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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ## Import minBX and maxBX for the MPC
0004 from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.CSCCommonTrigger_cfi import CSCCommonTrigger
0006 ## The directory params/ contains common psets, psets for the ALCT and CLCT
0007 ## processsors, for the TMBs, MPC and CCLUT, the GEM-CSC integrated local trigger,
0008 ## and the hadronic shower trigger.
0009 from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.params.alctParams import alctPSets
0010 from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.params.clctParams import clctPSets
0011 from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.params.tmbParams import tmbPSets
0012 from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.params.auxiliaryParams import auxPSets
0013 from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.params.gemcscParams import gemcscPSets
0014 from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.params.showerParams import showerPSet
0016 cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis = cms.EDProducer(
0017     "CSCTriggerPrimitivesProducer",
0018     CSCCommonTrigger,
0019     ## pass all processor parameters sets
0020     ## deal with the customization in the CSCBaseboard class...
0021     alctPSets,
0022     clctPSets,
0023     tmbPSets,
0024     gemcscPSets,
0026     # True: use parameters from this config
0027     # False: read parameters from DB using EventSetup mechanism
0028     debugParameters = cms.bool(False),
0030     # Name of digi producer modules
0031     CSCComparatorDigiProducer = cms.InputTag("simMuonCSCDigis","MuonCSCComparatorDigi"),
0032     CSCWireDigiProducer = cms.InputTag("simMuonCSCDigis","MuonCSCWireDigi"),
0033     GEMPadDigiClusterProducer = cms.InputTag(""),
0035     # If True, output collections will only be built for good chambers
0036     checkBadChambers = cms.bool(True),
0037     #selected chamebrs to process
0038     selectedChambers = cms.vstring(),
0040     # Anode-DAQ rate determined by pre-CLCTs
0041     keepCLCTPreTriggers = cms.bool(True),
0042     # Anode-DAQ rate determined by ALCTs
0043     keepALCTPreTriggers = cms.bool(False),
0044     # special triggers for showers in chambers
0045     keepShowers = cms.bool(False),
0047     commonParam = auxPSets.commonParam.clone(),
0048     mpcParam = auxPSets.mpcParamRun1.clone(),
0049     showerParam = showerPSet.clone()
0050 )
0053 ## unganging in ME1/a
0054 ## no sorting/selecting in MPC
0055 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_common_cff import run2_common
0056 run2_common.toModify( cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis,
0057                       debugParameters = True,
0058                       checkBadChambers = False,
0059                       commonParam = dict(gangedME1a = False),
0060                       mpcParam = auxPSets.mpcParamRun2.clone()
0061 )
0063 ## turn on upgrade CSC algorithm without GEMs
0064 ## originally intended for Phase-2, but moved up to Run-3
0065 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_common_cff import run3_common
0066 run3_common.toModify( cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis,
0067                       keepShowers = True,
0068                       commonParam = dict(run3 = True,
0069                                          runCCLUT_OTMB = True,
0070                                          runPhase2 = True,
0071                                          runME11Up = True,
0072                                          runME21Up = True,
0073                                          runME31Up = True,
0074                                          runME41Up = True)
0075 )
0077 ## GEM-CSC integrated local trigger in ME1/1
0078 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_GEM_cff import run3_GEM
0079 run3_GEM.toModify( cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis,
0080                    GEMPadDigiClusterProducer = cms.InputTag("simMuonGEMPadDigiClusters"),
0081                    commonParam = dict(runME11ILT = True)
0082 )
0084 ## GEM-CSC integrated local trigger in ME2/1
0085 ## enable the Phase-2 ALCT processors
0086 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_muon_cff import phase2_muon
0087 phase2_muon.toModify( cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis,
0088                       commonParam = dict(runME21ILT = True,
0089                                          enableAlctPhase2 = True)
0090 )