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0001 ////
0002 /// \class l1t::GenToInputProducer
0003 ///
0004 /// Description: Create Input Collections for the GT from MC gen particles.  Allows testing of emulation.
0005 ///
0006 ///
0007 /// \author: D. Puigh OSU
0008 ///
0009 ///  Modeled after
0010 ///
0011 /// \new features:  R. Cavanaugh
0012 ///          - added unconstrained pT and impact parameter for displaced muons in barrel
0013 ///          - added LLP DISP (quality) bit for displaced jets in calorimeter
0015 // system include files
0016 #include <memory>
0018 // user include files
0020 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0021 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0022 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDProducer.h"
0023 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0024 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0025 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0026 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0027 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDGetToken.h"
0028 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0029 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0031 //#include <vector>
0032 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/BXVector.h"
0034 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/EGamma.h"
0035 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Muon.h"
0036 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/MuonShower.h"
0037 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Tau.h"
0038 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Jet.h"
0039 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/EtSum.h"
0040 #include "DataFormats/L1TGlobal/interface/GlobalExtBlk.h"
0042 #include "DataFormats/HepMCCandidate/interface/GenParticle.h"
0043 #include "DataFormats/JetReco/interface/GenJet.h"
0044 #include "DataFormats/METReco/interface/GenMETCollection.h"
0045 #include "DataFormats/METReco/interface/GenMET.h"
0047 #include "TMath.h"
0048 #include "TRandom3.h"
0049 #include <cstdlib>
0051 using namespace std;
0052 using namespace edm;
0054 #ifndef M_PI
0055 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
0056 #endif
0058 namespace l1t {
0060   //
0061   // class declaration
0062   //
0064   class GenToInputProducer : public one::EDProducer<edm::one::WatchRuns> {
0065   public:
0066     explicit GenToInputProducer(const ParameterSet&);
0067     ~GenToInputProducer() override;
0069     static void fillDescriptions(ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0071   private:
0072     void produce(Event&, EventSetup const&) override;
0073     void beginJob() override;
0074     void endJob() override;
0075     void beginRun(Run const& iR, EventSetup const& iE) override;
0076     void endRun(Run const& iR, EventSetup const& iE) override;
0078     int convertPhiToHW(double iphi, int steps);
0079     int convertEtaToHW(double ieta, double minEta, double maxEta, int steps);
0080     int convertPtToHW(double ipt, int maxPt, double step);
0082     // ----------member data ---------------------------
0083     unsigned long long m_paramsCacheId;  // Cache-ID from current parameters, to check if needs to be updated.
0084     //std::shared_ptr<const CaloParams> m_dbpars; // Database parameters for the trigger, to be updated as needed.
0085     //std::shared_ptr<const FirmwareVersion> m_fwv;
0086     //std::shared_ptr<FirmwareVersion> m_fwv; //not const during testing.
0088     TRandom3* gRandom;
0089     TRandom3* mushowerRandom;
0091     // BX parameters
0092     int bxFirst_;
0093     int bxLast_;
0095     int maxNumMuCands_;
0096     int maxNumMuShowerCands_;
0097     int maxNumJetCands_;
0098     int maxNumEGCands_;
0099     int maxNumTauCands_;
0101     double jetEtThreshold_;
0102     double tauEtThreshold_;
0103     double egEtThreshold_;
0104     double muEtThreshold_;
0106     // Control how to end the job
0107     int emptyBxTrailer_;
0108     int emptyBxEvt_;
0109     int eventCnt_;
0111     // Tokens
0112     edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::GenParticleCollection> genParticlesToken;
0113     edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::GenJetCollection> genJetsToken;
0114     edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::GenMETCollection> genMetToken;
0116     std::vector<l1t::Muon> muonVec_bxm2;
0117     std::vector<l1t::Muon> muonVec_bxm1;
0118     std::vector<l1t::Muon> muonVec_bx0;
0119     std::vector<l1t::Muon> muonVec_bxp1;
0121     std::vector<l1t::MuonShower> muonShowerVec_bxm2;
0122     std::vector<l1t::MuonShower> muonShowerVec_bxm1;
0123     std::vector<l1t::MuonShower> muonShowerVec_bx0;
0124     std::vector<l1t::MuonShower> muonShowerVec_bxp1;
