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0001 #include <array>
0002 #include <cassert>
0003 #include <cstring>
0004 #include <memory>
0005 #include <stdexcept>
0006 #include <string>
0007 #include <vector>
0009 #include <fmt/printf.h>
0011 using namespace std::literals;
0013 namespace {
0015   template <class T>
0016   struct Entry {
0017     T value;
0018     const char* tag;
0019     const char* description;
0020   };
0022   template <typename S, typename T, unsigned int N>
0023   std::string build_comment_from_entries(S pre, const Entry<T> (&entries)[N]) {
0024     std::string comment{pre};
0025     size_t length = 0;
0026     for (auto entry : entries)
0027       if (entry.tag)
0028         length = std::max(std::strlen(entry.tag), length);
0029     for (auto entry : entries)
0030       if (entry.tag) {
0031         comment.reserve(comment.size() + length + std::strlen(entry.description) + 8);
0032         comment += "\n  \"";
0033         comment += entry.tag;
0034         comment += "\": ";
0035         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length - std::strlen(entry.tag); ++i)
0036           comment += ' ';
0037         comment += entry.description;
0038       }
0039     return comment;
0040   }
0042   template <typename S1, typename S2, typename T, unsigned int N>
0043   std::string build_comment_from_entries(S1 pre, const Entry<T> (&entries)[N], S2 post) {
0044     std::string comment = build_comment_from_entries(pre, entries);
0045     comment += '\n';
0046     comment += post;
0047     return comment;
0048   }
0050   template <class T>
0051   constexpr T get_enum_value(Entry<T> const* entries, const char* tag) {
0052     for (; entries->tag; ++entries)
0053       if (std::strcmp(entries->tag, tag) == 0)
0054         return entries->value;
0055     throw std::logic_error("invalid tag "s + tag);
0056   }
0058   template <class T>
0059   constexpr T get_enum_value(Entry<T> const* entries, const char* tag, T default_value) {
0060     for (; entries->tag; ++entries)
0061       if (std::strcmp(entries->tag, tag) == 0)
0062         return entries->value;
0063     return default_value;
0064   }
0066 }  // namespace
0068 // ############################################################################
0070 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0071 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0072 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDFilter.h"
0073 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0074 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0075 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0076 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0077 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0078 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
0079 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ESGetToken.h"
0080 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/L1TGlobalPrescalesVetosRcd.h"
0081 #include "CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1TGlobalPrescalesVetos.h"
0082 #include "DataFormats/L1TGlobal/interface/GlobalAlgBlk.h"
0084 class L1TGlobalPrescaler : public edm::one::EDFilter<> {
0085 public:
0086   L1TGlobalPrescaler(edm::ParameterSet const& config);
0088   bool filter(edm::Event& event, edm::EventSetup const& setup) override;
0090   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0092 private:
0093   enum class Mode {
0094     ApplyPrescaleValues,  // apply the given prescale values
0095     ApplyPrescaleRatios,  // apply prescales equal to ratio between the given values and the ones read from the EventSetup
0096     ApplyColumnValues,    // apply the prescale values from the EventSetup corresponding to the given column index
0097     ApplyColumnRatios,  // apply prescales equal to ratio between the values corresponsing to the given column index, and the ones read from the EventSetup
0098     ForcePrescaleValues,  // apply the given prescale values, ignoring the prescales and masks already applied
0099     ForceColumnValues,  // apply the prescale values from the EventSetup corresponding to the given column index, ignoring the prescales and masks already applied
0100     Invalid = -1
0101   };
0103   static const constexpr Entry<Mode> s_modes[]{
0104       {Mode::ApplyPrescaleValues, "applyPrescaleValues", "apply the given prescale values"},
0105       {Mode::ApplyPrescaleRatios,
0106        "applyPrescaleRatios",
0107        "apply prescales equal to ratio between the given values and the ones read from the EventSetup"},
0108       {Mode::ApplyColumnValues,
0109        "applyColumnValues",
0110        "apply the prescale values from the EventSetup corresponding to the given column index"},
0111       {Mode::ApplyColumnRatios,
0112        "applyColumnRatios",
