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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloParams_cfi import caloParamsSource
0004 import L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloParams_cfi
0005 caloStage2Params = L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloParams_cfi.caloParams.clone()
0007 # towers
0008 caloStage2Params.towerLsbH        = cms.double(0.5)
0009 caloStage2Params.towerLsbE        = cms.double(0.5)
0010 caloStage2Params.towerLsbSum      = cms.double(0.5)
0011 caloStage2Params.towerNBitsH      = cms.int32(8)
0012 caloStage2Params.towerNBitsE      = cms.int32(8)
0013 caloStage2Params.towerNBitsSum    = cms.int32(9)
0014 caloStage2Params.towerNBitsRatio  = cms.int32(3)
0015 caloStage2Params.towerEncoding    = cms.bool(True)
0017 # regions
0018 caloStage2Params.regionLsb        = cms.double(0.5)
0019 caloStage2Params.regionPUSType    = cms.string("None")
0020 caloStage2Params.regionPUSParams  = cms.vdouble()
0022 # EG
0023 caloStage2Params.egLsb                      = cms.double(0.5)
0024 caloStage2Params.egSeedThreshold            = cms.double(2.)
0025 caloStage2Params.egNeighbourThreshold       = cms.double(1.)
0026 caloStage2Params.egHcalThreshold            = cms.double(0.)
0027 caloStage2Params.egTrimmingLUTFile          = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/egTrimmingLUT_5.txt")
0028 caloStage2Params.egMaxHcalEt                = cms.double(0.)
0029 caloStage2Params.egMaxPtHOverE          = cms.double(128.)
0030 caloStage2Params.egMaxHOverELUTFile         = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/egMaxHOverELUT_995eff.txt")
0031 caloStage2Params.egCompressShapesLUTFile    = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/egCompressLUT_v1.txt")
0032 caloStage2Params.egShapeIdType              = cms.string("compressed")
0033 caloStage2Params.egShapeIdVersion           = cms.uint32(0)
0034 caloStage2Params.egShapeIdLUTFile           = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/shapeIdentification_0.99_compressedieta_compressedE_compressedshape_v15.10.20.txt")
0035 caloStage2Params.egPUSType                  = cms.string("None")
0036 caloStage2Params.egIsoLUTFile               = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/egIsoLUTPU40bx25NrRings4Eff95.txt")
0037 caloStage2Params.egIsoAreaNrTowersEta       = cms.uint32(2)
0038 caloStage2Params.egIsoAreaNrTowersPhi       = cms.uint32(4)
0039 caloStage2Params.egIsoVetoNrTowersPhi       = cms.uint32(3)
0040 #caloStage2Params.egIsoPUEstTowerGranularity = cms.uint32(1)
0041 #caloStage2Params.egIsoMaxEtaAbsForTowerSum  = cms.uint32(4)
0042 #caloStage2Params.egIsoMaxEtaAbsForIsoSum    = cms.uint32(27)
0043 caloStage2Params.egPUSParams                = cms.vdouble(1,4,27)
0044 caloStage2Params.egCalibrationType          = cms.string("compressed")
0045 caloStage2Params.egCalibrationVersion       = cms.uint32(0)
0046 caloStage2Params.egCalibrationLUTFile       = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/corrections_Trimming5_PU40bx25_compressedieta_compressedE_compressedshape_v15.10.20.txt")
0048 # Tau
0049 caloStage2Params.tauLsb                        = cms.double(0.5)
0050 caloStage2Params.tauSeedThreshold              = cms.double(0.)
0051 caloStage2Params.tauNeighbourThreshold         = cms.double(0.)
0052 caloStage2Params.tauIsoAreaNrTowersEta         = cms.uint32(2)
0053 caloStage2Params.tauIsoAreaNrTowersPhi         = cms.uint32(4)
0054 caloStage2Params.tauIsoVetoNrTowersPhi         = cms.uint32(2)
0055 caloStage2Params.tauPUSType                 = cms.string("None")
0056 caloStage2Params.tauIsoLUTFile                 = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauIsoLUTetPU.txt")
0057 caloStage2Params.tauCalibrationLUTFile         = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauCalibrationLUT.txt")
0058 caloStage2Params.tauPUSParams                  = cms.vdouble(1,4,27)
0060 # jets
0061 caloStage2Params.jetLsb                = cms.double(0.5)
0062 caloStage2Params.jetSeedThreshold      = cms.double(1.5)
0063 caloStage2Params.jetNeighbourThreshold = cms.double(0.)
