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0001 #ifndef HeterogeneousCore_AlpakaCore_interface_alpaka_ESProducer_h
0002 #define HeterogeneousCore_AlpakaCore_interface_alpaka_ESProducer_h
0004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESProducer.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakeDataException.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/produce_helpers.h"
0007 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/interface/module_backend_config.h"
0008 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/interface/alpaka/ESDeviceProduct.h"
0009 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/interface/alpaka/ESDeviceProductType.h"
0010 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/interface/alpaka/Record.h"
0011 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface/interface/devices.h"
0012 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface/interface/CopyToDevice.h"
0014 #include <functional>
0017   /**
0018    * The ESProducer is a base class for modules producing data into
0019    * the host memory space and/or the device memory space defined by
0020    * the backend (i.e. ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE). The interface
0021    * looks similar to the normal edm::ESProducer.
0022    *
0023    * When producing a host product, the produce function should have
0024    * the the usual Record argument. For producing a device product,
0025    * the produce funtion should have device::Record<Record> argument.
0026    */
0027   class ESProducer : public edm::ESProducer {
0028     using Base = edm::ESProducer;
0030   public:
0031     static void prevalidate(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0032       Base::prevalidate(descriptions);
0033       cms::alpakatools::module_backend_config(descriptions);
0034     }
0036   protected:
0037     ESProducer(edm::ParameterSet const& iConfig);
0039     template <typename T>
0040     auto setWhatProduced(T* iThis, edm::es::Label const& label = {}) {
0041       return setWhatProduced(iThis, &T::produce, label);
0042     }
0044     template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TRecord>
0045     auto setWhatProduced(T* iThis, TReturn (T ::*iMethod)(TRecord const&), edm::es::Label const& label = {}) {
0046       auto cc = Base::setWhatProduced(iThis, iMethod, label);
0047       using TProduct = typename edm::eventsetup::produce::smart_pointer_traits<TReturn>::type;
0048       if constexpr (not detail::useESProductDirectly<TProduct>) {
0049         // for device backends add the copy to device
0050         auto tokenPtr = std::make_shared<edm::ESGetToken<TProduct, TRecord>>();
0051         auto ccDev = setWhatProducedDevice<TRecord>(
0052             [tokenPtr](device::Record<TRecord> const& iRecord) {
0053               using CopyT = cms::alpakatools::CopyToDevice<TProduct>;
0054               try {
0055                 auto handle = iRecord.getTransientHandle(*tokenPtr);
0056                 return std::optional{CopyT::copyAsync(iRecord.queue(), *handle)};
0057               } catch (edm::eventsetup::MakeDataException& e) {
0058                 return std::optional<decltype(CopyT::copyAsync(std::declval<Queue&>(), std::declval<TProduct>()))>();
0059               }
0060             },
0061             label);
0062         *tokenPtr = ccDev.consumes(edm::ESInputTag{moduleLabel_, label.default_ + appendToDataLabel_});
0063       }
0064       return cc;
0065     }
0067     template <typename T, typename TReturn, typename TRecord>
0068     auto setWhatProduced(T* iThis,
0069                          TReturn (T ::*iMethod)(device::Record<TRecord> const&),
0070                          edm::es::Label const& label = {}) {
0071       using TProduct = typename edm::eventsetup::produce::smart_pointer_traits<TReturn>::type;
0072       if constexpr (detail::useESProductDirectly<TProduct>) {
0073         return Base::setWhatProduced(
0074             [iThis, iMethod](TRecord const& record) {
0075               auto const& devices = cms::alpakatools::devices<Platform>();
0076               assert(devices.size() == 1);
0077               device::Record<TRecord> const deviceRecord(record, devices.front());
0078               return std::invoke(iMethod, iThis, deviceRecord);
0079             },
0080             label);
0081       } else {
0082         return setWhatProducedDevice<TRecord>(
0083             [iThis, iMethod](device::Record<TRecord> const& record) { return std::invoke(iMethod, iThis, record); },
0084             label);
0085       }
0086     }
0088   private:
0089     template <typename TRecord, typename TFunc>
0090     auto setWhatProducedDevice(TFunc&& func, const edm::es::Label& label) {
0091       using Types = edm::eventsetup::impl::ReturnArgumentTypes<TFunc>;
0092       using TReturn = typename Types::return_type;
0093       using TProduct = typename edm::eventsetup::produce::smart_pointer_traits<TReturn>::type;
0094       using ProductType = ESDeviceProduct<TProduct>;
0095       using ReturnType = detail::ESDeviceProductWithStorage<TProduct, TReturn>;
0096       return Base::setWhatProduced(
0097           [function = std::forward<TFunc>(func)](TRecord const& record) -> std::unique_ptr<ProductType> {
0098             // TODO: move the multiple device support into EventSetup system itself
0099             auto const& devices = cms::alpakatools::devices<Platform>();
0100             std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Queue>> queues;
0101             queues.reserve(devices.size());
0102             auto ret = std::make_unique<ReturnType>(devices.size());
0103             bool allnull = true;
0104             bool anynull = false;
0105             for (auto const& dev : devices) {
0106               device::Record<TRecord> const deviceRecord(record, dev);
0107               auto prod = function(deviceRecord);
0108               if (prod) {
0109                 allnull = false;
0110                 ret->insert(dev, std::move(prod));
0111               } else {
0112                 anynull = true;
0113               }
0114               queues.push_back(deviceRecord.queuePtr());
0115             }
0116             // TODO: to be changed asynchronous later
0117             for (auto& queuePtr : queues) {
0118               alpaka::wait(*queuePtr);
0119             }
0120             if (allnull) {
0121               return nullptr;
0122             } else if (anynull) {
0123               // TODO: throwing an exception if the iMethod() returns
0124               // null for some of th devices of one backend is
0125               // suboptimal. On the other hand, in the near term
0126               // multiple devices per backend is useful only for
0127               // private tests (not production), and the plan is to
0128               // make the EventSetup system itself aware of multiple
0129               // devies (or memory spaces). I hope this exception
0130               // would be good-enough until we get there.
0131               ESProducer::throwSomeNullException();
0132             }
0133             return ret;
0134           },
0135           label);
0136     }
0138     static void throwSomeNullException();
0140     std::string const moduleLabel_;
0141     std::string const appendToDataLabel_;
0142   };
0145 #endif