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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:    L1Trigger/L1TCaloLayer1
0004 // Class:      L1TCaloLayer1Validator
0005 //
0006 /**\class L1TCaloLayer1Validator L1Trigger/L1TCaloLayer1/plugins/
0008  Description: This ED Analyzer compares output of CMS L1 Trigger Calo Layer-1 output (CaloTowers) from two sources
0010  Implementation:
0011               It is expected that we compare CaloTowers from the spy source to that of the emulator.  
0012               It can be used to compare any two CaloTower collections
0013 */
0014 //
0015 // Original Author:  Sridhara Dasu
0016 //         Created:  Sun, 11 Oct 2015 08:14:01 GMT
0017 //
0018 //
0020 // system include files
0021 #include <memory>
0023 // user include files
0024 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0025 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"
0027 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0028 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0030 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0032 #include "DataFormats/L1TCalorimeter/interface/CaloTower.h"
0033 #include "DataFormats/L1CaloTrigger/interface/L1CaloCollections.h"
0034 #include "DataFormats/L1CaloTrigger/interface/L1CaloRegion.h"
0036 #include "L1Trigger/L1TCaloLayer1/src/UCTGeometry.hh"
0038 #include "L1Trigger/L1TCaloLayer1/src/UCTLogging.hh"
0040 using namespace l1t;
0042 //
0043 // class declaration
0044 //
0046 class L1TCaloLayer1Validator : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<> {
0047 public:
0048   explicit L1TCaloLayer1Validator(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0050   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0052 private:
0053   void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0054   void endJob() override;
0056   // ----------member data ---------------------------
0058   edm::EDGetTokenT<CaloTowerBxCollection> testTowerToken;
0059   edm::EDGetTokenT<CaloTowerBxCollection> emulTowerToken;
0061   edm::EDGetTokenT<L1CaloRegionCollection> testRegionToken;
0062   edm::EDGetTokenT<L1CaloRegionCollection> emulRegionToken;
0064   uint32_t eventCount;
0065   uint32_t badEventCount;
0066   uint32_t towerCount;
0067   uint32_t badTowerCount;
0068   uint32_t nonZeroTowerCount;
0069   uint32_t badNonZeroTowerCount;
0070   uint32_t regionCount;
0071   uint32_t badRegionCount;
0072   uint32_t nonZeroRegionCount;
0073   uint32_t badNonZeroRegionCount;
0075   uint32_t ngRegion[22];
0076   uint32_t nbRegion[22];
0077   uint32_t zgRegion[22];
0078   uint32_t zbRegion[22];
0080   uint32_t ngCard[18];
0081   uint32_t nbCard[18];
0082   uint32_t zgCard[18];
0083   uint32_t zbCard[18];
0085   uint32_t tLrEmulTotET;
0086   uint32_t tErEmulTotET;
0087   uint32_t tGrEmulTotET;
0089   uint32_t tLeTotET;
0090   uint32_t tEeTotET;
0091   uint32_t tGeTotET;
0093   bool validateTowers;
0094   bool validateRegions;
0096   bool verbose;
0097 };
0099 //
0100 // constants, enums and typedefs
0101 //
0103 //
0104 // static data member definitions
0105 //
0107 //
0108 // constructors and destructor
0109 //
0110 L1TCaloLayer1Validator::L1TCaloLayer1Validator(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0111     : testTowerToken(consumes<CaloTowerBxCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("testTowerToken"))),
0112       emulTowerToken(consumes<CaloTowerBxCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("emulTowerToken"))),
0113       testRegionToken(consumes<L1CaloRegionCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("testRegionToken"))),
0114       emulRegionToken(consumes<L1CaloRegionCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("emulRegionToken"))),
0115       eventCount(0),
0116       badEventCount(0),
0117       towerCount(0),
0118       badTowerCount(0),
0119       nonZeroTowerCount(0),
0120       badNonZeroTowerCount(0),
0121       regionCount(0),
0122       badRegionCount(0),
0123       nonZeroRegionCount(0),
0124       badNonZeroRegionCount(0),
0125       tLrEmulTotET(0),
0126       tErEmulTotET(0),
0127       tGrEmulTotET(0),
0128       tLeTotET(0),
0129       tEeTotET(0),
0130       tGeTotET(0),
0131       validateTowers(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("validateTowers")),
0132       validateRegions(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("validateRegions")),
0133       verbose(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("verbose")) {
0134   for (uint32_t r = 0; r < 22; r++)
0135     ngRegion[r] = nbRegion[r] = zgRegion[r] = zbRegion[r] = 0;
0136   for (uint32_t c = 0; c < 18; c++)
0137     ngCard[c] = nbCard[c] = zgCard[c] = zbCard[c] = 0;
0138 }
0140 //
0141 // member functions
0142 //
0144 // ------------ method called for each event  ------------
0145 void L1TCaloLayer1Validator::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
0146   using namespace edm;
0147   bool badEvent = false;
0148   int theBX = 0;
0150   // Emulator calo towers and regions should always be available - get them
