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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:15:48

0001 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/FileInPath.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/allowedValues.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0006 #include "HeterogeneousCore/SonicTriton/interface/TritonClient.h"
0007 #include "HeterogeneousCore/SonicTriton/interface/TritonException.h"
0008 #include "HeterogeneousCore/SonicTriton/interface/TritonService.h"
0009 #include "HeterogeneousCore/SonicTriton/interface/triton_utils.h"
0011 #include "grpc_client.h"
0012 #include "grpc_service.pb.h"
0013 #include "model_config.pb.h"
0015 #include "google/protobuf/text_format.h"
0016 #include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h"
0018 #include <algorithm>
0019 #include <cmath>
0020 #include <exception>
0021 #include <experimental/iterator>
0022 #include <fcntl.h>
0023 #include <sstream>
0024 #include <string>
0025 #include <utility>
0026 #include <tuple>
0028 namespace tc = triton::client;
0030 namespace {
0031   grpc_compression_algorithm getCompressionAlgo(const std::string& name) {
0032     if (name.empty() or"none") == 0)
0033       return grpc_compression_algorithm::GRPC_COMPRESS_NONE;
0034     else if ("deflate") == 0)
0035       return grpc_compression_algorithm::GRPC_COMPRESS_DEFLATE;
0036     else if ("gzip") == 0)
0037       return grpc_compression_algorithm::GRPC_COMPRESS_GZIP;
0038     else
0039       throw cms::Exception("GrpcCompression")
0040           << "Unknown compression algorithm requested: " << name << " (choices: none, deflate, gzip)";
0041   }
0043   std::vector<std::shared_ptr<tc::InferResult>> convertToShared(const std::vector<tc::InferResult*>& tmp) {
0044     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<tc::InferResult>> results;
0045     results.reserve(tmp.size());
0046     std::transform(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), std::back_inserter(results), [](tc::InferResult* ptr) {
0047       return std::shared_ptr<tc::InferResult>(ptr);
0048     });
0049     return results;
0050   }
0051 }  // namespace

0053 //based on

0054 //and

0056 TritonClient::TritonClient(const edm::ParameterSet& params, const std::string& debugName)
0057     : SonicClient(params, debugName, "TritonClient"),
0058       batchMode_(TritonBatchMode::Rectangular),
0059       manualBatchMode_(false),
0060       verbose_(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose")),
0061       useSharedMemory_(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useSharedMemory")),
0062       compressionAlgo_(getCompressionAlgo(params.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("compression"))) {
0063   options_.emplace_back(params.getParameter<std::string>("modelName"));
0064   //get appropriate server for this model

0065   edm::Service<TritonService> ts;
0066   const auto& server =
0067       ts->serverInfo(options_[0].model_name_, params.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("preferredServer"));
0068   serverType_ = server.type;
0069   if (verbose_)
0070     edm::LogInfo(fullDebugName_) << "Using server: " << server.url;
0071   //enforce sync mode for fallback CPU server to avoid contention

0072   //todo: could enforce async mode otherwise (unless mode was specified by user?)

0073   if (serverType_ == TritonServerType::LocalCPU)
0074     setMode(SonicMode::Sync);
0075   isLocal_ = serverType_ == TritonServerType::LocalCPU or serverType_ == TritonServerType::LocalGPU;
0077   //connect to the server

0079       tc::InferenceServerGrpcClient::Create(&client_, server.url, false, server.useSsl, server.sslOptions),
0080       "TritonClient(): unable to create inference context",
0081       isLocal_);
0083   //set options

0084   options_[0].model_version_ = params.getParameter<std::string>("modelVersion");
0085   options_[0].client_timeout_ = params.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned>("timeout");
0086   //convert to microseconds

0087   const auto& timeoutUnit = params.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("timeoutUnit");
0088   unsigned conversion = 1;
0089   if (timeoutUnit == "seconds")
0090     conversion = 1e6;
0091   else if (timeoutUnit == "milliseconds")
0092     conversion = 1e3;
0093   else if (timeoutUnit == "microseconds")
0094     conversion = 1;
0095   else
0096     throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << "Unknown timeout unit: " << timeoutUnit;
0097   options_[0].client_timeout_ *= conversion;
0099   //get fixed parameters from local config