0126     std::vector<l1t::EGamma> egammaVec_bxm2;
0127     std::vector<l1t::EGamma> egammaVec_bxm1;
0128     std::vector<l1t::EGamma> egammaVec_bx0;
0129     std::vector<l1t::EGamma> egammaVec_bxp1;
0131     std::vector<l1t::Tau> tauVec_bxm2;
0132     std::vector<l1t::Tau> tauVec_bxm1;
0133     std::vector<l1t::Tau> tauVec_bx0;
0134     std::vector<l1t::Tau> tauVec_bxp1;
0136     std::vector<l1t::Jet> jetVec_bxm2;
0137     std::vector<l1t::Jet> jetVec_bxm1;
0138     std::vector<l1t::Jet> jetVec_bx0;
0139     std::vector<l1t::Jet> jetVec_bxp1;
0141     std::vector<l1t::EtSum> etsumVec_bxm2;
0142     std::vector<l1t::EtSum> etsumVec_bxm1;
0143     std::vector<l1t::EtSum> etsumVec_bx0;
0144     std::vector<l1t::EtSum> etsumVec_bxp1;
0146     GlobalExtBlk extCond_bxm2;
0147     GlobalExtBlk extCond_bxm1;
0148     GlobalExtBlk extCond_bx0;
0149     GlobalExtBlk extCond_bxp1;
0150   };
0152   //
0153   // constructors and destructor
0154   //
0155   GenToInputProducer::GenToInputProducer(const ParameterSet& iConfig) {
0156     // register what you produce
0157     produces<BXVector<l1t::EGamma>>();
0158     produces<BXVector<l1t::Muon>>();
0159     produces<BXVector<l1t::MuonShower>>();
0160     produces<BXVector<l1t::Tau>>();
0161     produces<BXVector<l1t::Jet>>();
0162     produces<BXVector<l1t::EtSum>>();
0163     produces<GlobalExtBlkBxCollection>();
0165     // Setup parameters
0166     bxFirst_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("bxFirst");
0167     bxLast_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("bxLast");
0169     maxNumMuCands_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxMuCand");
0170     maxNumMuShowerCands_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxMuShowerCand");
0171     maxNumJetCands_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxJetCand");
0172     maxNumEGCands_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxEGCand");
0173     maxNumTauCands_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxTauCand");
0175     jetEtThreshold_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("jetEtThreshold");
0176     tauEtThreshold_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("tauEtThreshold");
0177     egEtThreshold_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("egEtThreshold");
0178     muEtThreshold_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("muEtThreshold");
0180     emptyBxTrailer_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("emptyBxTrailer");
0181     emptyBxEvt_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("emptyBxEvt");
0183     genParticlesToken = consumes<reco::GenParticleCollection>(std::string("genParticles"));
0184     genJetsToken = consumes<reco::GenJetCollection>(std::string("ak4GenJets"));
0185     genMetToken = consumes<reco::GenMETCollection>(std::string("genMetCalo"));
0187     // set cache id to zero, will be set at first beginRun:
0188     m_paramsCacheId = 0;
0189     eventCnt_ = 0;
0190   }
0192   GenToInputProducer::~GenToInputProducer() {}
0194   //
0195   // member functions
0196   //
0198   // ------------ method called to produce the data ------------
0199   void GenToInputProducer::produce(Event& iEvent, const EventSetup& iSetup) {
0200     eventCnt_++;
0202     LogDebug("GtGenToInputProducer") << "GenToInputProducer::produce function called...\n";
0204     // Setup vectors
0205     std::vector<l1t::Muon> muonVec;
0206     std::vector<l1t::MuonShower> muonShowerVec;
0207     std::vector<l1t::EGamma> egammaVec;
0208     std::vector<l1t::Tau> tauVec;
0209     std::vector<l1t::Jet> jetVec;
0210     std::vector<l1t::EtSum> etsumVec;
0211     GlobalExtBlk extCond_bx;
0213     // Set the range of BX....TO DO...move to Params or determine from param set.
0214     int bxFirst = bxFirst_;
0215     int bxLast = bxLast_;
0217     // Default values objects
0218     double MaxLepPt_ = 255;
0219     double MaxJetPt_ = 1023;
0220     double MaxEt_ = 2047;
0222     double MaxCaloEta_ = 5.0;
0223     double MaxMuonEta_ = 2.45;
0225     double PhiStepCalo_ = 144;
0226     double PhiStepMuon_ = 576;
0228     // eta scale
0229     double EtaStepCalo_ = 230;
0230     double EtaStepMuon_ = 450;
0232     // Et scale (in GeV)
0233     double PtStep_ = 0.5;
0235     //outputs
0236     std::unique_ptr<l1t::EGammaBxCollection> egammas(new l1t::EGammaBxCollection(0, bxFirst, bxLast));
0237     std::unique_ptr<l1t::MuonBxCollection> muons(new l1t::MuonBxCollection(0, bxFirst, bxLast));
0238     std::unique_ptr<l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection> muonShowers(new l1t::MuonShowerBxCollection(0, bxFirst, bxLast));
0239     std::unique_ptr<l1t::TauBxCollection> taus(new l1t::TauBxCollection(0, bxFirst, bxLast));
