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0001 #ifndef HeavyFlavorAnalysis_SpecificDecay_BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder_h
0002 #define HeavyFlavorAnalysis_SpecificDecay_BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder_h
0003 /** \class BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder
0004  *
0005  *  Description: 
0006  *     Class to build Psi(1,2) and Upsilon(1,2,3) candidates
0007  *
0008  *  \author Paolo Ronchese INFN Padova
0009  *
0010  */
0012 //----------------------
0013 // Base Class Headers --
0014 //----------------------
0015 #include "HeavyFlavorAnalysis/SpecificDecay/interface/BPHDecayGenericBuilderBase.h"
0016 #include "HeavyFlavorAnalysis/SpecificDecay/interface/BPHDecayGenericBuilder.h"
0018 //------------------------------------
0019 // Collaborating Class Declarations --
0020 //------------------------------------
0021 #include "HeavyFlavorAnalysis/RecoDecay/interface/BPHRecoBuilder.h"
0022 #include "HeavyFlavorAnalysis/RecoDecay/interface/BPHRecoCandidate.h"
0023 #include "HeavyFlavorAnalysis/RecoDecay/interface/BPHPlusMinusCandidate.h"
0025 class BPHEventSetupWrapper;
0026 class BPHMuonPtSelect;
0027 class BPHMuonEtaSelect;
0028 class BPHChi2Select;
0029 class BPHMassSelect;
0030 class BPHRecoSelect;
0031 class BPHMomentumSelect;
0032 class BPHVertexSelect;
0034 //---------------
0035 // C++ Headers --
0036 //---------------
0037 #include <string>
0038 #include <vector>
0039 #include <map>
0041 //              ---------------------
0042 //              -- Class Interface --
0043 //              ---------------------
0045 class BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder : public virtual BPHDecayGenericBuilderBase,
0046                              public virtual BPHDecayGenericBuilder<BPHPlusMinusCandidate> {
0047 public:
0048   enum oniaType { NRes, Phi, Psi1, Psi2, Ups, Ups1, Ups2, Ups3 };
0050   /** Constructor
0051    */
0052   BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder(const BPHEventSetupWrapper& es,
0053                        const BPHRecoBuilder::BPHGenericCollection* muPosCollection,
0054                        const BPHRecoBuilder::BPHGenericCollection* muNegCollection);
0056   // deleted copy constructor and assignment operator
0057   BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder(const BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder& x) = delete;
0058   BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder& operator=(const BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder& x) = delete;
0060   /** Destructor
0061    */
0062   ~BPHOniaToMuMuBuilder() override;
0064   /** Operations
0065    */
0066   /// build resonance candidates
0067   void fillRecList() override;
0069   /// extract list of candidates of specific type
0070   /// candidates are rebuilt applying corresponding mass constraint
0071   std::vector<BPHPlusMinusConstCandPtr> getList(oniaType type,
0072                                                 BPHRecoSelect* dSel = nullptr,
0073                                                 BPHMomentumSelect* mSel = nullptr,
0074                                                 BPHVertexSelect* vSel = nullptr,
0075                                                 BPHFitSelect* kSel = nullptr);
0077   /// retrieve original candidate from a copy with the same daughters
0078   /// obtained through "getList"
0079   BPHPlusMinusConstCandPtr getOriginalCandidate(const BPHRecoCandidate& cand);
0081   /// set cuts
0082   void setPtMin(oniaType type, double pt);
0083   void setEtaMax(oniaType type, double eta);
0084   void setMassMin(oniaType type, double m);
0085   void setMassMax(oniaType type, double m);
0086   void setProbMin(oniaType type, double p);
0087   void setConstr(oniaType type, double mass, double sigma);
0089   /// get current cuts
0090   double getPtMin(oniaType type) const;
0091   double getEtaMax(oniaType type) const;
0092   double getMassMin(oniaType type) const;
0093   double getMassMax(oniaType type) const;
0094   double getProbMin(oniaType type) const;
0095   double getConstrMass(oniaType type) const;
0096   double getConstrSigma(oniaType type) const;
0098 private:
0099   std::string muPosName;
0100   std::string muNegName;
0102   const BPHRecoBuilder::BPHGenericCollection* posCollection;
0103   const BPHRecoBuilder::BPHGenericCollection* negCollection;
0105   struct OniaParameters {
0106     BPHMuonPtSelect* ptSel;
0107     BPHMuonEtaSelect* etaSel;
0108     BPHMassSelect* massSel;
0109     BPHChi2Select* chi2Sel;
0110     double mass;
0111     double sigma;
0112     bool outdated;
0113   };
0115   std::map<oniaType, OniaParameters> oniaPar;
0116   std::map<oniaType, std::vector<BPHPlusMinusConstCandPtr> > oniaList;
0118   void setNotUpdated();
0119   void setParameters(oniaType type,
0120                      double ptMin,
0121                      double etaMax,
0122                      double massMin,
0123                      double massMax,
0124                      double probMin,
0125                      double mass,
0126                      double sigma);
0127   void extractList(oniaType type);
0128 };
0130 #endif