0100   inference::ModelConfig localModelConfig;
0101   {
0102     const std::string& localModelConfigPath(params.getParameter<edm::FileInPath>("modelConfigPath").fullPath());
0103     int fileDescriptor = open(localModelConfigPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
0104     if (fileDescriptor < 0)
0105       throw TritonException("LocalFailure")
0106           << "TritonClient(): unable to open local model config: " << localModelConfigPath;
0107     google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream localModelConfigInput(fileDescriptor);
0108     localModelConfigInput.SetCloseOnDelete(true);
0109     if (!google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parse(&localModelConfigInput, &localModelConfig))
0110       throw TritonException("LocalFailure")
0111           << "TritonClient(): unable to parse local model config: " << localModelConfigPath;
0112   }
0114   //check batch size limitations (after i/o setup)

0115   //triton uses max batch size = 0 to denote a model that does not support native batching (using the outer dimension)

0116   //but for models that do support batching (native or otherwise), a given event may set batch size 0 to indicate no valid input is present

0117   //so set the local max to 1 and keep track of "no outer dim" case

0118   maxOuterDim_ = localModelConfig.max_batch_size();
0119   noOuterDim_ = maxOuterDim_ == 0;
0120   maxOuterDim_ = std::max(1u, maxOuterDim_);
0121   //propagate batch size

0122   setBatchSize(1);
0124   //compare model checksums to remote config to enforce versioning

0125   inference::ModelConfigResponse modelConfigResponse;
0126   TRITON_THROW_IF_ERROR(client_->ModelConfig(&modelConfigResponse, options_[0].model_name_, options_[0].model_version_),
0127                         "TritonClient(): unable to get model config",
0128                         isLocal_);
0129   inference::ModelConfig remoteModelConfig(modelConfigResponse.config());
0131   std::map<std::string, std::array<std::string, 2>> checksums;
0132   size_t fileCounter = 0;
0133   for (const auto& modelConfig : {localModelConfig, remoteModelConfig}) {
0134     const auto& agents = modelConfig.model_repository_agents().agents();
0135     auto agent = std::find_if(agents.begin(), agents.end(), [](auto const& a) { return == "checksum"; });
0136     if (agent != agents.end()) {
0137       const auto& params = agent->parameters();
0138       for (const auto& [key, val] : params) {
0139         // only check the requested version

0140         if (, options_[0].model_version_.size() + 1, options_[0].model_version_ + "/") == 0)
0141           checksums[key][fileCounter] = val;
0142       }
0143     }
0144     ++fileCounter;
0145   }
0146   std::vector<std::string> incorrect;
0147   for (const auto& [key, val] : checksums) {
0148     if (checksums[key][0] != checksums[key][1])
0149       incorrect.push_back(key);
0150   }
0151   if (!incorrect.empty())
0152     throw TritonException("ModelVersioning") << "The following files have incorrect checksums on the remote server: "
0153                                              << triton_utils::printColl(incorrect, ", ");
0155   //get model info

0156   inference::ModelMetadataResponse modelMetadata;
0157   TRITON_THROW_IF_ERROR(client_->ModelMetadata(&modelMetadata, options_[0].model_name_, options_[0].model_version_),
0158                         "TritonClient(): unable to get model metadata",
0159                         isLocal_);
0161   //get input and output (which know their sizes)

0162   const auto& nicInputs = modelMetadata.inputs();
0163   const auto& nicOutputs = modelMetadata.outputs();
0165   //report all model errors at once

0166   std::stringstream msg;
0167   std::string msg_str;
0169   //currently no use case is foreseen for a model with zero inputs or outputs

0170   if (nicInputs.empty())
0171     msg << "Model on server appears malformed (zero inputs)\n";
0173   if (nicOutputs.empty())
0174     msg << "Model on server appears malformed (zero outputs)\n";
0176   //stop if errors

0177   msg_str = msg.str();
0178   if (!msg_str.empty())
0179     throw cms::Exception("ModelErrors") << msg_str;
0181   //setup input map

