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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Parameters common for all boards
0004 commonParam = cms.PSet(
0005     # Master flag for Phase-2 studies
0006     runPhase2 = cms.bool(False),
0008     # Debug
0009     verbosity = cms.int32(0),
0011     ## During Run-1, ME1a strips were triple-ganged
0012     ## Effectively, this means there were only 16 strips
0013     ## As of Run-2, ME1a strips are unganged,
0014     ## which increased the number of strips to 48
0015     gangedME1a = cms.bool(True),
0017     # flags to optionally disable finding stubs in ME42 or ME1a
0018     disableME1a = cms.bool(False),
0019     disableME42 = cms.bool(False),
0021     # switch on HL-LHC algorithms
0022     runME11Up = cms.bool(False),
0023     runME21Up = cms.bool(False),
0024     runME31Up = cms.bool(False),
0025     runME41Up = cms.bool(False),
0027     # GEM-CSC integrated triggers
0028     runME11ILT = cms.bool(False),
0029     runME21ILT = cms.bool(False),
0031     # Run-3 mode
0032     run3 = cms.bool(False),
0034     # comparator-code algorithm to improve
0035     # CLCT position and bending resolution
0036     # CCLUT for TMB is NOT planned for startup Run-3
0037     runCCLUT_TMB = cms.bool(False),
0038     # CCLUT for OTMB is planned for startup Run-3
0039     runCCLUT_OTMB = cms.bool(False),
0041     ## Phase-2 version is not needed for Run-3
0042     enableAlctPhase2 = cms.bool(False)
0043 )
0045 # MPC sorter config for Run1
0046 mpcParamRun1 = cms.PSet(
0047     sortStubs = cms.bool(True),
0048     dropInvalidStubs = cms.bool(True),
0049     dropLowQualityStubs = cms.bool(True),
0050     maxStubs = cms.uint32(3),
0051 )
0053 # MPC sorter config for Run2 and beyond
0054 mpcParamRun2 = mpcParamRun1.clone(
0055     sortStubs = False,
0056     dropInvalidStubs = False,
0057     dropLowQualityStubs = False,
0058     maxStubs = 18,
0059 )
0061 auxPSets = cms.PSet(
0062     commonParam = commonParam.clone(),
0063     mpcParamRun1 = mpcParamRun1.clone(),
0064     mpcParamRun2 = mpcParamRun2.clone(),
0065 )