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0001 #include "L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger/test/gctTestHt.h"
0003 #include "CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1CaloEtScale.h"
0004 #include "CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1GctJetFinderParams.h"
0006 #include "L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger/interface/L1GlobalCaloTrigger.h"
0007 #include "L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger/interface/L1GctGlobalEnergyAlgos.h"
0008 #include "L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger/interface/L1GctJetFinderBase.h"
0009 #include "L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger/interface/L1GctWheelJetFpga.h"
0011 #include <math.h>
0012 #include <iostream>
0013 #include <cassert>
0015 using namespace std;
0017 //=================================================================================================================
0018 //
0019 /// Constructor and destructor
0021 gctTestHt::gctTestHt()
0022     : m_bxStart(), m_numOfBx(1), minusWheelJetDta(), plusWheelJetData(), m_jetEtScale(), m_htMissScale(), m_jfPars() {}
0024 gctTestHt::~gctTestHt() {}
0026 //=================================================================================================================
0027 //
0028 /// Configuration
0030 void gctTestHt::configure(const L1CaloEtScale* jetScale,
0031                           const L1CaloEtScale* mhtScale,
0032                           const L1GctJetFinderParams* jfPars) {
0033   m_jetEtScale = jetScale;
0034   m_htMissScale = mhtScale;
0035   m_jfPars = jfPars;
0036 }
0038 bool gctTestHt::setupOk() const { return (m_jetEtScale != 0 && m_htMissScale != 0 && m_jfPars != 0); }
0040 //=================================================================================================================
0041 //
0042 /// Read the input jet data from the jetfinders (after GCT processing).
0043 void gctTestHt::fillRawJetData(const L1GlobalCaloTrigger* gct) {
0044   minusWheelJetDta.clear();
0045   plusWheelJetData.clear();
0046   minusWheelJetDta.resize(9 * m_numOfBx);
0047   plusWheelJetData.resize(9 * m_numOfBx);
0049   int bx = m_bxStart;
0050   unsigned mPos = 0;
0051   unsigned pPos = 0;
0052   for (int ibx = 0; ibx < m_numOfBx; ibx++) {
0053     int leaf = 0;
0055     // Minus Wheel
0056     for (; leaf < 3; leaf++) {
0057 = rawJetFinderOutput(gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getJetFinderA(), mPos % 9, bx);
0058       mPos++;
0059 = rawJetFinderOutput(gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getJetFinderB(), mPos % 9, bx);
0060       mPos++;
0061 = rawJetFinderOutput(gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getJetFinderC(), mPos % 9, bx);
0062       mPos++;
0063     }
0065     // Plus Wheel
0066     for (; leaf < 6; leaf++) {
0067 = rawJetFinderOutput(gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getJetFinderA(), pPos % 9, bx);
0068       pPos++;
0069 = rawJetFinderOutput(gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getJetFinderB(), pPos % 9, bx);
0070       pPos++;
0071 = rawJetFinderOutput(gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getJetFinderC(), pPos % 9, bx);
0072       pPos++;
0073     }
0075     bx++;
0076   }
0077 }
0079 //=================================================================================================================
0080 //
0081 /// Set array sizes for the number of bunch crossings
0082 void gctTestHt::setBxRange(const int bxStart, const int numOfBx) {
0083   // Allow the start of the bunch crossing range to be altered
0084   // without losing previously stored jet data
0085   rawJetData temp;
0086   for (int bx = bxStart; bx < m_bxStart; bx++) {