0182   std::stringstream io_msg;
0183   if (verbose_)
0184     io_msg << "Model inputs: "
0185            << "\n";
0186   for (const auto& nicInput : nicInputs) {
0187     const auto& iname =;
0188     auto [curr_itr, success] = input_.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
0189                                               std::forward_as_tuple(iname),
0190                                               std::forward_as_tuple(iname, nicInput, this, ts->pid()));
0191     auto& curr_input = curr_itr->second;
0192     if (verbose_) {
0193       io_msg << "  " << iname << " (" << curr_input.dname() << ", " << curr_input.byteSize()
0194              << " b) : " << triton_utils::printColl(curr_input.shape()) << "\n";
0195     }
0196   }
0198   //allow selecting only some outputs from server

0199   const auto& v_outputs = params.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("outputs");
0200   std::unordered_set s_outputs(v_outputs.begin(), v_outputs.end());
0202   //setup output map

0203   if (verbose_)
0204     io_msg << "Model outputs: "
0205            << "\n";
0206   for (const auto& nicOutput : nicOutputs) {
0207     const auto& oname =;
0208     if (!s_outputs.empty() and s_outputs.find(oname) == s_outputs.end())
0209       continue;
0210     auto [curr_itr, success] = output_.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
0211                                                std::forward_as_tuple(oname),
0212                                                std::forward_as_tuple(oname, nicOutput, this, ts->pid()));
0213     auto& curr_output = curr_itr->second;
0214     if (verbose_) {
0215       io_msg << "  " << oname << " (" << curr_output.dname() << ", " << curr_output.byteSize()
0216              << " b) : " << triton_utils::printColl(curr_output.shape()) << "\n";
0217     }
0218     if (!s_outputs.empty())
0219       s_outputs.erase(oname);
0220   }
0222   //check if any requested outputs were not available

0223   if (!s_outputs.empty())
0224     throw cms::Exception("MissingOutput")
0225         << "Some requested outputs were not available on the server: " << triton_utils::printColl(s_outputs);
0227   //print model info

0228   std::stringstream model_msg;
0229   if (verbose_) {
0230     model_msg << "Model name: " << options_[0].model_name_ << "\n"
0231               << "Model version: " << options_[0].model_version_ << "\n"
0232               << "Model max outer dim: " << (noOuterDim_ ? 0 : maxOuterDim_) << "\n";
0233     edm::LogInfo(fullDebugName_) << model_msg.str() << io_msg.str();
0234   }
0235 }
0237 TritonClient::~TritonClient() {
0238   //by default: members of this class destroyed before members of base class

0239   //in shared memory case, TritonMemResource (member of TritonData) unregisters from client_ in its destructor

0240   //but input/output objects are member of base class, so destroyed after client_ (member of this class)

0241   //therefore, clear the maps here

0242   input_.clear();
0243   output_.clear();
0244 }
0246 void TritonClient::setBatchMode(TritonBatchMode batchMode) {
0247   unsigned oldBatchSize = batchSize();
0248   batchMode_ = batchMode;
0249   manualBatchMode_ = true;
0250   //this allows calling setBatchSize() and setBatchMode() in either order consistently to change back and forth

0251   //includes handling of change from ragged to rectangular if multiple entries already created

0252   setBatchSize(oldBatchSize);
0253 }
0255 void TritonClient::resetBatchMode() {
0256   batchMode_ = TritonBatchMode::Rectangular;
0257   manualBatchMode_ = false;
0258 }
0260 unsigned TritonClient::nEntries() const { return !input_.empty() ? input_.begin()->second.entries_.size() : 0; }
0262 unsigned TritonClient::batchSize() const { return batchMode_ == TritonBatchMode::Rectangular ? outerDim_ : nEntries(); }
0264 bool TritonClient::setBatchSize(unsigned bsize) {
0265   if (batchMode_ == TritonBatchMode::Rectangular) {
0266     if (bsize > maxOuterDim_) {
0267       edm::LogWarning(fullDebugName_) << "Requested batch size " << bsize << " exceeds server-specified max batch size "
0268                                       << maxOuterDim_ << ". Batch size will remain as " << outerDim_;
0269       return false;
0270     } else {
0271       outerDim_ = bsize;
0272       //take min to allow resizing to 0

