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Warning, /IOMC/RandomEngine/test/unit_test_outputs/testRandomService1Dump.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0003 RandomNumberGeneratorService dump
0005     Contents of seedsAndNameMap (label moduleID engineType seeds)
0006         t1  3  HepJamesRandom  81
0007         t2  4  RanecuEngine  1  2
0008         t3  5  TRandom3  83
0009         t4  6  HepJamesRandom  84
0010         t6  7  MixMaxRng  85
0011     nStreams_ = 1
0012     saveFileName_ =
0013     saveFileNameRecorded_ = 0
0014     restoreFileName_ = 
0015     enableChecking_ = 1
0016     eventSeedOffset_ = 0
0017     verbose_ = 1
0018     restoreStateTag_ = InputTag:  label = , instance = , process = @skipCurrentProcess
0019     restoreStateBeginLumiTag_ = InputTag:  label = , instance = beginLumi, process = @skipCurrentProcess
0021     streamEngines_
0022         Stream 0
0023         t1 81 HepJamesRandom  81
0024         t2 1 2 RanecuEngine  engine does not know seeds
0025         t3 83 TRandom3  engine does not know seeds
0026         t4 84 HepJamesRandom  84
0027         t6 85 MixMaxRng  85
0029     lumiEngines_
0030         lumiIndex 0
0031         t1 82 HepJamesRandom  82
0032         t2 2 2 RanecuEngine  engine does not know seeds
0033         t3 84 TRandom3  engine does not know seeds
0034         t4 85 HepJamesRandom  85
0035         t6 86 MixMaxRng  86
0036 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 81  HepJamesRandom
0037 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 1  RanecuEngine
0038 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 83  TRandom3
0039 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 84  HepJamesRandom
0040 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 85  MixMaxRng
0041 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 81  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0042      HepJamesRandom 0.422889 0.0392907 0.291227 1.61244
0043 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 1  RanecuEngine streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0044      RanecuEngine 0.999981 0.203459 0.668007 7.73632
0045 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 83  TRandom3 streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0046      TRandom3 0.257042 0.565658 0.683788 1.8103
0047 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 84  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0048      HepJamesRandom 0.133504 0.85941 0.256103 11.7224
0049 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 85  MixMaxRng streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0050      MixMaxRng 0.0298122 0.993504 0.26053 4.79664
0051 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 81  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0052      HepJamesRandom 0.0841909 0.01745 0.285556 0.631759
0053 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 1  RanecuEngine streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0054      RanecuEngine 0.732909 0.332698 0.415352 1.74366
0055 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 83  TRandom3 streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0056      TRandom3 0.663642 0.906853 0.77713 12.956
0057 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 84  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0058      HepJamesRandom 0.0839297 0.889512 0.0493518 2.83357
0059 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 85  MixMaxRng streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0060      MixMaxRng 0.317751 0.300103 0.873082 0.816035
0061 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 81  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0062      HepJamesRandom 0.225607 0.569195 0.116241 13.8232
0063 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 1  RanecuEngine streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0064      RanecuEngine 0.541681 0.544943 0.4229 14.5781
0065 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 83  TRandom3 streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0066      TRandom3 0.827367 0.0782056 0.356684 9.52653
0067 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 84  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0068      HepJamesRandom 0.68063 0.298945 0.848839 19.9464
0069 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 85  MixMaxRng streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0070      MixMaxRng 0.192687 0.539452 0.751037 7.65776
0071 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 81  HepJamesRandom
0072 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 1  RanecuEngine
0073 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 83  TRandom3
0074 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 84  HepJamesRandom
0075 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal beginLuminosityBlock 85  MixMaxRng
0076 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 81  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0077      HepJamesRandom 0.609341 0.532968 0.251729 45.3539
0078 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 1  RanecuEngine streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0079      RanecuEngine 0.975133 0.170844 0.312642 6.13623
0080 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 83  TRandom3 streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0081      TRandom3 0.386736 0.214575 0.743409 5.0411
0082 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 84  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0083      HepJamesRandom 0.0809463 0.147144 0.346757 18.3554
0084 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 85  MixMaxRng streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0085      MixMaxRng 0.749048 0.0460058 0.216306 7.5557
0086 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 81  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0087      HepJamesRandom 0.444845 0.317331 0.0381796 14.6314
0088 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 1  RanecuEngine streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0089      RanecuEngine 0.176497 0.710599 0.884126 2.34164
0090 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 83  TRandom3 streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0091      TRandom3 0.282541 0.00410514 0.294077 38.9648
0092 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 84  HepJamesRandom streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0093      HepJamesRandom 0.793322 0.157134 0.376794 5.68684
0094 *** TestRandomNumberServiceGlobal analyze 85  MixMaxRng streamID= 0 multiStreamReplay: 0
0095      MixMaxRng 0.780203 0.707089 0.09847 5.5464