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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:18:47

0001 #! /bin/bash
0003 function usage() {
0004   echo "Usage: hltInfo FILE"
0005   echo
0006   echo "Print the CMSSW process names, releases, global tags, and the HLT menu, used to collect or simulate FILE."
0007 }
0010 if ! [ "$1" ]; then
0011   usage
0012   exit 1
0013 fi
0015 if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then
0016   usage
0017   exit 0
0018 fi
0020 edmProvDump "$1" | awk 'BEGIN {keep=0} /Producers with data in file/ {keep=0} // { if (keep) print $1, gensub(/["'\'']/,"", "g", $3), gensub(/[()]/, "", "g", $5) } /^Processing History:/ {keep=1}' | while read P R H; do
0021   echo "process $P (release $R)"
0022   edmProvDump "$1" -i $H | grep 'tableName\|globaltag' | sed -e's/string \(un\)\?tracked  = //' -e's/tableName:/HLT menu:  /' -e's/globaltag:/global tag:/'
0023   echo
0024 done