0273       resizeEntries(std::min(outerDim_, 1u));
0274       return true;
0275     }
0276   } else {
0277     resizeEntries(bsize);
0278     outerDim_ = 1;
0279     return true;
0280   }
0281 }
0283 void TritonClient::resizeEntries(unsigned entry) {
0284   if (entry > nEntries())
0285     //addEntry(entry) extends the vector to size entry+1

0286     addEntry(entry - 1);
0287   else if (entry < nEntries()) {
0288     for (auto& element : input_) {
0289       element.second.entries_.resize(entry);
0290     }
0291     for (auto& element : output_) {
0292       element.second.entries_.resize(entry);
0293     }
0294   }
0295 }
0297 void TritonClient::addEntry(unsigned entry) {
0298   for (auto& element : input_) {
0299     element.second.addEntryImpl(entry);
0300   }
0301   for (auto& element : output_) {
0302     element.second.addEntryImpl(entry);
0303   }
0304   if (entry > 0) {
0305     batchMode_ = TritonBatchMode::Ragged;
0306     outerDim_ = 1;
0307   }
0308 }
0310 void TritonClient::reset() {
0311   if (!manualBatchMode_)
0312     batchMode_ = TritonBatchMode::Rectangular;
0313   for (auto& element : input_) {
0314     element.second.reset();
0315   }
0316   for (auto& element : output_) {
0317     element.second.reset();
0318   }
0319 }
0321 template <typename F>
0322 bool TritonClient::handle_exception(F&& call) {
0323   //caught exceptions will be propagated to edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder

0324   CMS_SA_ALLOW try {
0325     call();
0326     return true;
0327   }
0328   //TritonExceptions are intended/expected to be recoverable, i.e. retries should be allowed

0329   catch (TritonException& e) {
0330     e.convertToWarning();
0331     finish(false);
0332     return false;
0333   }
0334   //other exceptions are not: execution should stop if they are encountered

0335   catch (...) {
0336     finish(false, std::current_exception());
0337     return false;
0338   }
0339 }
0341 void TritonClient::getResults(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<tc::InferResult>>& results) {
0342   for (unsigned i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
0343     const auto& result = results[i];
0344     for (auto& [oname, output] : output_) {
0345       //set shape here before output becomes const

0346       if (output.variableDims()) {
0347         std::vector<int64_t> tmp_shape;
0349             result->Shape(oname, &tmp_shape), "getResults(): unable to get output shape for " + oname, false);
0350         if (!noOuterDim_)
0351           tmp_shape.erase(tmp_shape.begin());
0352         output.setShape(tmp_shape, i);
0353       }
0354       //extend lifetime

0355       output.setResult(result, i);
0356       //compute size after getting all result entries

0357       if (i == results.size() - 1)
0358         output.computeSizes();
0359     }
0360   }
0361 }
0363 //default case for sync and pseudo async

0364 void TritonClient::evaluate() {
0365   //undo previous signal from TritonException

0366   if (tries_ > 0) {
0367     edm::Service<TritonService> ts;
0368     ts->notifyCallStatus(true);
0369   }
0371   //in case there is nothing to process

0372   if (batchSize() == 0) {
0373     //call getResults on an empty vector

0374     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<tc::InferResult>> empty_results;
0375     getResults(empty_results);
0376     finish(true);
0377     return;
0378   }
0380   //set up input pointers for triton (generalized for multi-request ragged batching case)

0381   //one vector<InferInput*> per request

0382   unsigned nEntriesVal = nEntries();
0383   std::vector<std::vector<triton::client::InferInput*>> inputsTriton(nEntriesVal);
0384   for (auto& inputTriton : inputsTriton) {
0385     inputTriton.reserve(input_.size());
0386   }
0387   for (auto& [iname, input] : input_) {
0388     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEntriesVal; ++i) {
0389       inputsTriton[i].push_back(;
0390     }
0391   }
0393   //set up output pointers similarly

