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0001 #the sequence defined herein do not get included
0002 # in the actual sequences run centrally
0003 #these module instances serve as examples of postprocessing
0004 # new histograms are generated as the ratio of the specified input
0005 # defined thru 'efficiency = cms.vstring(arg)' where arg has the form
0006 # "ratio 'histo title; x-label; y-label; numerator denominator'"
0007 #the base code is in: DQMServices/ClientConfig/plugins/
0008 #note: output and verbose must be disabled for integration,
0010 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0011 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDHarvester import DQMEDHarvester
0013 myMuonPostVal = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
0014     verbose        = cms.untracked.uint32(0), #set this to zero!
0015     outputFileName = cms.untracked.string(''),# set this to empty!
0016     #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('MuonPostProcessor.root'),
0017     commands       = cms.vstring(),
0018     resolution     = cms.vstring(),                                    
0019     subDirs        = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/Muon/Distributions/*'),
0020     efficiency     = cms.vstring(
0021         "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' genPassEta_L1Filtered genPassEta_All"
0022     )
0023 )
0026 myEgammaPostVal = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
0027     #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('EgammaPostProcessor.root'),
0028     commands       = cms.vstring(),
0029     resolution     = cms.vstring(),                                    
0030     subDirs        = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/*'),
0031     efficiency     = cms.vstring(
0032         "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' hltL1sDoubleEgammaeta hltL1sDoubleEgammaeta"
0033     )
0034 )
0036 myTauPostVal = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
0037     #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('TauPostProcessor.root'),
0038     commands       = cms.vstring(),
0039     resolution     = cms.vstring(),                                    
0040     subDirs        = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/HLTTAU/*'),
0041     efficiency     = cms.vstring(
0042         "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' L1Tau1Eta GenTauElecEta"
0043     )
0044 )
0046 ExamplePostVal = cms.Sequence(
0047      myMuonPostVal
0048     +myEgammaPostVal
0049     +myTauPostVal
0050 )