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0001 # Make Phase 2 Global Trigger "book end" configurations available as an L1 Configuration file
0002 # To be made available later in Configuration/StandardSequences.
0003 # It's a little circuitous, I admit, but seems correct to be available _everywhere_
0004 # Written by: Andrew Loeliger
0006 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0008 # Get the GT Producer/first of the "book end"s, responsible for GT inputs
0009 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTProducer_cff import l1tGTProducer
0011 l1tGTProducerSequence = cms.Sequence(
0012     l1tGTProducer
0013 )
0015 # Get the Algo Block/second of the "book end"s, responsible for trigger results
0016 from L1Trigger.Phase2L1GT.l1tGTAlgoBlockProducer_cff import l1tGTAlgoBlockProducer
0018 l1tGTAlgoBlockProducerSequence = cms.Sequence(
0019     l1tGTAlgoBlockProducer
0020 )