0394   std::vector<std::vector<const triton::client::InferRequestedOutput*>> outputsTriton(nEntriesVal);
0395   for (auto& outputTriton : outputsTriton) {
0396     outputTriton.reserve(output_.size());
0397   }
0398   for (auto& [oname, output] : output_) {
0399     for (unsigned i = 0; i < nEntriesVal; ++i) {
0400       outputsTriton[i].push_back(;
0401     }
0402   }
0404   //set up shared memory for output

0405   auto success = handle_exception([&]() {
0406     for (auto& element : output_) {
0407       element.second.prepare();
0408     }
0409   });
0410   if (!success)
0411     return;
0413   // Get the status of the server prior to the request being made.

0414   inference::ModelStatistics start_status;
0415   success = handle_exception([&]() {
0416     if (verbose())
0417       start_status = getServerSideStatus();
0418   });
0419   if (!success)
0420     return;
0422   if (mode_ == SonicMode::Async) {
0423     //non-blocking call

0424     success = handle_exception([&]() {
0425       TRITON_THROW_IF_ERROR(client_->AsyncInferMulti(
0426                                 [start_status, this](std::vector<tc::InferResult*> resultsTmp) {
0427                                   //immediately convert to shared_ptr

0428                                   const auto& results = convertToShared(resultsTmp);
0429                                   //check results

0430                                   for (auto ptr : results) {
0431                                     auto success = handle_exception([&]() {
0432                                       TRITON_THROW_IF_ERROR(
0433                                           ptr->RequestStatus(), "evaluate(): unable to get result(s)", isLocal_);
0434                                     });
0435                                     if (!success)
0436                                       return;
0437                                   }
0439                                   if (verbose()) {
0440                                     inference::ModelStatistics end_status;
0441                                     auto success = handle_exception([&]() { end_status = getServerSideStatus(); });
0442                                     if (!success)
0443                                       return;
0445                                     const auto& stats = summarizeServerStats(start_status, end_status);
0446                                     reportServerSideStats(stats);
0447                                   }
0449                                   //check result

0450                                   auto success = handle_exception([&]() { getResults(results); });
0451                                   if (!success)
0452                                     return;
0454                                   //finish

0455                                   finish(true);
0456                                 },
0457                                 options_,
0458                                 inputsTriton,
0459                                 outputsTriton,
0460                                 headers_,
0461                                 compressionAlgo_),
0462                             "evaluate(): unable to launch async run",
0463                             isLocal_);
0464     });
0465     if (!success)
0466       return;
0467   } else {
0468     //blocking call

0469     std::vector<tc::InferResult*> resultsTmp;
0470     success = handle_exception([&]() {
0472           client_->InferMulti(&resultsTmp, options_, inputsTriton, outputsTriton, headers_, compressionAlgo_),
0473           "evaluate(): unable to run and/or get result",
0474           isLocal_);
0475     });
0476     //immediately convert to shared_ptr

0477     const auto& results = convertToShared(resultsTmp);
0478     if (!success)
0479       return;
0481     if (verbose()) {
0482       inference::ModelStatistics end_status;
0483       success = handle_exception([&]() { end_status = getServerSideStatus(); });
0484       if (!success)
0485         return;
0487       const auto& stats = summarizeServerStats(start_status, end_status);
0488       reportServerSideStats(stats);
0489     }
0491     success = handle_exception([&]() { getResults(results); });
0492     if (!success)
0493       return;
0495     finish(true);
0496   }
0497 }
0499 void TritonClient::reportServerSideStats(const TritonClient::ServerSideStats& stats) const {
0500   std::stringstream msg;
0502   //