0087     minusWheelJetDta.insert(minusWheelJetDta.begin(), 9, temp);
0088     plusWheelJetData.insert(plusWheelJetData.begin(), 9, temp);
0089   }
0091   m_bxStart = bxStart;
0093   // Resize the vectors without clearing previously stored values
0094   minusWheelJetDta.resize(9 * numOfBx);
0095   plusWheelJetData.resize(9 * numOfBx);
0096   m_numOfBx = numOfBx;
0097 }
0099 //=================================================================================================================
0100 //
0101 /// Check the Ht summing algorithms
0102 bool gctTestHt::checkHtSums(const L1GlobalCaloTrigger* gct) const {
0103   if (!setupOk()) {
0104     cout << "checkHtSums setup check failed" << endl;
0105     return false;
0106   }
0108   bool testPass = true;
0109   L1GctGlobalEnergyAlgos* myGlobalEnergy = gct->getEnergyFinalStage();
0111   L1GctInternJetDataCollection internalJets = gct->getInternalJets();
0113   std::vector<rawJetData>::const_iterator mJet = minusWheelJetDta.begin();
0114   std::vector<rawJetData>::const_iterator pJet = plusWheelJetData.begin();
0116   for (int bx = 0; bx < m_numOfBx; bx++) {
0117     unsigned htMinusVl = 0;
0118     unsigned htPlusVal = 0;
0119     int hxMinusVl = 0;
0120     int hxPlusVal = 0;
0121     int hyMinusVl = 0;
0122     int hyPlusVal = 0;
0123     bool httMinusInputOf = false;
0124     bool httPlusInputOvf = false;
0125     bool htmMinusInputOf = false;
0126     bool htmPlusInputOvf = false;
0128     //
0129     // Check the Ht calculation (starting from the found jets)
0130     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0131     //
0132     // Minus Wheel
0133     int leaf = 0;
0134     for (; leaf < 3; leaf++) {
0135       unsigned leafHttSum = 0;
0136       int leafHtxSum = 0;
0137       int leafHtySum = 0;
0138       bool leafHttOvf = false;
0139       bool leafHtmOvf = false;
0141       for (int jf = 0; jf < 3; jf++) {
0142         assert(mJet != minusWheelJetDta.end());
0143         leafHttSum += (mJet->httSum);
0144         leafHttOvf |= (mJet->httOverFlow);
0145         leafHtxSum += (mJet->htxSum);
0146         leafHtySum += (mJet->htySum);
0147         leafHtmOvf |= (mJet->htmOverFlow);
0148         mJet++;
0149       }
0150       if (leafHttSum >= 4096 || leafHttOvf) {
0151         leafHttSum = 4095;
0152         leafHttOvf = true;
0153       }
0154       if (leafHttSum == gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHt().at(bx).value()) {
0155         htMinusVl += leafHttSum;
0156       } else {
0157         cout << "Ht sum check leaf " << leaf << " bx " << bx << endl;
0158         testPass = false;
0159       }
0160       if (leafHtxSum == gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHx().at(bx).value()) {
0161         hxMinusVl += leafHtxSum;
0162       } else {
0163         cout << "Hx sum check leaf " << leaf << " bx " << bx << endl;
0164         testPass = false;
0165       }
0166       if (leafHtySum == gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHy().at(bx).value()) {
0167         hyMinusVl += leafHtySum;
0168       } else {
0169         cout << "Hy sum check leaf " << leaf << " bx " << bx << endl;
0170         testPass = false;
0171       }
0172       if ((gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHt().at(bx).overFlow() == leafHttOvf) &&
0173           (gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHx().at(bx).overFlow() == leafHtmOvf) &&
0174           (gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHy().at(bx).overFlow() == leafHtmOvf)) {
0175         httMinusInputOf |= leafHttOvf;
0176         htmMinusInputOf |= leafHtmOvf;
0177       } else {
0178         cout << "Ht minus overflow check leaf " << leaf << " bx " << bx << endl;
0179         testPass = false;
