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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Class:      HLTHcalLaserFilter
0004 //
0005 /**\class HLTHcalLaserFilter
0007  Description: HLT filter module for rejecting events with HCAL laser firing
0009  Implementation:
0010      <Notes on implementation>
0011 */
0012 //
0013 // Original Author:  Alex Mott
0014 //         Created:  Wed Aug 15 10:37:03 EST 2012
0015 //
0016 //
0018 #include "HLTrigger/JetMET/interface/HLTHcalLaserFilter.h"
0020 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
0021 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0022 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0023 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0024 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0026 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0028 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0029 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
0030 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0032 #include <iostream>
0034 HLTHcalLaserFilter::HLTHcalLaserFilter(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0035     : m_theCalibToken(consumes(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hcalDigiCollection"))),
0036       timeSlices_(iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("timeSlices")),
0037       thresholdsfC_(iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("thresholdsfC")),
0038       CalibCountFilterValues_(iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("CalibCountFilterValues")),
0039       CalibChargeFilterValues_(iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("CalibChargeFilterValues")),
0040       maxTotalCalibCharge_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("maxTotalCalibCharge")),
0041       maxAllowedHFcalib_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxAllowedHFcalib"))
0043 {}
0045 void HLTHcalLaserFilter::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0046   edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0047   desc.add<edm::InputTag>("hcalDigiCollection", edm::InputTag("hltHcalDigis"));
0048   desc.add<double>("maxTotalCalibCharge", -1);
0050   std::vector<int> dummy_vint;
0051   std::vector<double> dummy_vdouble;
0053   desc.add<std::vector<int> >("timeSlices", dummy_vint);
0054   desc.add<std::vector<double> >("thresholdsfC", dummy_vdouble);
0055   desc.add<std::vector<int> >("CalibCountFilterValues", dummy_vint);
0056   desc.add<std::vector<double> >("CalibChargeFilterValues", dummy_vdouble);
0057   desc.add<int>("maxAllowedHFcalib", -1);
0058   descriptions.add("hltHcalLaserFilter", desc);
0059 }
0061 //
0062 // member functions
0063 //
0065 bool HLTHcalLaserFilter::filter(edm::StreamID, edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) const {
0066   edm::Handle<HcalCalibDigiCollection> hCalib;
0067   iEvent.getByToken(m_theCalibToken, hCalib);
0069   int numHFcalib = 0;
0071   // Set up potential filter variables
0072   double totalCalibCharge = 0;
0074   // Track multiplicity and total charge for each fC threshold
0075   std::vector<int> CalibCount;
0076   std::vector<double> CalibCharge;
0077   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < thresholdsfC_.size(); ++i) {
0078     CalibCount.push_back(0);
0079     CalibCharge.push_back(0);
0080   }
0082   static constexpr float adc2fC[128] = {
0083       -0.5,   0.5,    1.5,    2.5,    3.5,    4.5,    5.5,    6.5,    7.5,    8.5,    9.5,    10.5,   11.5,
0084       12.5,   13.5,   15.,    17.,    19.,    21.,    23.,    25.,    27.,    29.5,   32.5,   35.5,   38.5,
0085       42.,    46.,    50.,    54.5,   59.5,   64.5,   59.5,   64.5,   69.5,   74.5,   79.5,   84.5,   89.5,
0086       94.5,   99.5,   104.5,  109.5,  114.5,  119.5,  124.5,  129.5,  137.,   147.,   157.,   167.,   177.,
0087       187.,   197.,   209.5,  224.5,  239.5,  254.5,  272.,   292.,   312.,   334.5,  359.5,  384.5,  359.5,
