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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process('HLT')
0005 # define the Prescaler service, and set the scale factors
0006 process.PrescaleService = cms.Service('PrescaleService',
0007     prescaleTable = cms.VPSet(
0008         cms.PSet(
0009             pathName  = cms.string('path_1'),
0010             prescales = cms.vuint32( 2 )
0011         ),
0012         cms.PSet(
0013             pathName  = cms.string('path_2'),
0014             prescales = cms.vuint32( 3 )
0015         ),
0016         cms.PSet(
0017             pathName  = cms.string('path_3'),
0018             prescales = cms.vuint32( 5 )
0019         )
0020     ),
0021     lvl1Labels = cms.vstring('any'),
0022     lvl1DefaultLabel = cms.untracked.string('any')
0023 )    
0025 # define an empty source, and ask for 100 events
0026 process.source = cms.Source('EmptySource')
0028 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0029     input = cms.untracked.int32(100)
0030 )
0032 # define 3 prescalers, one per path
0033 process.scale_1 = cms.EDFilter('HLTPrescaler')
0034 process.scale_2 = cms.EDFilter('HLTPrescaler')
0035 process.scale_3 = cms.EDFilter('HLTPrescaler')
0036    = cms.EDFilter('HLTBool', result = cms.bool(False))
0037 process.success = cms.EDFilter('HLTBool', result = cms.bool(True))
0039 process.path_1 = cms.Path(process.scale_1)
0040 process.path_2 = cms.Path(process.scale_2)
0041 process.path_3 = cms.Path(process.scale_3)
0042 process.true   = cms.Path(process.success)
0043 process.false  = cms.Path(
0045 # define and EndPath to analyze all other path results
0046 process.hltTrigReport = cms.EDAnalyzer( 'HLTrigReport',
0047     HLTriggerResults = cms.InputTag( 'TriggerResults','','HLT' )
0048 )
0049 process.HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( process.hltTrigReport )
0051 # define the PoolOutputModule
0052 process.poolOutput = cms.OutputModule('PoolOutputModule',
0053     fileName = cms.untracked.string('file:trigger.root')
0054 )
0055 process.output = cms.EndPath(process.poolOutput)