0240     std::unique_ptr<l1t::JetBxCollection> jets(new l1t::JetBxCollection(0, bxFirst, bxLast));
0241     std::unique_ptr<l1t::EtSumBxCollection> etsums(new l1t::EtSumBxCollection(0, bxFirst, bxLast));
0242     std::unique_ptr<GlobalExtBlkBxCollection> extCond(new GlobalExtBlkBxCollection(0, bxFirst, bxLast));
0244     std::vector<int> mu_cands_index;
0245     std::vector<int> eg_cands_index;
0246     std::vector<int> tau_cands_index;
0247     edm::Handle<reco::GenParticleCollection> genParticles;
0248     // Make sure that you can get genParticles
0249     if (iEvent.getByToken(genParticlesToken, genParticles)) {
0250       for (size_t k = 0; k < genParticles->size(); k++) {
0251         const reco::Candidate& mcParticle = (*genParticles)[k];
0253         int status = mcParticle.status();
0254         int pdgId = mcParticle.pdgId();
0255         double pt =;
0257         // Only use status 1 particles  (Tau's need to be allowed through..take status 2 taus)
0258         if (status != 1 && !(abs(pdgId) == 15 && status == 2))
0259           continue;
0261         int absId = abs(pdgId);
0263         if (absId == 11 && pt >= egEtThreshold_)
0264           eg_cands_index.push_back(k);
0265         else if (absId == 13 && pt >= muEtThreshold_)
0266           mu_cands_index.push_back(k);
0267         else if (absId == 15 && pt >= tauEtThreshold_)
0268           tau_cands_index.push_back(k);
0269       }
0270     } else {
0271       LogTrace("GtGenToInputProducer") << ">>> GenParticles collection not found!" << std::endl;
0272     }
0274     // Muon Shower Collection
0276     bool mus0 = (bool)mushowerRandom->Integer(2);  // should be [0,1] = 1 bit;
0277     bool mus1 = (bool)mushowerRandom->Integer(2);
0278     bool mus2 = (bool)mushowerRandom->Integer(2);
0279     bool mus2Loose = (bool)mushowerRandom->Integer(2);
0280     bool musoot0 = (bool)mushowerRandom->Integer(2);
0281     bool musoot1 = (bool)mushowerRandom->Integer(2);
0282     bool musoot2Loose = (bool)mushowerRandom->Integer(2);
0283     //fill a vector of MuonShower objs with only one obj per BX, not one obj per muon obj
0284     cout << "GenToInputProducer MuonShower = (MUS0, MUS1, MUS2, MUSOOT0, MUSOOT1) = (" << mus0 << "," << mus1 << ","
0285          << mus2 << "," << musoot0 << "," << musoot1 << ")" << endl;
0286     l1t::MuonShower muShower(mus0, musoot0, mus2Loose, musoot2Loose, mus1, musoot1, mus2);
0287     muShower.setMusOutOfTime0(musoot0);
0288     muShower.setMusOutOfTime1(musoot1);
0289     muonShowerVec.push_back(muShower);
0291     // Muon Collection
0292     int numMuCands = int(mu_cands_index.size());
0293     Int_t idxMu[numMuCands];
0294     double muPtSorted[numMuCands];
0295     for (int iMu = 0; iMu < numMuCands; iMu++)
0296       muPtSorted[iMu] = genParticles->at(mu_cands_index[iMu]).pt();
0298     TMath::Sort(numMuCands, muPtSorted, idxMu);
0299     for (int iMu = 0; iMu < numMuCands; iMu++) {
0300       if (iMu >= maxNumMuCands_)
0301         continue;
0303       const reco::Candidate& mcParticle = (*genParticles)[mu_cands_index[idxMu[iMu]]];
0305       int pt = convertPtToHW(, MaxLepPt_, PtStep_);
0306       int eta = convertEtaToHW(mcParticle.eta(), -MaxMuonEta_, MaxMuonEta_, EtaStepMuon_);
0307       int phi = convertPhiToHW(mcParticle.phi(), PhiStepMuon_);
0308       int qual = gRandom->Integer(16);    //4;
0309       int iso = gRandom->Integer(4) % 2;  //1;
0310       int charge = (mcParticle.charge() < 0) ? 1 : 0;
0311       int chargeValid = 1;
0312       int tfMuIdx = 0;
0313       int tag = 1;
0314       bool debug = false;
0315       int isoSum = 0;
0316       int dPhi = 0;
0317       int dEta = 0;
0318       int rank = 0;
0319       int hwEtaAtVtx = eta;
0320       int hwPhiAtVtx = phi;
0321       double etaAtVtx = 0.0;
0322       double phiAtVtx = 0.0;
0323       int hwPtUnconstrained =
0324           convertPtToHW(, MaxLepPt_, PtStep_) / 2;  // word is 8 bits wide so divide 9 bit word by 2
0325       double ptUnconstrained = 0.0;
0326       int dXY = gRandom->Integer(4);  // should be [0,3] = 2 bits
0328       // Eta outside of acceptance
0329       if (eta >= 9999)
0330         continue;
0332       ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>* p4 =
0333           new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>();
0335       l1t::Muon mu(*p4,
0336                    pt,
0337                    eta,
0338                    phi,
0339                    qual,
0340                    charge,
0341                    chargeValid,
0342                    iso,
0343                    tfMuIdx,
0344                    tag,
0345                    debug,
0346                    isoSum,
0347                    dPhi,
0348                    dEta,
0349                    rank,
