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0001 //-------------------------------------------------
0002 //
0003 /**  \class DTBtiHit
0004  *
0005  *   A class for hits in a drift cell
0006  *
0007  *
0008  *
0009  *   \author  C. Grandi, S. Vanini
0010  *   Modifications: 
0011  *   28/X/02 S.Vanini: tshift=425 included in register 
0012  *   1/IV/03 SV  time in clock units included: _clockTime
0013  *   --> operation with drift time are commented
0014  *   22/VI/04 SV: last trigger code update
0015  *   15/I/07 SV : new config update
0016  */
0017 //
0018 //--------------------------------------------------
0019 #ifndef DT_BTI_HIT_H
0020 #define DT_BTI_HIT_H
0022 //------------------------------------
0023 // Collaborating Class Declarations --
0024 //------------------------------------
0025 class DTDigi;
0027 //----------------------
0028 // Base Class Headers --
0029 //----------------------
0030 #include "L1TriggerConfig/DTTPGConfig/interface/DTConfig.h"
0031 #include "L1TriggerConfig/DTTPGConfig/interface/DTConfigBti.h"
0033 //---------------
0034 // C++ Headers --
0035 //---------------
0036 #include <cmath>
0037 #include <string>
0039 //              ---------------------
0040 //              -- Class Interface --
0041 //              ---------------------
0043 class DTBtiHit {
0044 public:
0045   /// Constructor
0046   DTBtiHit(const DTDigi*, DTConfigBti*);
0048   /// Constructor from clock times
0049   DTBtiHit(int clockTime, DTConfigBti*);
0051   /// Copy constructor
0052   DTBtiHit(const DTBtiHit&);
0054   /// Destructor
0055   ~DTBtiHit();
0057   /// Assignment operator
0058   DTBtiHit& operator=(const DTBtiHit&);
0060   /// Move the hit forward in time one step
0061   inline void stepDownTime() {  //_curTime-=_stepTime;
0062     _clockTime -= 1;
0063   }
0065   /// Return the associated DTDigi
0066   inline const DTDigi* hitDigi() const { return _hitdigi; }
0068   /// Return the current time
0069   /*! hits with curTime >0 correspond to avalanches drifting to wires
0070                         <0      "     "  signals already in the registers
0071   SV curTime=4000 if digis are given in clock units....
0072   */
0073   inline float curTime() const { return _curTime; }
0074   inline int clockTime() const { return _clockTime; }
0076   //! true if avalanche is still drifting
0077   inline int isDrifting() const {  //return _curTime>=0 && _curTime<4000;
0078     return _clockTime > 1 && _clockTime < 400;
0079   }
0081   //! true if signal is in the registers
0082   //SV jtrig()=_config->ST() added: is for tdrift==0
0083   inline int isInsideReg() const {
0084     //return _curTime<0 && jtrig()<=_config->ST();
0085     return (_clockTime <= 0 && jtrig() <= _config->ST());  //SV bug fix 17XII03
0086   }
0088   //! position in registers
0089   inline int jtrig() const {
0090     //return (int)(fabs(_curTime)/_stepTime);
0091     return -_clockTime;
0092   }
0093   //inline float jtrig() const { return fabs(_curTime)/_stepTime; } //prova SV
0094   //SV 13/XI/02 half-int simulation added
0095   /*inline float jtrig() const {  
0096         int idt = int(fabs(_curTime/_stepTime));
0097         float rest = fmod( fabs(_curTime), _stepTime );
0098         int irest = 0;
0099         if(rest==0.0)
0100           irest = 1;
0101         else
0102           irest = int( rest / (_stepTime*0.5) );
0103         float jtrig_int4 = float(idt) + float(irest)*0.5;
0104     return jtrig_int4;  
0105   }
0106 */
0108 public:
0109   static const float _stepTime;
0110   static const float _stepTimeTdc;
0111   static std::string t0envFlag;
0113 private:
0114   const DTDigi* _hitdigi;
0115   DTConfigBti* _config;
0116   float _curTime;
0117   int _clockTime;
0118 };
0120 #endif