0180       }
0181     }
0183     // Plus Wheel
0184     for (; leaf < 6; leaf++) {
0185       unsigned leafHttSum = 0;
0186       int leafHtxSum = 0;
0187       int leafHtySum = 0;
0188       bool leafHttOvf = false;
0189       bool leafHtmOvf = false;
0190       for (int jf = 0; jf < 3; jf++) {
0191         assert(pJet != plusWheelJetData.end());
0192         leafHttSum += (pJet->httSum);
0193         leafHttOvf |= (pJet->httOverFlow);
0194         leafHtxSum += (pJet->htxSum);
0195         leafHtySum += (pJet->htySum);
0196         leafHtmOvf |= (pJet->htmOverFlow);
0197         pJet++;
0198       }
0199       if (leafHttSum >= 4096 || leafHttOvf) {
0200         leafHttSum = 4095;
0201         leafHttOvf = true;
0202       }
0203       if (leafHttSum == gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHt().at(bx).value()) {
0204         htPlusVal += leafHttSum;
0205       } else {
0206         cout << "Ht sum check leaf " << leaf << " bx " << bx << endl;
0207         testPass = false;
0208       }
0209       if (leafHtxSum == gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHx().at(bx).value()) {
0210         hxPlusVal += leafHtxSum;
0211       } else {
0212         cout << "Hx sum check leaf " << leaf << " bx " << bx << endl;
0213         testPass = false;
0214       }
0215       if (leafHtySum == gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHy().at(bx).value()) {
0216         hyPlusVal += leafHtySum;
0217       } else {
0218         cout << "Hy sum check leaf " << leaf << endl;
0219         testPass = false;
0220       }
0221       if ((gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHt().at(bx).overFlow() == leafHttOvf) &&
0222           (gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHx().at(bx).overFlow() == leafHtmOvf) &&
0223           (gct->getJetLeafCards().at(leaf)->getAllOutputHy().at(bx).overFlow() == leafHtmOvf)) {
0224         httPlusInputOvf |= leafHttOvf;
0225         htmPlusInputOvf |= leafHtmOvf;
0226       } else {
0227         cout << "Ht plus overflow check leaf " << leaf << " bx " << bx << endl;
0228         testPass = false;
0229       }
0230     }
0232     unsigned htTotal = htMinusVl + htPlusVal;
0234     bool httMinusOvrFlow = (htMinusVl >= 4096) || httMinusInputOf;
0235     bool httPlusOverFlow = (htPlusVal >= 4096) || httPlusInputOvf;
0237     if (httMinusOvrFlow)
0238       htMinusVl = 4095;
0239     if (httPlusOverFlow)
0240       htPlusVal = 4095;
0242     bool httTotalOvrFlow = (htTotal >= 4096) || httMinusOvrFlow || httPlusOverFlow;
0244     if (httTotalOvrFlow)
0245       htTotal = 4095;
0247     int hxTotal = hxMinusVl + hxPlusVal;
0248     int hyTotal = hyMinusVl + hyPlusVal;
0250     bool htmMinusOvrFlow = htmMinusInputOf;
0251     bool htmPlusOverFlow = htmPlusInputOvf;
0252     // Check the input to the final GlobalEnergyAlgos is as expected
0253     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0254     //
0255     if (!myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtVlMinusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() && !httMinusOvrFlow &&
0256         (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtVlMinusWheel().at(bx).value() != htMinusVl)) {
0257       cout << "ht Minus " << htMinusVl << " bx " << bx << endl;
0258       testPass = false;
0259     }
0261     if (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtVlMinusWheel().at(bx).value() != htMinusVl) {
0262       cout << "ht Minus ovF " << htMinusVl << " found " << myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtVlMinusWheel().at(bx) << " bx "
0263            << bx << endl;
0264       testPass = false;
0265     }
0267     if (!myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtValPlusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() && !httPlusOverFlow &&