0350                    hwEtaAtVtx,
0351                    hwPhiAtVtx,
0352                    etaAtVtx,
0353                    phiAtVtx,
0354                    hwPtUnconstrained,
0355                    ptUnconstrained,
0356                    dXY);  // modified to conform to latest Muon.h interface
0357       muonVec.push_back(mu);
0358     }
0360     // EG Collection
0361     int numEgCands = int(eg_cands_index.size());
0362     Int_t idxEg[numEgCands];
0363     double egPtSorted[numEgCands];
0364     for (int iEg = 0; iEg < numEgCands; iEg++)
0365       egPtSorted[iEg] = genParticles->at(eg_cands_index[iEg]).pt();
0367     TMath::Sort(numEgCands, egPtSorted, idxEg);
0368     for (int iEg = 0; iEg < numEgCands; iEg++) {
0369       if (iEg >= maxNumEGCands_)
0370         continue;
0372       const reco::Candidate& mcParticle = (*genParticles)[eg_cands_index[idxEg[iEg]]];
0374       int pt = convertPtToHW(, MaxLepPt_, PtStep_);
0375       int eta = convertEtaToHW(mcParticle.eta(), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_);
0376       int phi = convertPhiToHW(mcParticle.phi(), PhiStepCalo_);
0377       int qual = gRandom->Integer(2);  // modified for LLP Jets
0378       int iso = gRandom->Integer(4) % 2;
0380       // Eta outside of acceptance
0381       if (eta >= 9999)
0382         continue;
0384       ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>* p4 =
0385           new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>();
0387       l1t::EGamma eg(*p4, pt, eta, phi, qual, iso);
0388       egammaVec.push_back(eg);
0389     }
0391     // Tau Collection
0392     int numTauCands = int(tau_cands_index.size());
0393     Int_t idxTau[numTauCands];
0394     double tauPtSorted[numTauCands];
0395     for (int iTau = 0; iTau < numTauCands; iTau++)
0396       tauPtSorted[iTau] = genParticles->at(tau_cands_index[iTau]).pt();
0398     TMath::Sort(numTauCands, tauPtSorted, idxTau);
0399     for (int iTau = 0; iTau < numTauCands; iTau++) {
0400       if (iTau >= maxNumTauCands_)
0401         continue;
0403       const reco::Candidate& mcParticle = (*genParticles)[tau_cands_index[idxTau[iTau]]];
0405       int pt = convertPtToHW(, MaxLepPt_, PtStep_);
0406       int eta = convertEtaToHW(mcParticle.eta(), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_);
0407       int phi = convertPhiToHW(mcParticle.phi(), PhiStepCalo_);
0408       int qual = gRandom->Integer(2);  // modified for LLP Jets
0409       int iso = gRandom->Integer(4) % 2;
0411       // Eta outside of acceptance
0412       if (eta >= 9999)
0413         continue;
0415       ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>* p4 =
0416           new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>();
0418       l1t::Tau tau(*p4, pt, eta, phi, qual, iso);
0419       tauVec.push_back(tau);
0420     }
0422     // Temporary hack to increase number of EGs and taus
0423     int maxOtherEGs = 4;
0424     int maxOtherTaus = 8;
0425     int numCurrentEGs = int(egammaVec.size());
0426     int numCurrentTaus = int(tauVec.size());
0428     int numExtraEGs = 0, numExtraTaus = 0;
0429     // end hack
0431     // Use to sum the energy of the objects in the event for ETT and HTT
0432     // sum all jets
0433     double sumEt = 0;
0435     int nJet = 0;
0436     edm::Handle<reco::GenJetCollection> genJets;
0437     // Make sure that you can get genJets
0438     if (iEvent.getByToken(genJetsToken, genJets)) {  // Jet Collection
0439       for (reco::GenJetCollection::const_iterator genJet = genJets->begin(); genJet != genJets->end(); ++genJet) {
0440         //Keep running sum of total Et
0441         sumEt += genJet->et();
0443         // Apply pt and eta cut?
0444         if (genJet->pt() < jetEtThreshold_)
0445           continue;
0447         //
0448         if (nJet >= maxNumJetCands_)
0449           continue;
0450         ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>* p4 =
0451             new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>();
0453         int pt = convertPtToHW(genJet->et(), MaxJetPt_, PtStep_);
0454         int eta = convertEtaToHW(genJet->eta(), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_);
0455         int phi = convertPhiToHW(genJet->phi(), PhiStepCalo_);
0457         // Eta outside of acceptance
0458         if (eta >= 9999)
0459           continue;
0461         int qual = gRandom->Integer(2);  // modified for LLP Jets
0463         l1t::Jet jet(*p4, pt, eta, phi, qual);
0464         jetVec.push_back(jet);
0466         nJet++;
0468         // Temporary hack to increase number of EGs and taus
0469         if ((numExtraEGs + numCurrentEGs) < maxNumEGCands_ && numExtraEGs < maxOtherEGs) {
0470           numExtraEGs++;
0472           int EGpt = convertPtToHW(genJet->et(), MaxLepPt_, PtStep_);