0113        "apply prescales equal to ratio between the values corresponsing to the given column index, and the ones read "
0114        "from the EventSetup"},
0115       {Mode::ForcePrescaleValues,
0116        "forcePrescaleValues",
0117        "apply the given prescale values, ignoring the prescales and masks already applied"},
0118       {Mode::ForceColumnValues,
0119        "forceColumnValues",
0120        "apply the prescale values from the EventSetup corresponding to the given column index, ignoring the prescales "
0121        "and masks already applied"},
0122       {Mode::Invalid, nullptr, nullptr}};
0124   const Mode m_mode;
0125   const edm::EDGetTokenT<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection> m_l1tResultsToken;
0126   const std::array<double, GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers> m_l1tPrescales;
0127   std::array<double, GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers> m_prescales;
0128   std::array<unsigned int, GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers> m_counters;
0129   const int m_l1tPrescaleColumn;
0130   int m_oldIndex;
0131   edm::ESGetToken<L1TGlobalPrescalesVetos, L1TGlobalPrescalesVetosRcd> m_l1tGtPrescalesVetosToken;
0132 };
0134 const constexpr Entry<L1TGlobalPrescaler::Mode> L1TGlobalPrescaler::s_modes[];
0136 L1TGlobalPrescaler::L1TGlobalPrescaler(edm::ParameterSet const& config)
0137     : m_mode(get_enum_value(s_modes, config.getParameter<std::string>("mode").c_str(), Mode::Invalid)),
0138       m_l1tResultsToken(consumes<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection>(config.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("l1tResults"))),
0139       m_l1tPrescales(m_mode == Mode::ApplyPrescaleValues or m_mode == Mode::ApplyPrescaleRatios or
0140                              m_mode == Mode::ForcePrescaleValues
0141                          ? config.getParameter<std::array<double, GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers>>("l1tPrescales")
0142                          : std::array<double, GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers>{}),
0143       m_l1tPrescaleColumn(m_mode == Mode::ApplyColumnValues or m_mode == Mode::ApplyColumnRatios or
0144                                   m_mode == Mode::ForceColumnValues
0145                               ? config.getParameter<uint32_t>("l1tPrescaleColumn")
0146                               : 0),
0147       m_oldIndex(-1) {
0148   switch (m_mode) {
0149     // if the mode is "applyPrescaleValues", use the given values
0150     case Mode::ApplyPrescaleValues:
0151     case Mode::ForcePrescaleValues:
0152       m_prescales = m_l1tPrescales;
0153       break;
0155     // otherwise we need to read the prescale values from the EventSetup
0156     case Mode::ApplyColumnValues:
0157     case Mode::ApplyPrescaleRatios:
0158     case Mode::ApplyColumnRatios:
0159     case Mode::ForceColumnValues:
0160       m_l1tGtPrescalesVetosToken = esConsumes<L1TGlobalPrescalesVetos, L1TGlobalPrescalesVetosRcd>();
0161       break;
0163     // this should never happen
0164     case Mode::Invalid:
0165       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
0166           << "invalid mode \"" << config.getParameter<std::string>("mode") << "\"";
0167   }
0169   m_counters.fill(0);
0170   produces<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection>();
0171 }
0173 bool L1TGlobalPrescaler::filter(edm::Event& event, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
0174   edm::Handle<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection> handle;
0175   event.getByToken(m_l1tResultsToken, handle);
0177   // if the input collection does not have any information for bx 0,
0178   // produce an empty collection, and fail
0179   if (handle->isEmpty(0)) {
0180     std::unique_ptr<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection> result(new GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection());
0181     event.put(std::move(result));
0182     return false;
0183   }
0185   // read the prescale index
0186   int index = handle->at(0, 0).getPreScColumn();
0187   assert(index >= 0);
0189   // Mode::ApplyPrescaleRatios
0190   // apply prescales equal to ratio between the given values and the ones read from the EventSetup
0191   if (m_mode == Mode::ApplyPrescaleRatios and m_oldIndex != index) {
0192     edm::ESHandle<L1TGlobalPrescalesVetos> h = setup.getHandle(m_l1tGtPrescalesVetosToken);
0194     auto const& prescaleTable = h->prescale_table_;
0195     if (index >= (int)prescaleTable.size())
0196       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
0197           << fmt::sprintf("The prescale index %d is invalid, it should be smaller than the prescale table size %d.",
0198                           index,
0199                           prescaleTable.size());
0200     auto const& prescales = prescaleTable[index];