0064 caloStage2Params.jetPUSType            = cms.string("ChunkyDonut")
0066 #Calibration options 
0067 # e.g. function6PtParams22EtaBins
0068 #caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationType    = cms.string("LUT")
0069 caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationType    = cms.string("None")
0070 #caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationType = cms.string("function6PtParams22EtaBins")
0073 #Vector with 6 parameters for eta bin, from low eta to high
0074 # 1,0,1,0,1,1 gives no correction
0075 # must be in this form as may require > 255 arguments
0076 jetCalibParamsVector = cms.vdouble()
0077 jetCalibParamsVector.extend([
0078     1.52819258712,0,1,0,1,1, # Constant calibrations in HF bins
0079     1.32880934866,0,1,0,1,1,
0080     1.35650073562,0,1,0,1,1,
0081     1.55766262213,0,1,0,1,1,
0082     12.42641269,6.35085569,1.21845374,-14.70772743,0.00118945,-10.56931753,
0083     12.14768583,8.05320174,0.92028575,-15.48969055,0.00155426,-10.48022143,
0084     11.87301715,10.45078171,1.02636603,-16.87586292,0.00210878,-10.34892982,
0085     12.09471152,9.36873133,0.96484984,-16.09937338,0.00177759,-10.43545594,
0086     4.69610083,11.50217825,1.31071693,-23.88756705,0.00336036,-19.28130829,
0087     7.08667633,23.68511274,2.52417732,-43.09154102,0.00359229,-18.80055010,
0088     3.44975454,28.42124526,2.58428891,-137.42027137,0.00669104,-19.53448313,
0089     3.44975454,28.42124526,2.58428891,-137.42027137,0.00669104,-19.53448313,
0090     7.08667633,23.68511274,2.52417732,-43.09154102,0.00359229,-18.80055010,
0091     4.69610083,11.50217825,1.31071693,-23.88756705,0.00336036,-19.28130829,
0092     12.09471152,9.36873133,0.96484984,-16.09937338,0.00177759,-10.43545594,
0093     11.87301715,10.45078171,1.02636603,-16.87586292,0.00210878,-10.34892982,
0094     12.14768583,8.05320174,0.92028575,-15.48969055,0.00155426,-10.48022143,
0095     12.42641269,6.35085569,1.21845374,-14.70772743,0.00118945,-10.56931753,
0096     1.55766262213,0,1,0,1,1, # Constant calibrations in HF bins
0097     1.35650073562,0,1,0,1,1,
0098     1.32880934866,0,1,0,1,1,
0099     1.52819258712,0,1,0,1,1
0100 ])
0101 caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationParams  = jetCalibParamsVector
0103 caloStage2Params.jetCompressPtLUTFile     = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_pt_compress.txt")
0104 caloStage2Params.jetCompressEtaLUTFile    = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_eta_compress.txt")
0105 caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationLUTFile    = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_add_mult.txt")
0107 # sums: 0=ET, 1=HT, 2=MET, 3=MHT
0108 caloStage2Params.etSumLsb                = cms.double(0.5)
0109 caloStage2Params.etSumEtaMin             = cms.vint32(0, 0, 0, 0)
0110 caloStage2Params.etSumEtaMax             = cms.vint32(40,  36,  40,  36)
0111 caloStage2Params.etSumEtThreshold        = cms.vdouble(0.,  0.,   0.,   0.)
