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0001 #ifndef HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter_h
0002 #define HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter_h
0004 /** \class HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter
0005  *
0006  *  \author Roberto Covarelli (CERN)
0007  *  modified by Chris Tully (Princeton)
0008  */
0010 #include "HLTrigger/HLTcore/interface/HLTFilter.h"
0012 #include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs.h"
0013 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/RecoEcalCandidateIsolation.h"
0015 namespace edm {
0016   class ConfigurationDescriptions;
0017 }
0019 //
0020 // class declaration
0021 //
0023 class HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter : public HLTFilter {
0024 public:
0025   explicit HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0026   ~HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter() override;
0027   bool hltFilter(edm::Event&,
0028                  const edm::EventSetup&,
0029                  trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs& filterproduct) const override;
0030   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0032 private:
0033   edm::InputTag candTag_;  // input tag identifying product that contains filtered candidates
0034   edm::InputTag varTag_;   // input tag identifying product that contains the variable map
0035   edm::EDGetTokenT<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs> candToken_;
0036   edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap> varToken_;
0037   bool lessThan_;  // the cut is "<" or ">" ?
0038   bool useEt_;     // use E or Et in relative isolation cuts
0039   bool useAbs_;    // use the standard abs of the variable (before any rho corr)
0040   /*  Barrel quadratic threshold function:
0041       vali (<= or >=) thrRegularEB_ + (E or Et)*thrOverEEB_ + (E or Et)*(E or Et)*thrOverE2EB_
0042     Endcap quadratic threshold function:
0043       vali (<= or >=) thrRegularEE_ + (E or Et)*thrOverEEE_ + (E or Et)*(E or Et)*thrOverE2EE_
0044       */
0046   std::vector<double> energyLowEdges_;  // lower bin edges for energy-dependent cuts
0047   double etaBoundaryEB12_;              //eta Boundary between Regions 1 and 2 - ECAL barrel
0048   double etaBoundaryEE12_;              //eta Boundary between Regions 1 and 2 - ECAL endcap
0049   std::vector<double> thrRegularEB1_;   // threshold value for zeroth order term - ECAL barrel region 1
0050   std::vector<double> thrRegularEE1_;   // threshold value for zeroth order term - ECAL endcap region 1
0051   std::vector<double> thrOverEEB1_;     // coefficient for first order term - ECAL barrel region 1
0052   std::vector<double> thrOverEEE1_;     // coefficient for first order term - ECAL endcap region 1
0053   std::vector<double> thrOverE2EB1_;    // coefficient for second order term - ECAL barrel region 1
0054   std::vector<double> thrOverE2EE1_;    // coefficient for second order term - ECAL endcap region 1
0055   std::vector<double> thrRegularEB2_;   // threshold value for zeroth order term - ECAL barrel region 2
0056   std::vector<double> thrRegularEE2_;   // threshold value for zeroth order term - ECAL endcap region 2
0057   std::vector<double> thrOverEEB2_;     // coefficient for first order term - ECAL barrel region 2
0058   std::vector<double> thrOverEEE2_;     // coefficient for first order term - ECAL endcap region 2
0059   std::vector<double> thrOverE2EB2_;    // coefficient for second order term - ECAL barrel region 2
0060   std::vector<double> thrOverE2EE2_;    // coefficient for second order term - ECAL endcap region 2
0061   int ncandcut_;                        // number of candidates required
0063   bool store_;
0064   edm::InputTag l1EGTag_;
0066   edm::InputTag rhoTag_;  // input tag identifying rho producer
0067   edm::EDGetTokenT<double> rhoToken_;
0068   bool doRhoCorrection_;
0069   double rhoMax_;
0070   double rhoScale_;
0071   std::vector<double> effectiveAreas_;
0072   std::vector<double> absEtaLowEdges_;
0073 };
0075 #endif  //HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter_h