0201     unsigned long i = 0;
0202     for (; i < std::min(prescales.size(), (unsigned long)GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers); ++i)
0203       if (m_l1tPrescales[i] == 0) {
0204         // if the trigger is requested to be disabled, just do it
0205         m_prescales[i] = 0.;
0206       } else if (prescales[i] == 0) {
0207         // othersie, if the trigger was originally disabled, warn the user and keep it that way
0208         m_prescales[i] = 0.;
0209         edm::LogWarning("L1TGlobalPrescaler")
0210             << "Request to enable the trigger " << i << " which was originally disabled\nIt will be kept disabled.";
0211       } else if (m_l1tPrescales[i] < prescales[i]) {
0212         // if the target prescale is lower than the original prescale, keep the trigger unprescaled
0213         m_prescales[i] = 1.;
0214         edm::LogWarning("L1TGlobalPrescaler")
0215             << "Request to prescale the trigger " << i
0216             << " less than it was originally prescaled\nNo further prescale will be applied.";
0217       } else {
0218         // apply the ratio of the new and old prescales
0219         m_prescales[i] = (double)m_l1tPrescales[i] / prescales[i];
0220       }
0221     for (; i < (unsigned long)GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers; ++i)
0222       // disable the triggers not included in the prescale table
0223       m_prescales[i] = 0.;
0224     // reset the prescales
0225     m_counters.fill(0);
0226     m_oldIndex = index;
0227   }
0229   // Mode::ApplyColumnValues and Mode::ForceColumnValues
0230   // apply the prescale values from the EventSetup corresponding to the given column index
0231   if ((m_mode == Mode::ApplyColumnValues or m_mode == Mode::ForceColumnValues) and m_oldIndex != m_l1tPrescaleColumn) {
0232     edm::ESHandle<L1TGlobalPrescalesVetos> h = setup.getHandle(m_l1tGtPrescalesVetosToken);
0233     auto const& prescaleTable = h->prescale_table_;
0234     if (m_l1tPrescaleColumn >= (int)prescaleTable.size())
0235       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
0236           << fmt::sprintf("The prescale index %d is invalid, it should be smaller than the prescale table size %d.",
0237                           m_l1tPrescaleColumn,
0238                           prescaleTable.size());
0239     auto const& targets = prescaleTable[m_l1tPrescaleColumn];
0240     unsigned long i = 0;
0241     for (; i < std::min(targets.size(), (unsigned long)GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers); ++i)
0242       // read the prescales from the EventSetup
0243       m_prescales[i] = targets[i];
0244     for (; i < (unsigned long)GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers; ++i)
0245       // disable the triggers not included in the prescale table
0246       m_prescales[i] = 0.;
0247     // reset the prescales
0248     m_counters.fill(0);
0249     m_oldIndex = m_l1tPrescaleColumn;
0250   }
0252   // Mode::ApplyColumnRatios
0253   // apply prescales equal to ratio between the values corresponsing to the given column index, and the ones read from the EventSetup
0254   if (m_mode == Mode::ApplyColumnRatios and m_oldIndex != index) {
0255     edm::ESHandle<L1TGlobalPrescalesVetos> h = setup.getHandle(m_l1tGtPrescalesVetosToken);
0256     auto const& prescaleTable = h->prescale_table_;
0257     if (index >= (int)prescaleTable.size())
0258       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::LogicError)
0259           << fmt::sprintf("The prescale index %d is invalid, it should be smaller than the prescale table size %d.",
0260                           index,
0261                           prescaleTable.size());
0262     if (m_l1tPrescaleColumn >= (int)prescaleTable.size())
0263       throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
0264           << fmt::sprintf("The prescale index %d is invalid, it should be smaller than the prescale table size %d.",
0265                           m_l1tPrescaleColumn,
0266                           prescaleTable.size());
0267     auto const& prescales = prescaleTable[index];
0268     auto const& targets = prescaleTable[m_l1tPrescaleColumn];
0269     unsigned long i = 0;
0270     for (; i < std::min({prescales.size(), targets.size(), (unsigned long)GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers}); ++i)
0271       if (prescales[i] == 0)
0272         // if the trigger was disabled, keep it disabled
0273         m_prescales[i] = 0.;
0274       else
0275         // if the target prescale is lower than the original prescale, keep the trigger unprescaled
0276         m_prescales[i] = targets[i] < prescales[i] ? 1. : (double)targets[i] / prescales[i];
0277     for (; i < (unsigned long)GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers; ++i)
0278       // disable the triggers not included in the prescale table