0473           int EGeta = convertEtaToHW(genJet->eta(), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_);
0474           int EGphi = convertPhiToHW(genJet->phi(), PhiStepCalo_);
0476           int EGqual = gRandom->Integer(2);  // modified for LLP Jets
0477           int EGiso = gRandom->Integer(4) % 2;
0479           l1t::EGamma eg(*p4, EGpt, EGeta, EGphi, EGqual, EGiso);
0480           egammaVec.push_back(eg);
0481         }
0483         if ((numExtraTaus + numCurrentTaus) < maxNumTauCands_ && numExtraTaus < maxOtherTaus) {
0484           numExtraTaus++;
0486           int Taupt = convertPtToHW(genJet->et(), MaxLepPt_, PtStep_);
0487           int Taueta = convertEtaToHW(genJet->eta(), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_);
0488           int Tauphi = convertPhiToHW(genJet->phi(), PhiStepCalo_);
0489           int Tauqual = gRandom->Integer(2);  // modified for LLP Jets
0490           int Tauiso = gRandom->Integer(4) % 2;
0492           l1t::Tau tau(*p4, Taupt, Taueta, Tauphi, Tauqual, Tauiso);
0493           tauVec.push_back(tau);
0494         }
0495         // end hack
0496       }
0497     } else {
0498       LogTrace("GtGenToInputProducer") << ">>> GenJets collection not found!" << std::endl;
0499     }
0501     // Put the total Et into EtSums  (Make HTT slightly smaller to tell them apart....not supposed to be realistic)
0502     int pt = convertPtToHW(sumEt, 2047, PtStep_);
0503     ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>* p4 =
0504         new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>>();
0505     l1t::EtSum etTotal(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kTotalEt, pt, 0, 0, 0);
0507     // Scale down ETTem as an estimate
0508     pt = convertPtToHW(sumEt * 0.6, 2047, PtStep_);
0509     l1t::EtSum etEmTotal(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kTotalEtEm, pt, 0, 0, 0);
0511     //ccla Generate uniform distribution of tower counts
0512     int nTowers = 4095 * gRandom->Rndm();
0513     l1t::EtSum towerCounts(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kTowerCount, nTowers, 0, 0, 0);
0515     //ccla Generate uniform distributions of AsymEt, AsymHt, AsymEtHF, AsymHtF
0516     int nAsymEt = 255 * gRandom->Rndm();
0517     l1t::EtSum AsymEt(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kAsymEt, nAsymEt, 0, 0, 0);
0518     int nAsymHt = 255 * gRandom->Rndm();
0519     l1t::EtSum AsymHt(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kAsymHt, nAsymHt, 0, 0, 0);
0520     int nAsymEtHF = 255 * gRandom->Rndm();
0521     l1t::EtSum AsymEtHF(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kAsymEtHF, nAsymEtHF, 0, 0, 0);
0522     int nAsymHtHF = 255 * gRandom->Rndm();
0523     l1t::EtSum AsymHtHF(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kAsymHtHF, nAsymHtHF, 0, 0, 0);
0525     pt = convertPtToHW(sumEt * 0.9, 2047, PtStep_);
0526     l1t::EtSum htTotal(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kTotalHt, pt, 0, 0, 0);
0528     // Add EtSums for testing the MinBias Trigger (use some random numbers)
0529     int hfP0val = gRandom->Poisson(4.);
0530     if (hfP0val > 15)
0531       hfP0val = 15;
0532     l1t::EtSum hfP0(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMinBiasHFP0, hfP0val, 0, 0, 0);
0534     int hfM0val = gRandom->Poisson(4.);
0535     if (hfM0val > 15)
0536       hfM0val = 15;
0537     l1t::EtSum hfM0(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMinBiasHFM0, hfM0val, 0, 0, 0);
0539     int hfP1val = gRandom->Poisson(4.);
0540     if (hfP1val > 15)
0541       hfP1val = 15;
0542     l1t::EtSum hfP1(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMinBiasHFP1, hfP1val, 0, 0, 0);
0544     int hfM1val = gRandom->Poisson(4.);
0545     if (hfM1val > 15)
0546       hfM1val = 15;
0547     l1t::EtSum hfM1(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMinBiasHFM1, hfM1val, 0, 0, 0);
0549     // Do same for Centrality
0550     int cent30val(0), cent74val(0);
0551     int centa = gRandom->Poisson(2.);
0552     int centb = gRandom->Poisson(2.);
0553     if (centa >= centb) {
0554       cent30val = centa;
0555       cent74val = centb;
0556     } else {
0557       cent30val = centb;
0558       cent74val = centa;
0559     }
0561     if (cent30val > 15)
0562       cent30val = 15;
0563     if (cent74val > 15)
0564       cent74val = 15;
0566     int shift = 4;
0567     int centralval = 0;
0568     centralval |= cent30val & 0xF;
0569     centralval |= (cent74val & 0xF) << shift;
0571     l1t::EtSum centrality(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kCentrality, centralval, 0, 0, 0);
0573     int mpt = 0;
0574     int mphi = 0;
0575     int mptHf = 0;
0576     int mphiHf = 0;
0577     int mhpt = 0;
