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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # taken from in HLTriggerOffline/Higgs/python
0004 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0005 hltSMPValidator = DQMEDAnalyzer('HLTHiggsValidator',
0007     hltProcessName = cms.string("HLT"),
0008     histDirectory  = cms.string("HLT/SMP"),
0009     analyses       = cms.vstring("SinglePhoton","SingleEle"),
0011     # -- The instance name of the reco::GenParticles collection
0012     genParticleLabel = cms.string("genParticles"),
0014     # -- The instance name of the reco::GenJets collection
0015     # (not used but required to be set)
0016     genJetLabel = cms.string("ak5GenJets"),
0018     # -- The nomber of interactions in the event
0019     pileUpInfoLabel  = cms.string("addPileupInfo"),
0021     # -- The binning of the Pt efficiency plots
0022     parametersTurnOn = cms.vdouble(0,
0023                                    1, 8, 9, 10,
0024                                    11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
0025                                    22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,
0026                                    45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 
0027                                    110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200,
0028                                    220, 250, 300, 400, 500
0029                                    ),
0031     # -- (NBins, minVal, maxValue) for the Eta,Phi and nInterations efficiency plots
0032     parametersEta      = cms.vdouble(48, -2.400, 2.400),
0033     parametersPhi      = cms.vdouble(50, -3.142, 3.142),
0034     parametersPu       = cms.vdouble(10, 0, 20),
0036     # TO BE DEPRECATED --------------------------------------------
0037     cutsDr = cms.vdouble(0.4, 0.4, 0.015), # TO BE DEPRECATED
0038     # parameters for attempting an L1 match using a propagator
0039     maxDeltaPhi = cms.double(0.4),  # TO BE DEPRECATED
0040     maxDeltaR   = cms.double(0.4),  # TO BE DEPRECATED
0041     # TO BE DEPRECATED --------------------------------------------
0043     # Definition of generic cuts on generated and reconstructed objects (note that
0044     # these cuts can be overloaded inside a particular analysis)
0045     # Objects recognized: Mu Ele Photon PFTau MET
0046     # Syntax in the strings: valid syntax of the StringCutObjectSelector class
0047     # --- Muons
0048     Mu_genCut     = cms.string("pt > 10 && abs(eta) < 2.4 && abs(pdgId) == 13 && status == 1"),
0049     Mu_recCut     = cms.string("pt > 10 && abs(eta) < 2.4 && isGlobalMuon"),
0050     Mu_cutMinPt   = cms.double(10),  # TO BE DEPRECATED
0051     Mu_cutMaxEta  = cms.double(2.4), # TO BE DEPRECATED
0053     # --- Electrons
0054     Ele_genCut      = cms.string("pt > 10 && abs(eta) < 2.5 && abs(pdgId) == 11 && status == 1"),
0055     Ele_recCut      = cms.string("pt > 10 && abs(eta) < 2.5 && hadronicOverEm < 0.05 && eSuperClusterOverP > 0.5 && eSuperClusterOverP < 2.5"),
0056     Ele_cutMinPt    = cms.double(10),  # TO BE DEPRECATED
0057     Ele_cutMaxEta   = cms.double(2.5), # TO BE DEPRECATED
0059     # --- Photons
0060     Photon_genCut     = cms.string("abs(pdgId) == 22 && status == 1"),
0061     Photon_recCut     = cms.string("pt > 20 && abs(eta) < 2.4 && hadronicOverEm < 0.1 && ("+\
0062         "   abs(eta) < 1.479 && sigmaIetaIeta < 0.010  || "+\
0063         "   abs(eta) > 1.479 && sigmaIetaIeta < 0.027 ) && "+\
0064         " ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR03 < (5.0+0.012*et) && hcalTowerSumEtConeDR03 < (5.0+0.0005*et )  && trkSumPtSolidConeDR03 < (5.0 + 0.0002*et)" ),
0065     Photon_cutMinPt   = cms.double(20), # TO BE DEPRECATED
0066     Photon_cutMaxEta  = cms.double(2.4),# TO BE DEPRECATED
0068     # The specific parameters per analysis: the name of the parameter set has to be 
0069     # the same as the defined ones in the 'analysis' datamember. Each analysis is a PSet
0070     # with the mandatory attributes:
0071     #    - hltPathsToCheck (cms.vstring) : a list of all the trigger pats to be checked 
0072     #                 in this analysis. Up to the version number _v, but not including 
0073     #                 the number in order to avoid this version dependence. Example: HLT_Mu18_v
0074     #    - recVarLabel (cms.string): where Var can be Muon, Elec, Photon, CaloMET, PFTau. This 
0075     #                 attribute is the name of the INSTANCE LABEL for each RECO collection to 
0076     #                 be considered in the analysis. Note that the trigger paths rely on some 
0077     #                 objects which need to be defined here, otherwise the code will complain. 
0078     #    - minCandidates (cms.uint32): the minimum number of GEN/RECO objects in the event
0079     # Besides the mandatory attributes, you can redefine the generation and reconstruction cuts
0080     # for any object you want.
0081     #    * Var_genCut, Var_recCut (cms.string): where Var=Mu, Ele, Photon, MET, PFTau (see above)
0083     SinglePhoton = cms.PSet( 
0084       hltPathsToCheck = cms.vstring(
0085         "HLT_Photon33_v",
0086         "HLT_Photon50_v",
0087         "HLT_Photon75_v",
0088         "HLT_Photon90_v",
0089         "HLT_Photon120_v",
0090         "HLT_Photon165_HE10_v",
0091         "HLT_Photon33_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v",
0092         "HLT_Photon50_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v",
0093         "HLT_Photon75_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v",
0094         "HLT_Photon90_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v",
0095         "HLT_Photon120_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v",
0096         "HLT_Photon165_R9Id90_HE10_IsoM_v",
0097         ),
0098       recPhotonLabel  = cms.string("photons"),
0099       # -- Analysis specific cuts
0100       minCandidates = cms.uint32(1), 
0101       ),
0102     SingleEle = cms.PSet( 
0103       hltPathsToCheck = cms.vstring(
0104         "HLT_Ele35_WPTight_Gsf_v",
0105         "HLT_Ele38_WPTight_Gsf_v",
0106         "HLT_Ele40_WPTight_Gsf_v",
0107         "HLT_Ele35_WPTight_Gsf_L1EGMT_v",
0108         ),
0109       recElecLabel  = cms.string("gedGsfElectrons"),
0110       # -- Analysis specific cuts
0111       minCandidates = cms.uint32(1), 
0112       ),
0113 )