0279       m_prescales[i] = 0.;
0280     // reset the prescales
0281     m_counters.fill(0);
0282     m_oldIndex = index;
0283   }
0285   // make a copy of the GlobalAlgBlk for bx 0
0286   GlobalAlgBlk algoBlock = handle->at(0, 0);
0288   bool finalOr = false;
0289   std::vector<bool> const& decision = (m_mode == Mode::ForceColumnValues or m_mode == Mode::ForcePrescaleValues)
0290                                           ? algoBlock.getAlgoDecisionInitial()
0291                                           : algoBlock.getAlgoDecisionFinal();
0293   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers; ++i) {
0294     if (m_prescales[i] == 0) {
0295       // mask this trigger: reset the bit
0296       algoBlock.setAlgoDecisionFinal(i, false);
0297     } else if (decision[i]) {
0298       // prescale this trigger
0299       ++m_counters[i];
0300       if (std::fmod(m_counters[i], m_prescales[i]) < 1) {
0301         // the prescale is successful, set the bit
0302         algoBlock.setAlgoDecisionFinal(i, true);
0303         finalOr = true;
0304       } else {
0305         // the prescale failed, reset the bit
0306         algoBlock.setAlgoDecisionFinal(i, false);
0307       }
0308     }
0309   }
0311   // set the final OR
0312   algoBlock.setFinalORPreVeto(finalOr);
0313   if (algoBlock.getFinalORVeto())
0314     finalOr = false;
0315   algoBlock.setFinalOR(finalOr);
0317   // set the new prescale column
0318   if (m_mode == Mode::ApplyColumnValues or m_mode == Mode::ApplyColumnRatios or m_mode == Mode::ForceColumnValues)
0319     algoBlock.setPreScColumn(m_l1tPrescaleColumn);
0321   // create a new GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection, and set the new prescaled decisions for bx 0
0322   std::unique_ptr<GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection> result(new GlobalAlgBlkBxCollection());
0323   result->push_back(0, algoBlock);
0324   event.put(std::move(result));
0326   return finalOr;
0327 }
0329 void L1TGlobalPrescaler::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0330   // collection with the original uGT results
0331   edm::ParameterDescription<edm::InputTag> l1tResults("l1tResults", edm::InputTag("gtStage2Digis"), true);
0332   l1tResults.setComment("Collection with the original uGT results");
0334   // define how to apply the prescale values
0335   edm::ParameterDescription<std::string> mode("mode", "applyPrescaleValues", true);
0336   mode.setComment(build_comment_from_entries("Define how to apply the prescale values:", s_modes));
0338   // target prescale values (for modes "applyPrescaleValues" or "applyPrescaleRatios")
0339   edm::ParameterDescription<std::vector<double>> l1tPrescales(
0340       "l1tPrescales", std::vector<double>(GlobalAlgBlk::maxPhysicsTriggers, 1.), true);
0341   l1tPrescales.setComment(
0342       "Target prescale values (for modes \"applyPrescaleValues\", \"applyPrescaleRatios\" or \"forcePrescaleValues\")");
0344   // target prescale column (for modes "applyColumnValues" or "applyColumnRatios")
0345   edm::ParameterDescription<uint32_t> l1tPrescaleColumn("l1tPrescaleColumn", 0, true);
0346   l1tPrescaleColumn.setComment(
0347       "Target prescale column (for modes \"applyColumnValues\", \"applyColumnRatios\" or \"forceColumnValues\")");
0349   // validaton of all possible configurations and applyPrescaleValues example
0350   {
0351     edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0352     desc.addNode(l1tResults);
0353     desc.ifValue(
0354         mode,
0355         // if mode is "applyPrescaleValues", "applyPrescaleRatios" or "forcePrescaleValues", read the target prescales
0356         "applyPrescaleValues" >> l1tPrescales or "applyPrescaleRatios" >> l1tPrescales or
0357             "forcePrescaleValues" >> l1tPrescales or
0358             // if mode is "applyColumnValues", "applyColumnRatios" or "forceColumnValues", read the target column
0359             "applyColumnValues" >> l1tPrescaleColumn or "applyColumnRatios" >> l1tPrescaleColumn or
0360             "forceColumnValues" >> l1tPrescaleColumn);
0361     descriptions.add("l1tGlobalPrescaler", desc);
0362   }
0364   // applyColumnRatios example
0365   {
0366     edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0367     desc.addNode(l1tResults);
0368     desc.add<std::string>("mode", "applyColumnRatios")
0369         ->setComment(
0370             "apply prescales equal to ratio between the values corresponsing to the given column index, and the ones "
0371             "read from the EventSetup");
0372     desc.addNode(l1tPrescaleColumn);
0373     descriptions.add("l1tGlobalPrescalerTargetColumn", desc);
0374   }
0375 }
0377 // register as a framework plugin
0378 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0379 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(L1TGlobalPrescaler);