0578     int mhphi = 0;
0579     int mhptHf = 0;
0580     int mhphiHf = 0;
0582     edm::Handle<reco::GenMETCollection> genMet;
0583     // Make sure that you can get genMET
0584     if (iEvent.getByToken(genMetToken, genMet)) {
0585       mpt = convertPtToHW(genMet->front().pt(), MaxEt_, PtStep_);
0586       mphi = convertPhiToHW(genMet->front().phi(), PhiStepCalo_);
0588       // Make Missing Et with HF slightly largeer and rotated (These are all fake inputs anyway...not supposed to be realistic)
0589       mptHf = convertPtToHW(genMet->front().pt() * 1.1, MaxEt_, PtStep_);
0590       mphiHf = convertPhiToHW(genMet->front().phi() + 3.14 / 7., PhiStepCalo_);
0592       // Make Missing Ht slightly smaller and rotated (These are all fake inputs anyway...not supposed to be realistic)
0593       mhpt = convertPtToHW(genMet->front().pt() * 0.9, MaxEt_, PtStep_);
0594       mhphi = convertPhiToHW(genMet->front().phi() + 3.14 / 5., PhiStepCalo_);
0596       // Ditto with Hissing Ht with HF
0597       mhptHf = convertPtToHW(genMet->front().pt() * 0.95, MaxEt_, PtStep_);
0598       mhphiHf = convertPhiToHW(genMet->front().phi() + 3.14 / 6., PhiStepCalo_);
0599     } else {
0600       LogTrace("GtGenToInputProducer") << ">>> GenMet collection not found!" << std::endl;
0601     }
0603     // Missing Et and missing htt
0604     l1t::EtSum etmiss(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingEt, mpt, 0, mphi, 0);
0605     l1t::EtSum etmissHF(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingEtHF, mptHf, 0, mphiHf, 0);
0606     l1t::EtSum htmiss(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingHt, mhpt, 0, mhphi, 0);
0607     l1t::EtSum htmissHF(*p4, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingHtHF, mhptHf, 0, mhphiHf, 0);
0609     // Fill the EtSums in the Correct order
0610     etsumVec.push_back(etTotal);
0611     etsumVec.push_back(etEmTotal);
0612     etsumVec.push_back(hfP0);  // Frame0
0614     etsumVec.push_back(htTotal);
0615     etsumVec.push_back(towerCounts);
0616     etsumVec.push_back(hfM0);  //Frame1
0618     etsumVec.push_back(etmiss);
0619     etsumVec.push_back(AsymEt);
0620     etsumVec.push_back(hfP1);  //Frame2
0622     etsumVec.push_back(htmiss);
0623     etsumVec.push_back(AsymHt);
0624     etsumVec.push_back(hfM1);  //Frame3
0626     etsumVec.push_back(etmissHF);
0627     etsumVec.push_back(AsymEtHF);  // Frame4
0629     etsumVec.push_back(htmissHF);
0630     etsumVec.push_back(AsymHtHF);
0631     etsumVec.push_back(centrality);  // Frame5
0633     // Fill in some external conditions for testing
0634     if (( % 2 == 0) {
0635       for (int i = 0; i < 255; i = i + 2)
0636         extCond_bx.setExternalDecision(i, true);
0637     } else {
0638       for (int i = 1; i < 255; i = i + 2)
0639         extCond_bx.setExternalDecision(i, true);
0640     }
0642     // Insert all the bx into the L1 Collections
0643     //printf("Event %i  EmptyBxEvt %i emptyBxTrailer %i diff %i \n",eventCnt_,emptyBxEvt_,emptyBxTrailer_,(emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_));
0645     // Fill Muons
0646     for (int iMu = 0; iMu < int(muonVec_bxm2.size()); iMu++) {
0647       muons->push_back(-2, muonVec_bxm2[iMu]);
0648     }
0649     for (int iMu = 0; iMu < int(muonVec_bxm1.size()); iMu++) {
0650       muons->push_back(-1, muonVec_bxm1[iMu]);
0651     }
0652     for (int iMu = 0; iMu < int(muonVec_bx0.size()); iMu++) {
0653       muons->push_back(0, muonVec_bx0[iMu]);
0654     }
0655     for (int iMu = 0; iMu < int(muonVec_bxp1.size()); iMu++) {
0656       muons->push_back(1, muonVec_bxp1[iMu]);
0657     }
0658     if (emptyBxTrailer_ <= (emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_)) {
0659       for (int iMu = 0; iMu < int(muonVec.size()); iMu++) {
0660         muons->push_back(2, muonVec[iMu]);
0661       }
0662     } else {
0663       // this event is part of empty trailer...clear out data
0664       muonVec.clear();
0665     }
0667     // Fill MuonShowers
0668     for (int iMuShower = 0; iMuShower < int(muonShowerVec_bxm2.size()); iMuShower++) {
0669       muonShowers->push_back(-2, muonShowerVec_bxm2[iMuShower]);
0670     }
0671     for (int iMuShower = 0; iMuShower < int(muonShowerVec_bxm1.size()); iMuShower++) {
0672       muonShowers->push_back(-1, muonShowerVec_bxm1[iMuShower]);
0673     }
0674     for (int iMuShower = 0; iMuShower < int(muonShowerVec_bx0.size()); iMuShower++) {
0675       muonShowers->push_back(0, muonShowerVec_bx0[iMuShower]);
0676     }
0677     for (int iMuShower = 0; iMuShower < int(muonShowerVec_bxp1.size()); iMuShower++) {
0678       muonShowers->push_back(1, muonShowerVec_bxp1[iMuShower]);
0679     }
0680     if (emptyBxTrailer_ <= (emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_)) {