0151   // Data will always contain calo regions, but not necessarily calo towers
0153   edm::Handle<CaloTowerBxCollection> emulTowers;
0154   iEvent.getByToken(emulTowerToken, emulTowers);
0155   edm::Handle<L1CaloRegionCollection> testRegions;
0156   iEvent.getByToken(testRegionToken, testRegions);
0157   edm::Handle<L1CaloRegionCollection> emulRegions;
0158   iEvent.getByToken(emulRegionToken, emulRegions);
0160   if (validateTowers) {
0161     // Test towers will be available for spy and fat events only
0162     edm::Handle<CaloTowerBxCollection> testTowers;
0163     iEvent.getByToken(testTowerToken, testTowers);
0164     for (std::vector<CaloTower>::const_iterator testTower = testTowers->begin(theBX);
0165          testTower != testTowers->end(theBX);
0166          ++testTower) {
0167       int test_iEta = testTower->hwEta();
0168       int test_iPhi = testTower->hwPhi();
0169       int test_et = testTower->hwPt();
0170       int test_er = testTower->hwEtRatio();
0171       int test_fb = testTower->hwQual();
0172       for (std::vector<CaloTower>::const_iterator emulTower = emulTowers->begin(theBX);
0173            emulTower != emulTowers->end(theBX);
0174            ++emulTower) {
0175         int emul_iEta = emulTower->hwEta();
0176         int emul_iPhi = emulTower->hwPhi();
0177         int emul_et = emulTower->hwPt();
0178         int emul_er = emulTower->hwEtRatio();
0179         int emul_fb = emulTower->hwQual();
0180         bool success = true;
0181         if (test_iEta == emul_iEta && test_iPhi == emul_iPhi) {
0182           if (test_et != emul_et) {
0183             success = false;
0184           }
0185           if (test_er != emul_er) {
0186             success = false;
0187           }
0188           if (test_fb != emul_fb) {
0189             success = false;
0190           }
0191           if (!success) {
0192             if (test_et != emul_et) {
0193               if (verbose)
0194                 LOG_ERROR << "ET ";
0195             }
0196             if (test_er != emul_er) {
0197               if (verbose)
0198                 LOG_ERROR << "ER ";
0199             }
0200             if (test_fb != emul_fb) {
0201               if (verbose)
0202                 LOG_ERROR << "FB ";
0203             }
0204             if (verbose)
0205               LOG_ERROR << "Checks failed for tower (" << std::dec << test_iEta << ", " << test_iPhi << ") : ("
0206                         << test_et << ", " << test_er << ", " << test_fb << ") != (" << emul_et << ", " << emul_er
0207                         << ", " << emul_fb << ")" << std::endl;
0208             badEvent = true;
0209             badTowerCount++;
0210             if (test_et > 0)
0211               badNonZeroTowerCount++;
0212           }
0213           towerCount++;
0214           if (test_et > 0)
0215             nonZeroTowerCount++;
0216         }
0217         if (!success && test_et == emul_et && test_iPhi == emul_iPhi) {
0218           if (verbose)
0219             LOG_ERROR << "Incidental match for tower (" << std::dec << test_iEta << ", " << test_iPhi << ") : ("
0220                       << test_et << ", " << test_er << ", " << test_fb << ") != (" << emul_iEta << "," << emul_iPhi
0221                       << ") :(" << emul_et << ", " << emul_er << ", " << emul_fb << ")" << std::endl;
0222         }
0223       }
0224     }
0225   }
0227   // Region Validation
0229   if (validateRegions) {
0230     UCTGeometry g;
0231     uint32_t testRegionTotET = 0;
0232     uint32_t emulRegionTotET = 0;
0233     for (std::vector<L1CaloRegion>::const_iterator testRegion = testRegions->begin(); testRegion != testRegions->end();
0234          ++testRegion) {
0235       //       uint16_t test_raw = testRegion->raw();
0236       uint32_t test_et = testRegion->et();
0237       testRegionTotET += test_et;
0238       uint32_t test_rEta = testRegion->id().ieta();
0239       uint32_t test_rPhi = testRegion->id().iphi();
0240       //       uint32_t test_iEta = (test_raw >> 12) & 0x3;
0241       //       uint32_t test_iPhi = (test_raw >> 14) & 0x3;
0242       bool test_negativeEta = false;
0243       int test_cEta = (test_rEta - 11) * 4 + 1;  //test_iEta + 1;
0244       if (test_rEta < 11) {
0245         test_negativeEta = true;
0246         test_cEta = -((10 - test_rEta) * 4 + 1);  //test_iEta + 1);
0247       }
0248       int test_cPhi = test_rPhi * 4 + 1;  //test_iPhi + 1;
0249       uint32_t test_crate = g.getCrate(test_cEta, test_cPhi);
0250       uint32_t test_card = g.getCard(test_cEta, test_cPhi);
0251       uint32_t test_region = g.getRegion(test_cEta, test_cPhi);
0252       for (std::vector<L1CaloRegion>::const_iterator emulRegion = emulRegions->begin();
0253            emulRegion != emulRegions->end();
0254            ++emulRegion) {
0255         //   uint16_t emul_raw = emulRegion->raw();
0256         uint32_t emul_et = emulRegion->et();
0257         if (testRegion == testRegions->begin())
0258           emulRegionTotET += emul_et;  // increment only once!