0113 caloStage2Params.etSumXCalibrationLUTFile         = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt")
0114 caloStage2Params.etSumYCalibrationLUTFile         = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt")
0115 caloStage2Params.etSumEttCalibrationLUTFile       = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt")
0116 caloStage2Params.etSumEcalSumCalibrationLUTFile   = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt")
0119 # Layer 1 LUT specification
0120 #
0121 # Et-dependent scale factors
0122 # ECal/HCal scale factors will be a 9*28 array:
0123 #   28 eta scale factors (1-28)
0124 #   in 9 ET bins (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, Max)
0125 #  So, index = etBin*28+ieta
0126 caloStage2Params.layer1ECalScaleETBins = cms.vint32([10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 256])
0127 caloStage2Params.layer1ECalScaleFactors = cms.vdouble([
0128     1.1847, 1.16759, 1.17779, 1.19955, 1.21125, 1.214, 1.21503, 1.22515, 1.24151, 1.27836, 1.30292, 1.33526, 1.42338, 1.4931, 1.49597, 1.50405, 1.52785, 1.81552, 1.59856, 1.75692, 1.76496, 1.77562, 1.69527, 1.66827, 1.61861, 1.56645, 1, 1,
0129     1.1351, 1.12589, 1.12834, 1.13725, 1.14408, 1.1494, 1.14296, 1.14852, 1.1578, 1.17634, 1.18038, 1.19386, 1.23758, 1.27605, 1.27818, 1.28195, 1.34881, 1.71053, 1.37338, 1.52571, 1.54801, 1.53316, 1.4397, 1.40497, 1.37743, 1.33914, 1, 1,
0130     1.18043, 1.17823, 1.1751, 1.17608, 1.19152, 1.196, 1.20125, 1.2068, 1.22584, 1.22476, 1.22395, 1.22302, 1.25137, 1.28097, 1.29871, 1.2862, 1.33489, 1.60937, 1.28365, 1.41367, 1.42521, 1.42041, 1.36784, 1.34922, 1.32754, 1.29825, 1, 1,
0131     1.11664, 1.11852, 1.11861, 1.12367, 1.12405, 1.14814, 1.14304, 1.15337, 1.16607, 1.18698, 1.17048, 1.17463, 1.2185, 1.23842, 1.23214, 1.24744, 1.30047, 1.47152, 1.22868, 1.33121, 1.34841, 1.35178, 1.30048, 1.28537, 1.27012, 1.24159, 1, 1,
0132     1.08422, 1.08146, 1.08706, 1.08906, 1.08636, 1.10092, 1.10363, 1.11102, 1.1186, 1.13301, 1.12369, 1.14377, 1.16477, 1.17801, 1.18782, 1.17168, 1.24593, 1.36835, 1.20252, 1.28349, 1.29828, 1.30328, 1.26848, 1.25817, 1.2464, 1.22259, 1, 1,
0133     1.07444, 1.06774, 1.06883, 1.0707, 1.07881, 1.08859, 1.08285, 1.08747, 1.09736, 1.10678, 1.10008, 1.10717, 1.12858, 1.15383, 1.15826, 1.14855, 1.19911, 1.32567, 1.17553, 1.25976, 1.27926, 1.28459, 1.24524, 1.23706, 1.22597, 1.20006, 1, 1,
0134     1.06224, 1.05968, 1.05767, 1.06254, 1.06729, 1.0691, 1.07125, 1.07312, 1.08124, 1.08966, 1.08695, 1.08826, 1.10611, 1.13115, 1.12641, 1.13093, 1.17074, 1.28958, 1.16217, 1.22844, 1.24812, 1.25352, 1.22065, 1.21287, 1.20544, 1.18344, 1, 1,
0135     1.03589, 1.03224, 1.03229, 1.03623, 1.03979, 1.04403, 1.04574, 1.049, 1.04821, 1.06183, 1.0588, 1.06655, 1.08582, 1.10289, 1.10052, 1.10506, 1.143, 1.27373, 1.1459, 1.2156, 1.23455, 1.23968, 1.20753, 1.20127, 1.19629, 1.16809, 1, 1,
0136     1.03456, 1.02955, 1.03079, 1.03509, 1.03949, 1.0437, 1.04236, 1.04486, 1.0517, 1.05864, 1.05516, 1.06167, 1.07738, 1.0985, 1.09317, 1.09559, 1.13557, 1.26076, 1.14118, 1.20545, 1.22137, 1.22802, 1.19936, 1.19676, 1.19088, 1.16709, 1, 1,
0137     ])
