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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import sys
0004 process = cms.Process("READMERGE")
0005 process.load("FWCore.Framework.test.cmsExceptionsFatal_cff")
0007 process.AdaptorConfig = cms.Service("AdaptorConfig",
0008     stats = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0009 )
0011 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0012     input = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0013 )
0015 process.output = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
0016     fileName = cms.untracked.string(
0017       'file:ReadMerge_out.root'
0018     )
0019 )
0021 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0022     fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("file:"+sys.argv[1])
0023 )
0025 process.test = cms.EDAnalyzer('RunLumiEventAnalyzer',
0026     verbose = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0027     expectedRunLumiEvents = cms.untracked.vuint32(
0028 100,   0,   0,
0029 100, 100,   0,
0030 100, 100, 100,
0031 100, 100,   0,
0032 100,   0,   0,
0033   1,   0,   0,  
0034   1,   1,   0,
0035   1,   1,  11,
0036   1,   1,  12,
0037   1,   1,  13,
0038   1,   1,  14,
0039   1,   1,  15,
0040   1,   1,  16,
0041   1,   1,  17,
0042   1,   1,  18,
0043   1,   1,  19,
0044   1,   1,  20,
0045   1,   1, 102,
0046   1,   1,   0,
0047   1,   0,   0,
0048   1,   0,   0,
0049   1,   1,   0,
0050   1,   1,  21,
0051   1,   1,  22,
0052   1,   1,  23,
0053   1,   1,  24,
0054   1,   1,  25,
0055   1,   1,   1,
0056   1,   1,   2,
0057   1,   1,   3,
0058   1,   1,   4,
0059   1,   1,   5,
0060   1,   1,   6,
0061   1,   1,   7,
0062   1,   1,   8,
0063   1,   1,   9,
0064   1,   1,  10,
0065   1,   1,   0,
0066   1,   2,   0,
0067   1,   2,   0,
0068   1,   0,   0,
0069   2,   0,   0,
0070   2,   1,   0,
0071   2,   1,   1,
0072   2,   1,   2,
0073   2,   1,   3,
0074   2,   1,   4,
0075   2,   1,   5,
0076   2,   1,   0,
0077   2,   0,   0
0078 )
0079 )
0081 process.test.expectedRunLumiEvents.extend([
0082  11,   0,   0,
0083  11,   1,   0,
0084  11,   1,   1,
0085  11,   1,   0,
0086  11,   2,   0,
0087  11,   2,   1,
0088  11,   2,   2,
0089  11,   2,   3,
0090  11,   2,   0,
0091  11,   3,   0,
0092  11,   3,   4,
0093  11,   3,   5,
0094  11,   3,   6,
0095  11,   3,   0,
0096  11,   4,   0,
0097  11,   4,   7,
0098  11,   4,   8,
0099  11,   4,   9,
0100  11,   4,   0,
0101  11,   0,   0,
0102  12,   0,   0,
0103  12,   2,   0,
0104  12,   2,   1,
0105  12,   2,   2,
0106  12,   2,   3,
0107  12,   2,   0,
0108  12,   3,   0,
0109  12,   3,   4,
0110  12,   3,   5,
0111  12,   3,   6,
0112  12,   3,   0,
0113  12,   4,   0,
0114  12,   4,   7,
0115  12,   4,   8,
0116  12,   4,   9,
0117  12,   4,   0,
0118  12,   0,   0,
0119  13,   0,   0,
0120  13,   2,   0,
0121  13,   2,   1,
0122  13,   2,   2,
0123  13,   2,   0,
0124  13,   0,   0,
0125 1000,  0,   0,
0126 1000,  1,   0,
0127 1000,  1,   0,
0128 1000,  0,   0,
0129 1001,  0,   0,
0130 1001,  1,   0,
0131 1001,  1,   0,
0132 1001,  0,   0,
0133 1002,  0,   0,
0134 1002,  1,   0,
0135 1002,  1,   0,
0136 1002,  0,   0,
0137 # Between ~3_1_0  and 3_7_X these following are not in the input file
0138 # because runs with no lumis in the input were always dropped.
0139 # The test passes, it just never gets past this point.
0140 2000,  0,   0,
0141 2000,  0,   0,
0142 2001,  0,   0,
0143 2001,  0,   0,
0144 2002,  0,   0,
0145 2002,  0,   0
0146 ])
0148 process.path1 = cms.Path(process.test)
0150 process.ep = cms.EndPath(process.output)