0259         uint32_t emul_rEta = emulRegion->id().ieta();
0260         uint32_t emul_rPhi = emulRegion->id().iphi();
0261         //   uint32_t emul_iEta = (emul_raw >> 12) & 0x3;
0262         //   uint32_t emul_iPhi = (emul_raw >> 14) & 0x3;
0263         bool emul_negativeEta = false;
0264         int emul_cEta = (emul_rEta - 11) * 4 + 1;  //emul_iEta + 1;
0265         if (emul_rEta < 11) {
0266           emul_negativeEta = true;
0267           emul_cEta = -((10 - emul_rEta) * 4 + 1);  //emul_iEta + 1);
0268         }
0269         int emul_cPhi = emul_rPhi * 4 + 1;  //emul_iPhi + 1;
0270         uint32_t emul_crate = g.getCrate(emul_cEta, emul_cPhi);
0271         uint32_t emul_card = g.getCard(emul_cEta, emul_cPhi);
0272         uint32_t emul_region = g.getRegion(emul_cEta, emul_cPhi);
0273         bool success = true;
0274         if (test_rEta == emul_rEta && test_rPhi == emul_rPhi) {
0275           if (test_et != emul_et)
0276             success = false;
0277           //if(test_iEta != emul_iEta) success = false;
0278           //if(test_iPhi != emul_iPhi) success = false;
0279           if (!success) {
0280             if (verbose)
0281               LOG_ERROR << "Checks failed for region (" << std::dec << test_rEta << ", " << test_rPhi << ") ("
0282                         << test_negativeEta << ", " << test_crate << ", " << test_card << ", " << test_region
0283                         << ", "
0284                         //             << test_iEta << ", "
0285                         //                      << test_iPhi << ", "
0286                         << test_et << ") != (" << emul_negativeEta << ", " << emul_crate << ", " << emul_card << ", "
0287                         << emul_region
0288                         << ", "
0289                         //             << emul_iEta << ", "
0290                         //             << emul_iPhi << ", "
0291                         << emul_et << ")" << std::endl;
0292             badEvent = true;
0293             badRegionCount++;
0294             if (test_et > 0) {
0295               badNonZeroRegionCount++;
0296               nbRegion[test_rEta]++;
0297               nbCard[test_rPhi]++;
0298             } else {
0299               zbRegion[test_rEta]++;
0300               zbCard[test_rPhi]++;
0301             }
0302           } else {
0303             if (test_et > 0) {
0304               ngRegion[test_rEta]++;
0305               ngCard[test_rPhi]++;
0306               if (verbose)
0307                 LOG_ERROR << "Checks passed for region (" << std::dec << test_rEta << ", " << test_rPhi << ") ("
0308                           << test_negativeEta << ", " << test_crate << ", " << test_card << ", " << test_region
0309                           << ", "
0310                           //               << test_iEta << ", "
0311                           //                      << test_iPhi << ", "
0312                           << test_et << ") == (" << emul_negativeEta << ", " << emul_crate << ", " << emul_card << ", "
0313                           << emul_region
0314                           << ", "
0315                           //               << emul_iEta << ", "
0316                           //               << emul_iPhi << ", "
0317                           << emul_et << ")" << std::endl;
0318             } else {
0319               zgRegion[test_rEta]++;
0320               zgCard[test_rPhi]++;
0321             }
0322           }
0323           regionCount++;
0324           if (test_et > 0)
0325             nonZeroRegionCount++;
0326         }
0327         if (!success && test_et == emul_et) {  // && test_iPhi == emul_iPhi) {
0328           if (verbose)
0329             LOG_ERROR << "Incidental match for region (" << std::dec << test_rEta << ", " << test_rPhi
0330                       << ", "
0331                       //                 << test_iEta << ", "
0332                       //                 << test_iPhi << ", "
0333                       << test_et << ") != (" << emul_rEta << ", " << emul_rPhi
0334                       << ", "
0335                       //                 << emul_iEta << ", "
0336                       //                 << emul_iPhi << ", "
0337                       << emul_et << ")" << std::endl;
0338         }