0268         (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtValPlusWheel().at(bx).value() != htPlusVal)) {
0269       cout << "ht Plus " << htPlusVal << " bx " << bx << endl;
0270       testPass = false;
0271     }
0273     if (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtValPlusWheel().at(bx).value() != htPlusVal) {
0274       cout << "ht Plus ovF " << htPlusVal << " found " << myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtValPlusWheel().at(bx) << " bx "
0275            << bx << endl;
0276       testPass = false;
0277     }
0279     if (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHxVlMinusWheel().at(bx).value() != hxMinusVl) {
0280       cout << "hx Minus " << hxMinusVl << " bx " << bx << endl;
0281       testPass = false;
0282     }
0283     if (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHxValPlusWheel().at(bx).value() != hxPlusVal) {
0284       cout << "hx Plus " << hxPlusVal << " bx " << bx << endl;
0285       testPass = false;
0286     }
0288     if (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHyVlMinusWheel().at(bx).value() != hyMinusVl) {
0289       cout << "hy Minus " << hyMinusVl << " bx " << bx << endl;
0290       testPass = false;
0291     }
0292     if (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHyValPlusWheel().at(bx).value() != hyPlusVal) {
0293       cout << "hy Plus " << hyPlusVal << " bx " << bx << endl;
0294       testPass = false;
0295     }
0297     if ((myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtVlMinusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() == httMinusOvrFlow) &&
0298         (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHxVlMinusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() == htmMinusOvrFlow) &&
0299         (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHyVlMinusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() == htmMinusOvrFlow)) {
0300     } else {
0301       cout << "Ht minus overflow check wheel"
0302            << " bx " << bx << endl;
0303       testPass = false;
0304     }
0306     if ((myGlobalEnergy->getInputHtValPlusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() == httPlusOverFlow) &&
0307         (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHxValPlusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() == htmPlusOverFlow) &&
0308         (myGlobalEnergy->getInputHyValPlusWheel().at(bx).overFlow() == htmPlusOverFlow)) {
0309     } else {
0310       cout << "Ht plus overflow check wheel"
0311            << " bx " << bx << endl;
0312       testPass = false;
0313     }
0315     // Check the output value
0316     if (!myGlobalEnergy->getEtHadColl().at(bx).overFlow() && !httTotalOvrFlow &&
0317         (myGlobalEnergy->getEtHadColl().at(bx).value() != htTotal)) {
0318       cout << "Algo etHad"
0319            << " bx " << bx << endl;
0320       testPass = false;
0321     }
0323     if (myGlobalEnergy->getEtHadColl().at(bx).value() != htTotal) {
0324       cout << "Algo etHad ovf"
0325            << " found " << myGlobalEnergy->getEtHadColl().at(bx) << " bx " << bx << endl;
0326       testPass = false;
0327     }
0329     // Check the missing Ht calculation
0330     unsigned htMiss = 0;
0331     unsigned htMPhi = 9;
0333     if ((htmMinusOvrFlow || htmPlusOverFlow) || ((abs(hxTotal) > 2047) || (abs(hyTotal) > 2047))) {
0334       hxTotal = 2047;
0335       hyTotal = 2047;
0336     }
0338     if ((((hxTotal) & 0xff0) != 0) || (((hyTotal) & 0xff0) != 0)) {
0339       double dhx = htComponentGeVForHtMiss(hxTotal);
0340       double dhy = htComponentGeVForHtMiss(hyTotal);
0341       double dhm = sqrt(dhx * dhx + dhy * dhy);
