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0001 #
0002 # WARNING: This file is in the L1T configuration critical path.
0003 #
0004 # All changes must be explicitly discussed with the L1T offline coordinator.
0005 #
0006 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0008 simCaloStage2Layer1Digis = cms.EDProducer(
0009     'L1TCaloLayer1',
0010     ecalToken = cms.InputTag("simEcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis"),
0011     hcalToken = cms.InputTag("simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis"),
0012     useLSB = cms.bool(True),
0013     useCalib = cms.bool(True),
0014     useECALLUT = cms.bool(True),
0015     useHCALLUT = cms.bool(True),
0016     useHFLUT = cms.bool(True),
0017     useHCALFBLUT = cms.bool(False),
0018     verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0019     unpackEcalMask = cms.bool(False),
0020     unpackHcalMask = cms.bool(False),
0021     # See UCTLayer1.hh for firmware version
0022     firmwareVersion = cms.int32(1),
0023     )
0025 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_stage2L1Trigger_2017_cff import stage2L1Trigger_2017
0026 stage2L1Trigger_2017.toModify( simCaloStage2Layer1Digis, firmwareVersion = cms.int32(3) )