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File indexing completed on 2024-11-26 02:34:21

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python
0003 ## Utility used to overlay muon HLT plots from several releases
0005 ## For more information about available options, use the -h option:
0006 ##     ./ -h
0008 ## Import python libraries
0009 import sys
0010 import optparse
0011 import os
0012 import re
0014 ## Set up ROOT in batch mode
0015 if '-h' not in sys.argv:
0016     sys.argv.append('-b')
0017     import ROOT
0018     ROOT.gROOT.Macro('rootlogon.C')
0019     sys.argv.remove('-b')
0020     ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
0021     ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(0)
0022     ROOT.gStyle.SetErrorX(0.5)
0023     ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning
0024     c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","c1",800,600)
0025     c1.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(6)
0026     c1.GetFrame().SetBorderMode(-1)
0030 class RootFile:
0031     def __init__(self, file_name):
0032 = file_name[0:file_name.find(".root")]
0033         self.file = ROOT.TFile(file_name, "read")
0034         if self.file.IsZombie():
0035             print("Error opening %s, exiting..." % file_name)
0036             sys.exit(1)
0037     def Get(self, object_name):
0038         return self.file.Get(object_name)
0042 def main():
0043     ## Parse command line options
0044     usage="usage: %prog [options] file1.root file2.root file3.root ..."
0045     parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
0046     parser.add_option('-g', '--gen', action="store_true", default=False,
0047                       help="skip plots which match to reconstructed muons")
0048     parser.add_option('-r', '--rec', action="store_true", default=False,
0049                       help="skip plots which match to generated muons")
0050     parser.add_option('-s', '--stats', action="store_true", default=False,
0051                       help="print a table rather than plotting")
0052     parser.add_option('--stats-format', default="twiki",
0053                       help="choose 'twiki' (default) or 'html' table format")
0054     parser.add_option('-p', '--path', default="HLT_Mu9",
0055                       help="specify which HLT path to focus on")
0056     parser.add_option('--file-type', default="pdf", metavar="EXT", 
0057                       help="choose an output format other than pdf")
0058     options, arguments = parser.parse_args()
0059     path = options.path
0060     source_types = ["gen", "rec"]
0061     if options.gen: source_types.remove("rec")
0062     if options.rec: source_types.remove("gen")
0063     if len(arguments) == 0:
0064         print("Please provide at least one file as an argument")
0065         return
0067     ## Define constants
0068     global file_type, path_muon, path_dist, cross_channel_format, colors
0069     file_type = options.file_type
0070     path_muon = "/DQMData/Run 1/HLT/Run summary/Muon"
0071     path_dist = "%s/Distributions" % path_muon
0072     cross_channel_format = re.compile("HLT_[^_]*_[^_]*$")
0073     colors = [ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kGreen+2, ROOT.kMagenta+2,
0074               ROOT.kYellow+2, ROOT.kCyan+2, ROOT.kBlue+3, ROOT.kRed+3]
0076     ## Make table/plots
0077     files, path_names = get_files_and_path_names(arguments)
0078     efficiencies = get_global_efficiencies(files, path)
0079     filter_names, me_values = get_filters_and_MEs(files, path)
0080     if options.stats:
0081         for source_type in source_types:
0082             make_efficiency_table(files, source_type, filter_names,
0083                                   efficiencies, options.stats_format)
0084         sys.exit(0)
0085     print("Generating plots for %s path" % path)
0086     make_efficiency_summary_plot(files, me_values)
0087     if len(files) == 1:
0088         for source_type in source_types:
0089             for filter in filter_names:
0090                 make_overlaid_turnon_plot(files, source_type, filter, path,
0091                                           efficiencies, me_values)
0092     plot_vars = ["TurnOn1", "EffEta", "EffPhi"]
0093     if "SingleMu" in files[0].name or len(files) == 1:
0094         plot_vars.remove("TurnOn1")
0095     for source_type in source_types:
0096         for plot_var in plot_vars:
0097             for filter in filter_names:
0098                 plot_name = "%s%s_%s" % (source_type, plot_var, filter)
0099                 make_efficiency_plot(files, plot_name, path,
0100                                      efficiencies, me_values)
0101     if "SingleMu" not in files[0].name:
0102         for source_type in source_types[0:1]:
0103             for path in path_names:
0104                 if "HighMultiplicity" in path: continue # Kludge
0105                 filter_names, me_values = get_filters_and_MEs(files, path)
0106                 for filter in filter_names:
0107                     plot_name = "%s%s_%s" % ("gen", "TurnOn1", filter)
0108                     make_efficiency_plot(files, plot_name, path,
0109                                          efficiencies, me_values)
0110     if file_type == "pdf":
0111         merge_pdf_output(files)
0115 def counter_generator():
0116     k = 0
0117     while True:
0118         k += 1
0119         yield k
0120 next_counter = counter_generator().next
0124 def get_files_and_path_names(arguments):
0125     files = [RootFile(filename) for filename in arguments]
0126     path_names = []
0127     keys = files[0].file.GetDirectory(path_dist).GetListOfKeys()
0128     obj = keys.First()
0129     while obj:
0130         if obj.IsFolder():
0131             path_names.append(obj.GetName())
0132         obj = keys.After(obj)
0133     return files, path_names
0137 def get_global_efficiencies(files, path):
0138     efficiencies = []
0139     for file_index, file in enumerate(files):
0140         try:
0141             eff_hist = ROOT.TH1F(file.Get("%s/%s/globalEfficiencies" %
0142                                                (path_dist, path)))
0143         except:
0144             print("No global efficiency in %s" %
0145             sys.exit(1)
0146         eff_hist.LabelsDeflate()
0147         efficiencies.append({})
0148         for i in range(eff_hist.GetNbinsX()):
0149             label = eff_hist.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i + 1)
0150             eff = 100. * eff_hist.GetBinContent(i + 1)
0151             err = 100. * eff_hist.GetBinError(i + 1)
0152             efficiencies[file_index][label] = [eff, err]
0153     return efficiencies
0157 def get_filters_and_MEs(files, path):
0158     filter_names = []
0159     me_values = {}
0160     regexp = ROOT.TPRegexp("^<(.*)>(i|f|s)=(.*)</\\1>$")
0161     full_path = "%s/%s" % (path_dist, path)
0162     keys = files[0].file.GetDirectory(full_path).GetListOfKeys()
0163     obj = keys.First()
0164     while obj:
0165         name = obj.GetName()
0166         filter_name = name[name.find("_") + 1:len(name)]
0167         if "genPassPhi" in name:
0168             if "L1" in name or "L2" in name or "L3" in name:
0169                 filter_names.append(filter_name)
0170         if regexp.Match(name):
0171             array = ROOT.TObjArray(regexp.MatchS(name))
0172             me_values[array.At(1).GetName()] = float(array.At(3).GetName())
0173         obj = keys.After(obj)
0174     return filter_names, me_values
0178 def make_efficiency_table(files, source_type, filter_names,
0179                           efficiencies, stats_format):
0180     if "twiki" in stats_format:
0181         format = "| %s | %s |"
0182         separator = " | "
0183     if "html" in stats_format:
0184         format = "<tr><th>%s<td>%s"
0185         separator = "<td>"
0186         print("<table>")
0187     sample = files[0].name[0:files[0].name.find("_")]
0188     print((format % (sample, separator.join(filter_names))).replace('td', 'th'))
0189     for file_index, file in enumerate(files):
0190         entries = []
0191         for filter in filter_names:
0192             label = "%sEffPhi_%s" % (source_type, filter)
0193             eff, err = efficiencies[file_index][label]
0194             entries.append("%.1f &plusmn; %.1f" % (eff, err))
0195         version =
0196         version = version[version.find("_")+1:version.find("-")]
0197         print(format % (version, separator.join(entries)))
0198     if "html" in stats_format:
0199         print("</table>")
0202 def make_efficiency_summary_plot(files, me_values):
0203     class Bin:
0204         def __init__(self, label, content, error):
0205             self.label = label
0206             self.content = float(content)
0207             self.error = float(error)
0208     hists = ROOT.TList()
0209     hist_path = "%s/Summary/Efficiency_Summary" % path_muon
0210     for file_index, file in enumerate(files):
0211         hist = file.Get(hist_path)
0212         if not hist:
0213             hist = file.Get(hist_path + "_Muon")
0214         if not hist:
0215             print("No efficiency summary plot found in %s" %
0216             return
0217         n_bins = hist.GetNbinsX()
0218         bins = [Bin(hist.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i + 1),
0219                     hist.GetBinContent(i + 1),
0220                     ## hist.GetBinError(i + 1) kludge below!
