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Warning, /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/test/BuildFile.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <test name="testHeterogeneousCoreAlpakaTestWriteRead" command="">
0002   <!-- dependence and flag only to trigger the unit test for each Alpaka backend -->
0003   <use name="alpaka"/>
0004   <flags ALPAKA_BACKENDS="1"/>
0005 </test>
0007 <test name="testHeterogeneousCoreAlpakaTestModulesCPU" command=" cpu"/>
0008 <test name="testHeterogeneousCoreAlpakaTestModulesCUDA" command=" cuda">
0009   <!-- dependence only to trigger the unit test when NVIDIA GPU is (expected to be) present -->
0010   <use name="cuda"/>
0011 </test>
0012 <test name="testHeterogeneousCoreAlpakaTestModulesROCm" command=" rocm">
0013   <!-- dependence only to trigger the unit test when AMD GPU is (expected to be) present -->
0014   <use name="rocm"/>
0015 </test>
0017 <test name="testHeterogeneousCoreAlpakaTestCopyOfPtr" command="cmsRun ${LOCALTOP}/src/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/test/">
0018   <!-- dependence and flag only to trigger the unit test for each Alpaka backend -->
0019   <use name="alpaka"/>
0020   <flags ALPAKA_BACKENDS="1"/>
0021 </test>
0023 <bin name="alpakaTestPrintAnswer" file="alpaka/printAnswer.cpp">
0024   <use name="HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface"/>
0025   <use name='HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest'/>
0026   <flags ALPAKA_BACKENDS="1"/>
0027 </bin>