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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ############################################################
0004 # L1 Global Trigger Emulation
0005 ############################################################
0007 # Conditions
0009 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTProducer_cff import l1tGTProducer
0011 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTSingleObjectCond_cfi import l1tGTSingleObjectCond
0012 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTDoubleObjectCond_cfi import l1tGTDoubleObjectCond
0013 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTTripleObjectCond_cfi import l1tGTTripleObjectCond
0014 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTQuadObjectCond_cfi import l1tGTQuadObjectCond
0016 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTAlgoBlockProducer_cff import algorithms
0018 from L1Trigger.Configuration.Phase2GTMenus.SeedDefinitions.step1_2024.l1tGTObject_constants import *
0019 from L1Trigger.Configuration.Phase2GTMenus.SeedDefinitions.step1_2024.l1tGTMenuObjects_cff import *
0021 TkMuonPuppiHT6320 = l1tGTDoubleObjectCond.clone( #needs z0 with the puppivertex
0022     collection1 = l1tGTtkMuonLoose.clone(
0023         regionsMinPt=cms.vdouble(6,6,6),
0024         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0025         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0) 
0026     ),
0027     collection2 = l1tGTHtSum.clone(
0028         minScalarSumPt = get_object_thrs(320, "CL2HtSum","HT"),
0029     ),
0030 )
0031 pTkMuonPuppiHT6_320 = cms.Path(TkMuonPuppiHT6320)
0032 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression = cms.string("pTkMuonPuppiHT6_320")))
0035 TkMuTriPuppiJetdRMaxDoubleJetdEtaMax = l1tGTQuadObjectCond.clone( #needs z0 between muon and puppivertex
0036     collection1 = l1tGTtkMuonVLoose.clone(
0037         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(12, "GMTTkMuons","VLoose"),
0038         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0039         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0040     ),
0041     collection2 = l1tGTsc4Jet.clone(
0042         minPt = cms.double(25) #safety cut
0043     ),
0044     collection3 = l1tGTsc4Jet.clone(
0045         minPt = cms.double(25) #safety cut
0046     ),
0047     collection4 = l1tGTsc4Jet.clone(
0048         minPt = cms.double(25) #safety cut
0049     ),
0050     correl12 = cms.PSet(
0051         maxDR = cms.double(0.4),
0052     ),
0053     correl34 = cms.PSet(
0054         maxDEta = cms.double(1.6)
0055     ),
0056 )
0057 pTkMuTriPuppiJet_12_40_dRMax_DoubleJet_dEtaMax = cms.Path(TkMuTriPuppiJetdRMaxDoubleJetdEtaMax)
0058 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression=cms.string("pTkMuTriPuppiJet_12_40_dRMax_DoubleJet_dEtaMax")))
0060 TkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet = l1tGTTripleObjectCond.clone( #needs z0 between muon and puppivertex
0061     collection1 = l1tGTtkMuonLoose.clone(
0062         minEta = cms.double(-2.1),
0063         maxEta = cms.double(2.1),
0064         regionsMinPt=cms.vdouble(3,3,3),
0065         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0066         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0067     ),
0068     collection2 = l1tGTsc4Jet.clone(
0069         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(110, "CL2JetsSC4", "default"),
0070     ),
0071     collection3 = l1tGTEtSum.clone(
0072         minPt = get_object_thrs(120, "CL2EtSum","default"),
0073     ),
0074 )
0075 pTkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet_3_110_120 = cms.Path(TkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet)
0076 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression=cms.string("pTkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet_3_110_120")))
0079 DoubleTkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet = l1tGTQuadObjectCond.clone( #needs z0 between puppivertex and muon
0080     collection1 = l1tGTtkMuonLoose.clone(
0081         regionsMinPt=cms.vdouble(3,3,3),
0082         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0083         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0084     ),
0085     collection2 = l1tGTtkMuonLoose.clone(
0086         regionsMinPt=cms.vdouble(3,3,3),
0087         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0088         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0089     ),
0090     collection3 = l1tGTsc4Jet.clone(