0221                     hist.GetBinContent(i + 1)/1000)
0222                 for i in range(n_bins)]
0223         n_cross = i = 0
0224         while i != (len(bins) - n_cross):
0225             if cross_channel_format.match(bins[i].label):
0226                 bins.append(bins.pop(i))
0227                 n_cross += 1
0228             else:
0229                 i += 1
0230         new_hist = ROOT.TH1F("%s_clone%i" % (hist.GetName(), file_index),
0231                    , n_bins,
0232                              hist.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1),
0233                              hist.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(n_bins))
0234         for i, bin in enumerate(bins):
0235             new_hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, bin.label)
0236             new_hist.SetBinContent(i + 1, bin.content)
0237             new_hist.SetBinError(i + 1, bin.error)
0238         hists.Add(new_hist)
0239     if hists.At(0):
0240         plot(hists, "Summary", "Efficiency Summary")
0244 def make_efficiency_plot(files, plot_name, path, efficiencies, me_values):
0245     hists = ROOT.TList()
0246     hist_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (path_dist, path, plot_name)
0247     hist_title = files[0].Get(hist_path).GetTitle()
0248     for file in files:
0249         try: hist = ROOT.TH1F(file.Get(hist_path))
0250         except:
0251             try: hist = ROOT.TProfile(file.Get(hist_path))
0252             except: print("Failed to find %s!!" % plot_name); return
0253         new_hist = hist.Clone()
0254         new_hist.SetTitle(
0255         hists.Add(new_hist)
0256     if hists.At(0):
0257         plot(hists, plot_name, hist_title, efficiencies, me_values, path)
0261 def make_overlaid_turnon_plot(files, source_type, filter, path,
0262                               efficiencies, me_values):
0263     hists = ROOT.TList()
0264     for plot_name in ["%sTurnOn%s_%s" % (source_type, number, filter)
0265                       for number in [1, 2]]:
0266         hist_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (path_dist, path, plot_name)
0267         try: hist = ROOT.TH1F(files[0].Get(hist_path))
0268         except: hist = ROOT.TProfile(files[0].Get(hist_path))
0269         new_hist = hist.Clone()
0270         x_title = hist.GetXaxis().GetTitle()
0271         x_title = x_title.replace("Leading", "Leading/Next-to-Leading")
0272         new_hist.SetTitle("%s;%s" % (new_hist.GetTitle(), x_title))
0273         hists.Add(new_hist)
0274     if hists.At(0):
0275         plot(hists, "%sTurnOn", "Turn-On Curves for %s" % filter,
0276              efficiencies, me_values, path)
0280 def plot(hists, hist_type, hist_title,
0281          efficiencies=None, me_values=None, path=None):
0282     plot_num = next_counter()
0283     first = hists.First()
0284     last = hists.Last()
0285     hist = last
0286     x_title = first.GetXaxis().GetTitle()
0287     if   "Gen" in x_title: source_type = "gen"
0288     elif "Rec" in x_title: source_type = "reco"
0289     expression = ("0.5 * [2] * (" +
0290                   "TMath::Erf((x / [0] + 1.) / (TMath::Sqrt(2.) * [1])) + " +
0291                   "TMath::Erf((x / [0] - 1.) / (TMath::Sqrt(2.) * [1])))")
0292     function_turn_on = ROOT.TF1("turnOn", expression, 10, 40)
0293     while hist:
0294         hist_index = int(hists.IndexOf(hist))
0295         hist.Draw()
0296         ROOT.gPad.SetLogx(False)
0297         ROOT.gPad.SetTickx(1)
0298         title = hist.GetTitle()
0299         hist.SetLineWidth(2)
0300         hist.SetLineColor(colors[hist_index % len(colors)])
0301         if hist.GetMaximum() <= 1.0:
0302             hist.Scale(100.)