0088       384.5,  409.5,  434.5,  459.5,  484.5,  509.5,  534.5,  559.5,  584.5,  609.5,  634.5,  659.5,  684.5,
0089       709.5,  747.,   797.,   847.,   897.,   947.,   997.,   1047.,  1109.5, 1184.5, 1259.5, 1334.5, 1422.,
0090       1522.,  1622.,  1734.5, 1859.5, 1984.5, 1859.5, 1984.5, 2109.5, 2234.5, 2359.5, 2484.5, 2609.5, 2734.5,
0091       2859.5, 2984.5, 3109.5, 3234.5, 3359.5, 3484.5, 3609.5, 3797.,  4047.,  4297.,  4547.,  4797.,  5047.,
0092       5297.,  5609.5, 5984.5, 6359.5, 6734.5, 7172.,  7672.,  8172.,  8734.5, 9359.5, 9984.5};
0094   if (hCalib.isValid() == true) {
0095     // loop over calibration channels
0097     //for timing reasons, we abort within the loop if a field ever goes out of bounds
0098     for (auto const& digi : *hCalib) {
0099       if ( == 0)
0100         continue;
0102       HcalCalibDetId myid = (HcalCalibDetId);
0103       if (myid.hcalSubdet() == HcalBarrel || myid.hcalSubdet() == HcalEndcap) {
0104         if (myid.calibFlavor() == HcalCalibDetId::HOCrosstalk)
0105           continue;  // ignore HOCrosstalk channels
0107         // Add this digi to total calibration charge
0108         for (int i = 0; i < (int)digi.size(); i++)
0109           totalCalibCharge = totalCalibCharge + adc2fC[digi.sample(i).adc() & 0xff];
0111         if (maxTotalCalibCharge_ >= 0 && totalCalibCharge > maxTotalCalibCharge_)
0112           return false;
0114         // Compute total charge found in the provided subset of timeslices
0115         double sumCharge = 0;
0116         unsigned int NTS = timeSlices_.size();
0117         int digisize = (int)digi.size();  // gives value of largest time slice
0119         for (unsigned int ts = 0; ts < NTS; ++ts)  // loop over provided timeslices
0120         {
0121           if (timeSlices_[ts] < 0 || timeSlices_[ts] > digisize)
0122             continue;
0123           sumCharge += adc2fC[digi.sample(timeSlices_[ts]).adc() & 0xff];
0124         }
0126         // Check multiplicity and charge against filter settings for each charge threshold
0127         for (unsigned int thresh = 0; thresh < thresholdsfC_.size(); ++thresh) {
0128           if (sumCharge > thresholdsfC_[thresh]) {
0129             ++CalibCount[thresh];
0130             CalibCharge[thresh] += sumCharge;
0131             // FilterValues must be >=0 in order for filter to be applied
0132             if (CalibCount[thresh] >= CalibCountFilterValues_[thresh] && CalibCountFilterValues_[thresh] >= 0) {
0133               //std::cout <<"Number of channels > "<<thresholdsfC_[thresh]<<" = "<<CalibCount[thresh]<<"; vetoing!"<<std::endl;
0134               return false;
0135             }
0136             if (CalibCharge[thresh] >= CalibChargeFilterValues_[thresh] && CalibChargeFilterValues_[thresh] >= 0) {
0137               //std::cout <<"FILTERED BY HBHE"<<std::endl;
0138               return false;
0139             }
0140           }  //if (sumCharge > thresholdsfC_[thresh])
0141         }  //for (unsigned int thresh=0;thresh<thresholdsfC_.size();++thresh)
0142       }  // if HB or HE Calib
0143       else if (myid.hcalSubdet() == HcalForward && maxAllowedHFcalib_ >= 0) {
0144         ++numHFcalib;
0145         //std::cout <<"numHFcalib = "<<numHFcalib<<"  Max allowed = "<<maxAllowedHFcalib_<<std::endl;
0146         if (numHFcalib > maxAllowedHFcalib_) {
0147           //std::cout <<"FILTERED BY HF; "<<maxAllowedHFcalib_<<std::endl;
0148           return false;
0149         }
0150       }
0151     }  // loop on calibration digis:  for (HcalCalibDigiCollection::...)
0153     /*
0154       for (unsigned int thresh=0;thresh<thresholdsfC_.size();++thresh)
0155     {
0156       std::cout <<"Thresh = "<<thresholdsfC_[thresh]<<"  Num channels found = "<<CalibCount[thresh]<<std::endl;
0157     }
0158       */
0159   }  // if (hCalib.isValid()==true)
0160   //std::cout <<"UNFILTERED"<<std::endl;
0161   return true;
0162 }