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Warning, /IOPool/TFileAdaptor/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # IOPool/TFileAdaptor Description
0003 ## Introduction
0004 The package contains a plugin to ROOT to allow a custom `TFile` to be generated by calls to `TFile::Open`. The custom class internally uses the `Storage` object from Utilities/StorageFactory.
0006 ## TStorageFactorySystem
0007 A ROOT plugin which allows the use of `TStorageFactoryFile` when `TFile::Open` is called.
0009 ## TStorageFactoryFile
0010 A specialization of `TFile` which uses a `edm::storage::Storage` instance internally.
0011 ### storage accounting
0012 The `read` measurement statistics only encompasses a single buffer read. `readActual` encompasses both a single buffer read and a vector read. Only `readAsync` measures statistics for reading asynchronously (prefetching?).
0014 ## TFileAdaptor
0015 A cmsRun service which allows configuration of the `StorageFactory` and assigns which protocols for which ROOT should use `TStorageFactorySystem`.