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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # L1 Emulator-Hardware comparison sequences -- Global Run
0004 #
0005 # J. Brooke, N. Leonardo
0006 #
0007 # V.M. Ghete 2010-09 - moved to standard emulator sequence ValL1Emulator_cff
0009 # import standard emulator sequence
0010 from L1Trigger.Configuration.ValL1Emulator_cff import *
0012 # the comparator module
0013 from L1Trigger.HardwareValidation.L1Comparator_cfi import *
0015 from L1Trigger.HardwareValidation.L1ComparatorforStage1_cfi import *
0017 # subsystem sequences
0018 deEcal = cms.Task(valEcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis)
0019 deHcal = cms.Task(valHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis)
0020 deRct = cms.Task(valRctDigis)
0021 deGct = cms.Task(valGctDigis)
0022 deStage1Layer2 = cms.Task(
0023     valRctUpgradeFormatDigis
0024     ,valCaloStage1Digis
0025     #,simCaloStage1FinalDigis
0026     ,valCaloStage1LegacyFormatDigis
0027     )
0028 deDt = cms.Task(valDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis)
0029 deCsc = cms.Task(valCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis)
0030 deCsctfTracks = cms.Task(valCsctfTrackDigis)
0031 deDttf = cms.Task(valDttfDigis)
0032 deCsctf = cms.Task(valCsctfDigis)
0033 deRpc = cms.Task(valRpcTriggerDigis)
0034 deGmt = cms.Task(valGmtDigis)
0035 deGt = cms.Task(valGtDigis)
0036 deStage1Gt = cms.Task(valStage1GtDigis)
0038 # the sequence
0039 L1HardwareValidationTask = cms.Task(
0040                                 deEcal,
0041                                 deHcal,
0042                                 deRct,
0043                                 deGct,
0044                                 deDt,
0045                                 deCsc,
0046                                 deCsctfTracks ,
0047                                 deDttf,
0048                                 deCsctf,
0049                                 deRpc,
0050                                 deGmt,
0051                                 deGt,
0052                                 l1compare)
0053 L1HardwareValidation = cms.Sequence(L1HardwareValidationTask)
0055 L1HardwareValidationforStage1Task = cms.Task(
0056                                 deEcal,
0057                                 deHcal,
0058                                 deRct,
0059                                 deStage1Layer2,
0060                                 deGct,
0061                                 deDt,
0062                                 deCsc,
0063                                 deCsctfTracks ,
0064                                 deDttf,
0065                                 deCsctf,
0066                                 deRpc,
0067                                 deGmt,
0068                                 deStage1Gt,
0069                                 l1compareforstage1)
0070 L1HardwareValidationforStage1 = cms.Sequence(L1HardwareValidationforStage1Task)