0339       }
0340     }
0341     uint32_t emulTowerTotET = 0;
0342     for (std::vector<CaloTower>::const_iterator emulTower = emulTowers->begin(theBX);
0343          emulTower != emulTowers->end(theBX);
0344          ++emulTower) {
0345       int twr_et = emulTower->hwPt();
0346       int twr_cEta = emulTower->hwEta();
0347       int twr_cPhi = emulTower->hwPhi();
0348       uint32_t twr_region = g.getRegion(twr_cEta, twr_cPhi);
0349       uint32_t twr_gEta = 10 - twr_region;
0350       if (twr_cEta > 0)
0351         twr_gEta = twr_region + 11;
0352       uint32_t twr_gPhi = g.getUCTRegionPhiIndex(twr_cPhi);
0353       if (badEvent && twr_et > 0) {
0354         if (verbose)
0355           LOG_ERROR << "Non-zero tower in region (" << twr_gEta << ", " << twr_gPhi << ") "
0356                     << "(cEta, cPhi, et) = (" << twr_cEta << ", " << twr_cPhi << ", " << twr_et << ")" << std::endl;
0357       }
0358       if (std::abs(twr_cEta) <= 28)
0359         emulTowerTotET += twr_et;  // Exclude HF towers for now
0360     }
0361     // Increment counters for emulated total tower ET comparison with total region ET
0362     if (emulTowerTotET < emulRegionTotET)
0363       tLrEmulTotET++;
0364     else if (emulTowerTotET > emulRegionTotET)
0365       tGrEmulTotET++;
0366     else
0367       tErEmulTotET++;
0368     // Increment counters for emulated total region ET comparison with region test ET
0369     if (testRegionTotET < emulRegionTotET)
0370       tLeTotET++;
0371     else if (testRegionTotET > emulRegionTotET)
0372       tGeTotET++;
0373     else
0374       tEeTotET++;
0375   }
0377   // Event counters
0379   if (badEvent)
0380     badEventCount++;
0381   eventCount++;
0382 }
0384 // ------------ method called once each job just after ending the event loop  ------------
0385 void L1TCaloLayer1Validator::endJob() {
0386   if (validateTowers)
0387     LOG_ERROR << "L1TCaloLayer1Validator: Summary is Non-Zero Bad Tower / Bad Tower / Event Count = ("
0388               << badNonZeroTowerCount << " of " << nonZeroTowerCount << ") / (" << badTowerCount << " of " << towerCount
0389               << ") / (" << badEventCount << " of " << eventCount << ")" << std::endl;
0390   if (validateRegions) {
0391     LOG_ERROR << "L1TCaloLayer1Validator: Summary is Non-Zero Bad Region / Bad Region / Event Count = ("
0392               << badNonZeroRegionCount << " of " << nonZeroRegionCount << ") / (" << badRegionCount << " of "
0393               << regionCount << ") / (" << badEventCount << " of " << eventCount << ")" << std::endl;
0394     LOG_ERROR << "L1TCaloLayer1Validator reTa, non-zero-good / non-zero-bad / zero-good / zero-bad region[rEta] = "
0395               << std::endl;
0396     for (uint32_t r = 0; r < 22; r++)
0397       LOG_ERROR << r << ", " << ngRegion[r] << " / " << nbRegion[r] << " / " << zgRegion[r] << " / " << zbRegion[r]
0398                 << std::endl;
0399     LOG_ERROR << "L1TCaloLayer1Validator rPhi, non-zero-good / non-zero-bad / zero-good / zero-bad region[rPhi] = "
0400               << std::endl;
0401     for (uint32_t r = 0; r < 18; r++)
0402       LOG_ERROR << r << ", " << ngCard[r] << " / " << nbCard[r] << " / " << zgCard[r] << " / " << zbCard[r]
0403                 << std::endl;
0404     LOG_ERROR << "L1TCaloLayer1Validator : Total ET emulator tower vs region; less / equal / greater counts: "
0405               << tLrEmulTotET << " / " << tErEmulTotET << " / " << tGrEmulTotET << std::endl;
0406     LOG_ERROR << "L1TCaloLayer1Validator : Total ET region test vs emulator; less / equal / greater counts: "
0407               << tLeTotET << " / " << tEeTotET << " / " << tGeTotET << std::endl;
0408   }
0409 }
0411 // ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the module  ------------
0412 void L1TCaloLayer1Validator::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0413   //The following says we do not know what parameters are allowed so do no validation
0414   // Please change this to state exactly what you do use, even if it is no parameters
0415   edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0416   desc.setUnknown();
0417   descriptions.addDefault(desc);
0418 }
0420 //define this as a plug-in
0421 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(L1TCaloLayer1Validator);