABLES_AREA/PIon.txt || die "Failure comparing online_pion and PIon" $?
0089 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_hion.txt $TABLES_AREA/HIon.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_hion and HIon" $?
0090 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_pref.txt $TABLES_AREA/PRef.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_pref and PRef" $?
0091 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_Circulating.txt  $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_Circulating and Special" $?
0092 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_PPS.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_PPS and Special" $?
0093 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_LumiScan.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_LumiScan and Special" $?
0094 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_FirstCollisions.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_FirstCollisions and Special" $?
0095 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_ECALTiming.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_ECALTiming and Special" $?
0096 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_Cosmics.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_Cosmics and Special" $?
0097 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_TrackerVR.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_TrackerVR and Special" $?
0098 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_Splashes.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_Splashes and Special" $?
0099 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_Special.txt $TABLES_AREA/Special.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_Special and Special" $?
0100 compare_files $TABLES_AREA/online_grun.txt $TABLES_AREA/GRun.txt  || die "Failure comparing online_grun and GRun" $?