0342       double phi = atan2(dhy, dhx) + M_PI;
0344       htMiss = m_htMissScale->rank(dhm);
0345       htMPhi = static_cast<unsigned>(phi / M_PI * 9.);
0346     }
0348     if ((htMiss != myGlobalEnergy->getHtMissColl().at(bx).value()) ||
0349         (htMPhi != myGlobalEnergy->getHtMissPhiColl().at(bx).value())) {
0350       cout << "Missing Ht: expected " << htMiss << " phi " << htMPhi << " from x input " << hxTotal << " y input "
0351            << hyTotal << ", found " << myGlobalEnergy->getHtMissColl().at(bx).value() << " phi "
0352            << myGlobalEnergy->getHtMissPhiColl().at(bx).value() << " bx " << bx << endl;
0353       testPass = false;
0354     }
0356     // Check the storage of internal jet candidates
0357     unsigned htFromInternalJets = 0;
0358     bool htOvfFromInternalJets = false;
0359     for (L1GctInternJetDataCollection::const_iterator jet = internalJets.begin(); jet != internalJets.end(); jet++) {
0360       if ((jet->bx() == bx + m_bxStart) && (jet->et() >= m_jfPars->getHtJetEtThresholdGct())) {
0361         htFromInternalJets += jet->et();
0362         htOvfFromInternalJets |= jet->oflow();
0363       }
0364     }
0365     if ((htFromInternalJets >= 4096) || htOvfFromInternalJets)
0366       htFromInternalJets = 4095;
0367     if (htFromInternalJets != htTotal) {
0368       cout << "Found ht from jets " << htFromInternalJets << " expected " << htTotal << " bx " << bx << endl;
0369       testPass = false;
0370     }
0372     // end of loop over bunch crossings
0373   }
0374   return testPass;
0375 }
0377 //=================================================================================================================
0378 //
0380 //
0381 gctTestHt::rawJetData gctTestHt::rawJetFinderOutput(const L1GctJetFinderBase* jf,
0382                                                     const unsigned phiPos,
0383                                                     const int bx) const {
0384   assert(phiPos < 9);
0385   RawJetsVector jetsFromJf = jf->getRawJets();
0386   RawJetsVector jetList;
0387   unsigned sumHtt = 0;
0388   unsigned sumHtStrip0 = 0;
0389   unsigned sumHtStrip1 = 0;
0390   bool sumHttOvrFlo = false;
0391   bool sumHtmOvrFlo = false;
0392   for (RawJetsVector::const_iterator jet = jetsFromJf.begin(); jet != jetsFromJf.end(); jet++) {
0393     if (jet->bx() == bx && !jet->isNullJet()) {
0394       //       cout << "found a jet " << jet->rawsum()
0395       //       << " eta " << jet->globalEta()
0396       //       << " phi " << jet->globalPhi()
0397       //       << (jet->overFlow() ? " overflow set " : " ")
0398       //       << (jet->isTauJet() ? " tau jet " : " ")
0399       //       << (jet->isCentralJet() ? " central jet " : " ")
0400       //       << (jet->isForwardJet() ? " forward jet " : " ")
0401       //       << " bx " << jet->bx() << endl;
0402       jetList.push_back(*jet);
0403       // Find jet ht using event setup information
0404       //       double etJetGeV = jet->rawsum()*m_jetEtScale->linearLsb();
0405       //       double htJetGeV = m_jfPars->correctedEtGeV(etJetGeV, jet->rctEta(), jet->tauVeto());
0406       //       unsigned htJet  = ( jet->rawsum()==0x3ff ? 0x3ff : m_jfPars->correctedEtGct(htJetGeV));
0407       unsigned htJet = (jet->rawsum() == 0x3ff ? 0x3ff : jet->rawsum());
0408       // Add to total Ht sum
0409       if (htJet >= m_jfPars->getHtJetEtThresholdGct()) {
0410         sumHtt += htJet;
0411         sumHttOvrFlo |= (jet->overFlow());
0412       }
0413       // Add to missing Ht sum
0414       if (htJet >= m_jfPars->getMHtJetEtThresholdGct()) {
0415         if (jet->rctPhi() == 0) {
0416           sumHtStrip0 += htJet;
0417         }
0418         if (jet->rctPhi() == 1) {
0419           sumHtStrip1 += htJet;
0420         }