0681       for (int iMuShower = 0; iMuShower < int(muonShowerVec.size()); iMuShower++) {
0682         muonShowers->push_back(2, muonShowerVec[iMuShower]);
0683       }
0684     } else {
0685       // this event is part of empty trailer...clear out data
0686       muonShowerVec.clear();
0687     }
0689     // Fill Egammas
0690     for (int iEG = 0; iEG < int(egammaVec_bxm2.size()); iEG++) {
0691       egammas->push_back(-2, egammaVec_bxm2[iEG]);
0692     }
0693     for (int iEG = 0; iEG < int(egammaVec_bxm1.size()); iEG++) {
0694       egammas->push_back(-1, egammaVec_bxm1[iEG]);
0695     }
0696     for (int iEG = 0; iEG < int(egammaVec_bx0.size()); iEG++) {
0697       egammas->push_back(0, egammaVec_bx0[iEG]);
0698     }
0699     for (int iEG = 0; iEG < int(egammaVec_bxp1.size()); iEG++) {
0700       egammas->push_back(1, egammaVec_bxp1[iEG]);
0701     }
0702     if (emptyBxTrailer_ <= (emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_)) {
0703       for (int iEG = 0; iEG < int(egammaVec.size()); iEG++) {
0704         egammas->push_back(2, egammaVec[iEG]);
0705       }
0706     } else {
0707       // this event is part of empty trailer...clear out data
0708       egammaVec.clear();
0709     }
0711     // Fill Taus
0712     for (int iTau = 0; iTau < int(tauVec_bxm2.size()); iTau++) {
0713       taus->push_back(-2, tauVec_bxm2[iTau]);
0714     }
0715     for (int iTau = 0; iTau < int(tauVec_bxm1.size()); iTau++) {
0716       taus->push_back(-1, tauVec_bxm1[iTau]);
0717     }
0718     for (int iTau = 0; iTau < int(tauVec_bx0.size()); iTau++) {
0719       taus->push_back(0, tauVec_bx0[iTau]);
0720     }
0721     for (int iTau = 0; iTau < int(tauVec_bxp1.size()); iTau++) {
0722       taus->push_back(1, tauVec_bxp1[iTau]);
0723     }
0724     if (emptyBxTrailer_ <= (emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_)) {
0725       for (int iTau = 0; iTau < int(tauVec.size()); iTau++) {
0726         taus->push_back(2, tauVec[iTau]);
0727       }
0728     } else {
0729       // this event is part of empty trailer...clear out data
0730       tauVec.clear();
0731     }
0733     // Fill Jets
0734     for (int iJet = 0; iJet < int(jetVec_bxm2.size()); iJet++) {
0735       jets->push_back(-2, jetVec_bxm2[iJet]);
0736     }
0737     for (int iJet = 0; iJet < int(jetVec_bxm1.size()); iJet++) {
0738       jets->push_back(-1, jetVec_bxm1[iJet]);
0739     }
0740     for (int iJet = 0; iJet < int(jetVec_bx0.size()); iJet++) {
0741       jets->push_back(0, jetVec_bx0[iJet]);
0742     }
0743     for (int iJet = 0; iJet < int(jetVec_bxp1.size()); iJet++) {
0744       jets->push_back(1, jetVec_bxp1[iJet]);
0745     }
0746     if (emptyBxTrailer_ <= (emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_)) {
0747       for (int iJet = 0; iJet < int(jetVec.size()); iJet++) {
0748         jets->push_back(2, jetVec[iJet]);
0749       }
0750     } else {
0751       // this event is part of empty trailer...clear out data
0752       jetVec.clear();
0753     }
0755     // Fill Etsums
0756     for (int iETsum = 0; iETsum < int(etsumVec_bxm2.size()); iETsum++) {
0757       etsums->push_back(-2, etsumVec_bxm2[iETsum]);
0758     }
0759     for (int iETsum = 0; iETsum < int(etsumVec_bxm1.size()); iETsum++) {
0760       etsums->push_back(-1, etsumVec_bxm1[iETsum]);
0761     }
0762     for (int iETsum = 0; iETsum < int(etsumVec_bx0.size()); iETsum++) {
0763       etsums->push_back(0, etsumVec_bx0[iETsum]);
0764     }
0765     for (int iETsum = 0; iETsum < int(etsumVec_bxp1.size()); iETsum++) {
0766       etsums->push_back(1, etsumVec_bxp1[iETsum]);
0767     }
0768     if (emptyBxTrailer_ <= (emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_)) {
0769       for (int iETsum = 0; iETsum < int(etsumVec.size()); iETsum++) {
0770         etsums->push_back(2, etsumVec[iETsum]);
0771       }
0772     } else {
0773       // this event is part of empty trailer...clear out data
0774       etsumVec.clear();
0775     }
0777     // Fill Externals
0778     extCond->push_back(-2, extCond_bxm2);
0779     extCond->push_back(-1, extCond_bxm1);
0780     extCond->push_back(0, extCond_bx0);
0781     extCond->push_back(1, extCond_bxp1);
0782     if (emptyBxTrailer_ <= (emptyBxEvt_ - eventCnt_)) {
0783       extCond->push_back(2, extCond_bx);
0784     } else {
0785       // this event is part of the empty trailer...clear out data
0786       extCond_bx.reset();
0787     }
0789     iEvent.put(std::move(egammas));
0790     iEvent.put(std::move(muons));
0791     iEvent.put(std::move(muonShowers));
0792     iEvent.put(std::move(taus));
0793     iEvent.put(std::move(jets));
0794     iEvent.put(std::move(etsums));
0795     iEvent.put(std::move(extCond));
0797     // Now shift the bx data by one to prepare for next event.