0503   const uint64_t count = stats.success_count_;
0504   msg << "  Inference count: " << stats.inference_count_ << "\n";
0505   msg << "  Execution count: " << stats.execution_count_ << "\n";
0506   msg << "  Successful request count: " << count << "\n";
0508   if (count > 0) {
0509     auto get_avg_us = [count](uint64_t tval) {
0510       constexpr uint64_t us_to_ns = 1000;
0511       return tval / us_to_ns / count;
0512     };
0514     const uint64_t cumm_avg_us = get_avg_us(stats.cumm_time_ns_);
0515     const uint64_t queue_avg_us = get_avg_us(stats.queue_time_ns_);
0516     const uint64_t compute_input_avg_us = get_avg_us(stats.compute_input_time_ns_);
0517     const uint64_t compute_infer_avg_us = get_avg_us(stats.compute_infer_time_ns_);
0518     const uint64_t compute_output_avg_us = get_avg_us(stats.compute_output_time_ns_);
0519     const uint64_t compute_avg_us = compute_input_avg_us + compute_infer_avg_us + compute_output_avg_us;
0520     const uint64_t overhead =
0521         (cumm_avg_us > queue_avg_us + compute_avg_us) ? (cumm_avg_us - queue_avg_us - compute_avg_us) : 0;
0523     msg << "  Avg request latency: " << cumm_avg_us << " usec"
0524         << "\n"
0525         << "  (overhead " << overhead << " usec + "
0526         << "queue " << queue_avg_us << " usec + "
0527         << "compute input " << compute_input_avg_us << " usec + "
0528         << "compute infer " << compute_infer_avg_us << " usec + "
0529         << "compute output " << compute_output_avg_us << " usec)" << std::endl;
0530   }
0532   if (!debugName_.empty())
0533     edm::LogInfo(fullDebugName_) << msg.str();
0534 }
0536 TritonClient::ServerSideStats TritonClient::summarizeServerStats(const inference::ModelStatistics& start_status,
0537                                                                  const inference::ModelStatistics& end_status) const {
0538   TritonClient::ServerSideStats server_stats;
0540   server_stats.inference_count_ = end_status.inference_count() - start_status.inference_count();
0541   server_stats.execution_count_ = end_status.execution_count() - start_status.execution_count();
0542   server_stats.success_count_ =
0543       end_status.inference_stats().success().count() - start_status.inference_stats().success().count();
0544   server_stats.cumm_time_ns_ =
0545       end_status.inference_stats().success().ns() - start_status.inference_stats().success().ns();
0546   server_stats.queue_time_ns_ = end_status.inference_stats().queue().ns() - start_status.inference_stats().queue().ns();
0547   server_stats.compute_input_time_ns_ =
0548       end_status.inference_stats().compute_input().ns() - start_status.inference_stats().compute_input().ns();
0549   server_stats.compute_infer_time_ns_ =
0550       end_status.inference_stats().compute_infer().ns() - start_status.inference_stats().compute_infer().ns();
0551   server_stats.compute_output_time_ns_ =
0552       end_status.inference_stats().compute_output().ns() - start_status.inference_stats().compute_output().ns();
0554   return server_stats;
0555 }
0557 inference::ModelStatistics TritonClient::getServerSideStatus() const {
0558   if (verbose_) {
0559     inference::ModelStatisticsResponse resp;
0560     TRITON_THROW_IF_ERROR(client_->ModelInferenceStatistics(&resp, options_[0].model_name_, options_[0].model_version_),
0561                           "getServerSideStatus(): unable to get model statistics",
0562                           isLocal_);
0563     return *(resp.model_stats().begin());
0564   }
0565   return inference::ModelStatistics{};
0566 }
0568 //for fillDescriptions

0569 void TritonClient::fillPSetDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription& iDesc) {
0570   edm::ParameterSetDescription descClient;
0571   fillBasePSetDescription(descClient);
0572   descClient.add<std::string>("modelName");
0573   descClient.add<std::string>("modelVersion", "");
0574   descClient.add<edm::FileInPath>("modelConfigPath");
0575   //server parameters should not affect the physics results

0576   descClient.addUntracked<std::string>("preferredServer", "");
0577   descClient.addUntracked<unsigned>("timeout");
0578   descClient.ifValue(edm::ParameterDescription<std::string>("timeoutUnit", "seconds", false),
0579                      edm::allowedValues<std::string>("seconds", "milliseconds", "microseconds"));
0580   descClient.addUntracked<bool>("useSharedMemory", true);
0581   descClient.addUntracked<std::string>("compression", "");
0582   descClient.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>>("outputs", {});
0583   iDesc.add<edm::ParameterSetDescription>("Client", descClient);
0584 }