0421         sumHtmOvrFlo |= (jet->overFlow());
0422       }
0423     }
0424   }
0425   // Find the x and y components
0426   unsigned xFact0 = (53 - 4 * phiPos) % 36;
0427   unsigned xFact1 = (59 - 4 * phiPos) % 36;
0428   unsigned yFact0 = (44 - 4 * phiPos) % 36;
0429   unsigned yFact1 = (50 - 4 * phiPos) % 36;
0431   int sumHtx = htComponent(sumHtStrip0, xFact0, sumHtStrip1, xFact1);
0432   int sumHty = htComponent(sumHtStrip0, yFact0, sumHtStrip1, yFact1);
0434   // Check for overflow
0435   const int maxOutput = 0x800;
0436   while (sumHtx >= maxOutput) {
0437     sumHtx -= maxOutput * 2;
0438     sumHtmOvrFlo = true;
0439   }
0440   while (sumHtx < -maxOutput) {
0441     sumHtx += maxOutput * 2;
0442     sumHtmOvrFlo = true;
0443   }
0444   while (sumHty >= maxOutput) {
0445     sumHty -= maxOutput * 2;
0446     sumHtmOvrFlo = true;
0447   }
0448   while (sumHty < -maxOutput) {
0449     sumHty += maxOutput * 2;
0450     sumHtmOvrFlo = true;
0451   }
0453   rawJetData result(jetList, sumHtt, sumHtx, sumHty, sumHttOvrFlo, sumHtmOvrFlo);
0454   return result;
0455 }
0457 int gctTestHt::htComponent(const unsigned Emag0,
0458                            const unsigned fact0,
0459                            const unsigned Emag1,
0460                            const unsigned fact1) const {
0461   // Copy the Ex, Ey conversion from the hardware emulation
0462   const unsigned sinFact[10] = {0, 2845, 5603, 8192, 10531, 12550, 14188, 15395, 16134, 16383};
0463   unsigned myFact;
0464   bool neg0 = false, neg1 = false, negativeResult;
0465   int res0 = 0, res1 = 0, result;
0466   unsigned Emag, fact;
0468   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
0469     if (i == 0) {
0470       Emag = Emag0;
0471       fact = fact0;
0472     } else {
0473       Emag = Emag1;
0474       fact = fact1;
0475     }
0477     switch (fact / 9) {
0478       case 0:
0479         myFact = sinFact[fact];
0480         negativeResult = false;
0481         break;
0482       case 1:
0483         myFact = sinFact[(18 - fact)];
0484         negativeResult = false;
0485         break;
0486       case 2:
0487         myFact = sinFact[(fact - 18)];
0488         negativeResult = true;
0489         break;
0490       case 3:
0491         myFact = sinFact[(36 - fact)];
0492         negativeResult = true;
0493         break;
0494       default:
0495         cout << "Invalid factor " << fact << endl;
0496         return 0;
0497     }
0498     result = static_cast<int>(Emag * myFact);
0499     if (i == 0) {
0500       res0 = result;
0501       neg0 = negativeResult;
0502     } else {
0503       res1 = result;
0504       neg1 = negativeResult;
0505     }
0506   }
0507   if (neg0 == neg1) {
0508     result = res0 + res1;
0509     negativeResult = neg0;
0510   } else {
0511     if (res0 >= res1) {
0512       result = res0 - res1;
0513       negativeResult = neg0;
0514     } else {
0515       result = res1 - res0;
0516       negativeResult = neg1;
0517     }
0518   }
0519   // Divide by 8192 using bit-shift; but emulate
0520   // twos-complement arithmetic for negative numbers
0521   if (negativeResult) {
0522     result = (1 << 28) - result;
0523     result = (result + 0x1000) >> 13;
0524     result = result - (1 << 15);
0525   } else {
0526     result = (result + 0x1000) >> 13;
0527   }
0529   return result;
0530 }
0532 double gctTestHt::htComponentGeVForHtMiss(int inputComponent) const {
0533   // Deal properly with the LSB truncation for 2s-complement numbers
0534   // Input is 18 bits including sign bit but we use only 8 bits
0535   int truncatedComponent = (((inputComponent + 0x800) >> 4) & 0xff) - 0x80;
0536   return ((static_cast<double>(truncatedComponent) + 0.5) * 8.0 * m_jfPars->getHtLsbGeV());
0537 }