0798     muonVec_bxm2 = muonVec_bxm1;
0799     muonShowerVec_bxm2 = muonShowerVec_bxm1;
0800     egammaVec_bxm2 = egammaVec_bxm1;
0801     tauVec_bxm2 = tauVec_bxm1;
0802     jetVec_bxm2 = jetVec_bxm1;
0803     etsumVec_bxm2 = etsumVec_bxm1;
0804     extCond_bxm2 = extCond_bxm1;
0806     muonVec_bxm1 = muonVec_bx0;
0807     muonShowerVec_bxm1 = muonShowerVec_bx0;
0808     egammaVec_bxm1 = egammaVec_bx0;
0809     tauVec_bxm1 = tauVec_bx0;
0810     jetVec_bxm1 = jetVec_bx0;
0811     etsumVec_bxm1 = etsumVec_bx0;
0812     extCond_bxm1 = extCond_bx0;
0814     muonVec_bx0 = muonVec_bxp1;
0815     muonShowerVec_bx0 = muonShowerVec_bxp1;
0816     egammaVec_bx0 = egammaVec_bxp1;
0817     tauVec_bx0 = tauVec_bxp1;
0818     jetVec_bx0 = jetVec_bxp1;
0819     etsumVec_bx0 = etsumVec_bxp1;
0820     extCond_bx0 = extCond_bxp1;
0822     muonVec_bxp1 = muonVec;
0823     muonShowerVec_bxp1 = muonShowerVec;
0824     egammaVec_bxp1 = egammaVec;
0825     tauVec_bxp1 = tauVec;
0826     jetVec_bxp1 = jetVec;
0827     etsumVec_bxp1 = etsumVec;
0828     extCond_bxp1 = extCond_bx;
0829   }
0831   // ------------ method called once each job just before starting event loop ------------
0832   void GenToInputProducer::beginJob() {}
0834   // ------------ method called once each job just after ending the event loop ------------
0835   void GenToInputProducer::endJob() {}
0837   // ------------ method called when starting to processes a run ------------
0839   void GenToInputProducer::beginRun(Run const& iR, EventSetup const& iE) {
0840     LogDebug("GtGenToInputProducer") << "GenToInputProducer::beginRun function called...\n";
0842     srand(0);
0844     gRandom = new TRandom3();
0845     mushowerRandom = new TRandom3();
0846   }
0848   // ------------ method called when ending the processing of a run ------------
0849   void GenToInputProducer::endRun(Run const& iR, EventSetup const& iE) {}
0851   // ------------ methods to convert from physical to HW values ------------
0852   int GenToInputProducer::convertPhiToHW(double iphi, int steps) {
0853     double phiMax = 2 * M_PI;
0854     if (iphi < 0)
0855       iphi += 2 * M_PI;
0856     if (iphi > phiMax)
0857       iphi -= phiMax;
0859     int hwPhi = int((iphi / phiMax) * steps + 0.00001);
0860     return hwPhi;
0861   }
0863   int GenToInputProducer::convertEtaToHW(double ieta, double minEta, double maxEta, int steps) {
0864     double binWidth = (maxEta - minEta) / steps;
0866     //if we are outside the limits, set error
0867     if (ieta < minEta)
0868       return 99999;  //ieta = minEta+binWidth/2.;
0869     if (ieta > maxEta)
0870       return 99999;  //ieta = maxEta-binWidth/2.;
0872     int binNum = (int)(ieta / binWidth);
0873     if (ieta < 0.)
0874       binNum--;
0876     //   unsigned int hwEta = binNum & bitMask;
0877     //   Remove masking for BXVectors...only assume in raw data
0879     return binNum;
0880   }
0882   int GenToInputProducer::convertPtToHW(double ipt, int maxPt, double step) {
0883     int hwPt = int(ipt / step + 0.0001);
0884     // if above max Pt, set to largest value
0885     if (hwPt > maxPt)
0886       hwPt = maxPt;
0888     return hwPt;
0889   }
0891   // ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the module ------------
0892   void GenToInputProducer::fillDescriptions(ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0893     //The following says we do not know what parameters are allowed so do no validation
0894     // Please change this to state exactly what you do use, even if it is no parameters
0895     ParameterSetDescription desc;
0896     desc.setUnknown();
0897     descriptions.addDefault(desc);
0898   }
0900 }  // namespace l1t
0902 //define this as a plug-in
0903 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(l1t::GenToInputProducer);