0138 caloStage2Params.layer1HCalScaleETBins = cms.vint32([10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 256])
0139 caloStage2Params.layer1HCalScaleFactors = cms.vdouble([
0140     1.511112, 1.519900, 1.499483, 1.488560, 1.528111, 1.475114, 1.476616, 1.514163, 1.515306, 1.542464, 1.511663, 1.593745, 1.493667, 1.485315, 1.419925, 1.349169, 1.312518, 1.423302, 1.478461, 1.525868, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0141     1.383350, 1.365700, 1.368470, 1.354610, 1.348480, 1.329720, 1.272250, 1.301710, 1.322210, 1.360860, 1.333850, 1.392200, 1.403060, 1.394870, 1.322050, 1.244570, 1.206910, 1.321870, 1.344160, 1.403270, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0142     1.245690, 1.238320, 1.245420, 1.234830, 1.243730, 1.249790, 1.179450, 1.213620, 1.219030, 1.252130, 1.209560, 1.250710, 1.280490, 1.262800, 1.254060, 1.186810, 1.127830, 1.260000, 1.275140, 1.305850, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0143     1.189940, 1.189120, 1.177120, 1.179690, 1.185510, 1.150590, 1.151830, 1.167860, 1.154310, 1.163190, 1.161700, 1.136100, 1.161870, 1.195050, 1.153910, 1.117900, 1.106750, 1.208120, 1.160020, 1.232800, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0144     1.122540, 1.129520, 1.125080, 1.115150, 1.118250, 1.096190, 1.108170, 1.087490, 1.109750, 1.099780, 1.081000, 1.050610, 1.078270, 1.079460, 1.047740, 1.041400, 1.041750, 1.116880, 1.097730, 1.125780, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0145     1.110470, 1.117340, 1.115980, 1.088490, 1.088260, 1.078230, 1.062720, 1.054690, 1.053270, 1.086640, 1.050620, 1.038470, 1.046440, 1.059130, 1.012240, 1.039030, 1.036040, 1.088460, 1.078880, 1.090600, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0146     1.115970, 1.111010, 1.113170, 1.079390, 1.076850, 1.063730, 1.039300, 1.049910, 1.040100, 1.025820, 1.015830, 1.015850, 1.010810, 1.014210, 0.980321, 1.023580, 1.045990, 1.073220, 1.057750, 1.059850, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0147     1.061180, 1.059770, 1.071210, 1.064420, 1.065340, 1.043070, 1.041400, 1.022680, 1.017410, 1.017690, 1.005610, 1.006360, 0.999420, 0.990866, 0.986723, 0.989036, 0.995116, 1.045620, 1.024330, 1.040660, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0148     1.083150, 1.067090, 1.083180, 1.061010, 1.075640, 1.051640, 1.038760, 1.042670, 1.010910, 1.011580, 1.006560, 0.984468, 0.986642, 0.985799, 0.968133, 1.000290, 1.011210, 1.046690, 1.016670, 1.020470, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0149     ])
0150 # HF 1x1 scale factors will be a 5*12 array:
0151 #  12 eta scale factors (30-41)
0152 #  in 5 REAL ET bins (5, 20, 30, 50, Max)
0153 #  So, index = etBin*12+ietaHF
0154 caloStage2Params.layer1HFScaleETBins = cms.vint32([5, 20, 30, 50, 256])
0155 caloStage2Params.layer1HFScaleFactors = cms.vdouble([
0156     1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 
0157     1.55, 1.49, 1.35, 1.29, 1.30, 1.42, 1.49, 1.59, 1.74, 1.86, 2.18, 2.43, 
0158     1.60, 1.51, 1.38, 1.38, 1.44, 1.56, 1.60, 1.67, 1.83, 2.02, 2.66, 2.79, 
0159     1.56, 1.41, 1.34, 1.42, 1.44, 1.52, 1.57, 1.63, 1.73, 1.94, 2.64, 2.64, 
0160     1.46, 1.30, 1.29, 1.43, 1.42, 1.49, 1.52, 1.59, 1.69, 1.87, 2.49, 2.66, 
0161     ])