0091         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(60, "CL2JetsSC4", "default"),
0092     ),
0093     collection4 = l1tGTEtSum.clone(        
0094         minPt = get_object_thrs(130, "CL2EtSum","default"),
0095     ),
0096     correl12 = cms.PSet(
0097         minDR = cms.double(0),
0098     )
0099 )
0100 pDoubleTkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet_3_3_60_130 = cms.Path(DoubleTkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet)
0101 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression=cms.string("pDoubleTkMuPuppiJetPuppiMet_3_3_60_130")))
0104 DoubleTkMuPuppiHT = l1tGTTripleObjectCond.clone( #needs z0 between puppivertex and muon
0105     collection1 = l1tGTtkMuonLoose.clone(
0106         regionsMinPt=cms.vdouble(3,3,3),
0107         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0108         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1),
0109     ),
0110     collection2 = l1tGTtkMuonLoose.clone(
0111         regionsMinPt=cms.vdouble(3,3,3),
0112         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0113         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1),
0114     ),
0115     collection3 = l1tGTHtSum.clone(
0116         minScalarSumPt = get_object_thrs(300, "CL2HtSum","HT"),
0117     ),
0118     correl12 = cms.PSet(
0119         minDR = cms.double(0),
0120     )
0121 )
0122 pDoubleTkMuPuppiHT_3_3_300 = cms.Path(DoubleTkMuPuppiHT)
0124 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression=cms.string("pDoubleTkMuPuppiHT_3_3_300")))
0127 DoubleTkElePuppiHT = l1tGTTripleObjectCond.clone( #needs z0 between puppivertex and muon
0128     collection1 = l1tGTtkElectronLowPt.clone(
0129         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(8, "CL2Electrons","NoIso"),
0130         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0131         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0132     ),
0133     collection2 = l1tGTtkElectronLowPt.clone(
0134         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(8, "CL2Electrons","NoIso"),
0135         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0136         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0137     ),
0138     collection3 = l1tGTHtSum.clone(
0139         minScalarSumPt = get_object_thrs(390, "CL2HtSum","HT"),
0140     ),
0141 )
0142 pDoubleTkElePuppiHT_8_8_390 = cms.Path(DoubleTkElePuppiHT)
0144 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression=cms.string("pDoubleTkElePuppiHT_8_8_390")))
0147 TkEleIsoPuppiHT = l1tGTDoubleObjectCond.clone( #missing z0 between electron and puppivertex
0148     collection1 = l1tGTtkIsoElectron.clone(
0149         minEta = cms.double(-2.1), # TBC WHY?
0150         maxEta = cms.double(2.1), # TBC WHY?
0151         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(26, "CL2Electrons","Iso"),
0152         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0153         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0154     ),
0155     collection2 = l1tGTHtSum.clone(
0156         minScalarSumPt = get_object_thrs(190, "CL2HtSum","HT"),
0157     ),
0158 )
0159 pTkEleIsoPuppiHT_26_190 = cms.Path(TkEleIsoPuppiHT)
0160 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression = cms.string("pTkEleIsoPuppiHT_26_190")))
0163 TkElePuppiJetMinDR = l1tGTDoubleObjectCond.clone( #missing z0 between electron and puppivertex
0164     collection1 = l1tGTtkElectron.clone(
0165         minEta = cms.double(-2.1), # TBC WHY?
0166         maxEta = cms.double(2.1), # TBC WHY?
0167         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(28, "CL2Electrons","NoIso"),
0168         maxPrimVertDz = cms.double(1), # in cm
0169         primVertex = cms.uint32(0), # primary vertex index (choose 0)
0170     ),
0171     collection2 = l1tGTsc4Jet.clone(
0172         minPt = cms.double(25) #safety cut
0173     ),
0174     minDR = cms.double(0.3)
0175 )
0176 pTkElePuppiJet_28_40_MinDR = cms.Path(TkElePuppiJetMinDR)
0177 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression=cms.string("pTkElePuppiJet_28_40_MinDR")))
0179 NNPuppiTauPuppiMet = l1tGTDoubleObjectCond.clone(
0180     collection1 = l1tGTnnTau.clone(
0181         regionsMinPt = get_object_thrs(55, "CL2Taus","default"),
0182     ),
0183     collection2 = l1tGTEtSum.clone(
0184         minPt = get_object_thrs(190, "CL2EtSum","default"),
0185     ),
0187 )
0188 pNNPuppiTauPuppiMet_55_190 = cms.Path(NNPuppiTauPuppiMet)
0189 algorithms.append(cms.PSet(expression=cms.string("pNNPuppiTauPuppiMet_55_190")))