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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 #Parameterset for the hadronic shower trigger for Run-3
0004 showerPSet = cms.PSet(
0005     ## what kind of shower triggers the logic?
0006     ## 0: cathode-only (TMB/OTMB)
0007     ## 1: anode-only (from ALCT board)
0008     ## 2: cathode or anode showers
0009     ##    loose -> 'loose anode or loose cathode'
0010     ##    nominal -> 'nominal anode or nominal cathode'
0011     ##    tight -> 'tight anode or tight cathode'
0012     ## 3: cathode and anode showers
0013     ##    loose -> 'loose anode and loose cathode'
0014     ##    nominal -> 'nominal anode and nominal cathode'
0015     ##    tight -> 'tight anode and tight cathode'
0016     source  = cms.vuint32(
0017     # ME1/1
0018     3,
0019     # ME1/2
0020     1,
0021     # ME1/3
0022     1,
0023     # ME2/1
0024     3,
0025     # ME2/2
0026     1,
0027     # ME3/1
0028     3,
0029     # ME3/2
0030     1,
0031     # ME4/1
0032     3,
0033     # ME4/2
0034     1
0035     ),
0037     ## settings for cathode showers (counting CSCComparatorDigi)
0038     cathodeShower = cms.PSet(
0039         ## {loose, nominal, tight} thresholds for hit counters
0040         ## loose ~ 0.75 kHz
0041         ## nominal ~ 0.5  kHz
0042         ## tight ~ 0.25 kHz
0043     ## 10000 means to disable cathode HMT for this chamber type
0044         showerThresholds = cms.vuint32(
0045             # ME1/1
0046             100, 100, 100,
0047             # ME1/2
0048             10000, 10000, 10000,
0049             # ME1/3
0050             10000, 10000, 10000,
0051             # ME2/1
0052             14, 33, 35,
0053             # ME2/2
0054             10000, 10000, 10000,
0055             # ME3/1
0056             12, 31, 33,
0057             # ME3/2
0058             10000, 10000, 10000,
0059             # ME4/1
0060             14, 34, 36,
0061             # ME4/2
0062             10000, 10000, 10000
0063         ),
0064         showerNumTBins = cms.uint32(3),# 3BX for cathode HMT
0065         minLayersCentralTBin = cms.uint32(5),
0066     ## peack check feature is not implemented in firmware
0067     ## plan to upgrade in future
0068     peakCheck = cms.bool(False),
0069     ),
0070     ## settings for anode showers (counting CSCWireDigi)
0071     anodeShower = cms.PSet(
0072         ## {loose, nominal, tight} thresholds for hit counters
0073         showerThresholds = cms.vuint32(
0074             # ME1/1
0075             140, 140, 140,
0076             # ME1/2
0077             140, 140, 140,
0078             # ME1/3
0079             7, 14, 18,
0080             # ME2/1
0081             23, 56, 58,
0082             # ME2/2
0083             12, 28, 32,
0084             # ME3/1
0085             21, 55, 57,
0086             # ME3/2
0087             12, 26, 34,
0088             # ME4/1
0089             25, 62, 64,
0090             # ME4/2
0091             12, 27, 31
0092         ),
0093         showerNumTBins = cms.uint32(1),# 1BX for anode HMT
0094         minLayersCentralTBin = cms.uint32(5),
0095     )
0096 )