0303         hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 100.)
0304         if "Summary" in hist_type:
0305             hist.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("u")
0306             c1.SetTickx(0)
0307         if "Eff" in hist_type or "TurnOn" in hist_type:
0308             yTitle = hist.GetYaxis().GetTitle()
0309             slashIndex = yTitle.find("/")
0310             yTitle = "#frac{%s}{%s} (%%)" % (yTitle[0:slashIndex - 1],
0311                                             yTitle[slashIndex + 2:100])
0312             hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yTitle)
0313             hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5)
0314             hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04)
0315         if "Eff" in hist_type:
0316             eff, err = efficiencies[hist_index][hist_type]
0317             hist.SetTitle("%s (%.1f#pm%.1f%%)" % (title, eff, err))
0318         if "TurnOn" in hist_type:
0319             ROOT.gPad.SetLogx(True)
0320             hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(2., 300.)
0321             function_turn_on.SetParameters(1,20,100)
0322             function_turn_on.SetLineColor(hist.GetLineColor())
0323             hist.Fit("turnOn","q")
0324             hist.Draw()
0325             eff = function_turn_on.GetParameter(2)
0326             if eff < 100 and eff > 0:
0327                 hist.SetTitle("%s (%.1f%%)" % (title, eff))
0328         hist = hists.Before(hist)
0329     last.Draw()
0330     hist = hists.Before(last)
0331     while hist:
0332         hist.Draw("same")
0333         hist = hists.Before(hist)
0334     lower_bound_y = 0.15
0335     upper_bound_y = lower_bound_y + (0.055 * hists.Capacity())
0336     if   "Summary" in hist_type:
0337         cuts = None
0338     elif "TurnOn"  in hist_type:
0339         cuts = "|#eta| < %.1f" % me_values["CutMaxEta"]
0340     else:
0341         cuts = "p_{T} #geq %.0f, |#eta| < %.1f" % (me_values["CutMinPt"],
0342                                                 me_values["CutMaxEta"])
0343     legend = ROOT.gPad.BuildLegend(0.22, lower_bound_y, 0.90, upper_bound_y)
0344     legend.SetFillColor(0)
0345     legend.SetFillStyle(1001)
0346     if "Summary" not in hist_type:
0347         latex = ROOT.TLatex()
0348         latex.SetNDC()
0349         latex.SetTextAlign(31)
0350         latex.DrawLatex(0.93, upper_bound_y + 0.015,
0351                         "Cuts on #mu_{%s}: %s" % (source_type, cuts))
0352     hist_title = "%.3i: %s" % (plot_num, hist_title)
0353     if path: hist_title += " step in %s" % path
0354     last.SetTitle(hist_title)
0355     ROOT.gPad.Update()
0356     c1.SaveAs("%.3i.%s" % (plot_num, file_type))
0360 def merge_pdf_output(files):
0361     os.system("gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dAutoRotatePages=/All  -sOutputFile=merged.pdf [0-9][0-9][0-9].pdf")
0362     if len(files) == 1:
0363         pdfname = "%s.pdf" % files[0].name
0364     elif len(files) == 2:
0365         pdfname = "%s_vs_%s.pdf" % (files[0].name, files[1].name)
0366     else:
0367         pdfname = "%s_vs_Many.pdf" % files[0].name
0368     os.system("cp merged.pdf %s" % pdfname)
0369     os.system("rm [0-9]*.pdf")
0370     print("Wrote %i plots to %s" % (next_counter() - 1, pdfname))
0374 if __name__ == "__main__":
0375     sys.exit(main())