File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:20:40
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from L1Trigger.L1THGCal.egammaIdentification import *
0005 def custom_identification_drnn_cone(process,
0006 working_points=tight_wp
0007 ):
0008 if len(working_points)!=len(working_points_drnn_cone):
0009 raise RuntimeError('HGC TPG ID: Number of working points ({0}) not compatible with number of categories ({1})'.format(
0010 len(working_points), len(working_points_drnn_cone)))
0011 for wp,cat in zip(working_points,working_points_drnn_cone):
0012 if not wp in cat:
0013 raise KeyError('HGC TPG ID: Cannot find a cut corresponding to the working point {}'.format(wp))
0014 parameters_c3d = process.l1tHGCalBackEndLayer2Producer.ProcessorParameters.C3d_parameters
0015 identification = egamma_identification_drnn_cone.clone(
0016 WorkingPoints = cms.vdouble(
0017 [wps[eff] for wps,eff in zip(working_points_drnn_cone,working_points)]
0018 )
0019 )
0020 parameters_c3d.EGIdentification = identification
0021 return process
0024 def custom_identification_drnn_dbscan(process,
0025 working_points=tight_wp
0026 ):
0027 if len(working_points)!=len(working_points_drnn_dbscan):
0028 raise RuntimeError('HGC TPG ID: Number of working points ({0}) not compatible with number of categories ({1})'.format(
0029 len(working_points), len(working_points_drnn_dbscan)))
0030 for wp,cat in zip(working_points,working_points_drnn_dbscan):
0031 if not wp in cat:
0032 raise KeyError('HGC TPG ID: Cannot find a cut corresponding to the working point {}'.format(wp))
0033 parameters_c3d = process.l1tHGCalBackEndLayer2Producer.ProcessorParameters.C3d_parameters
0034 identification = egamma_identification_drnn_dbscan.clone(
0035 WorkingPoints = cms.vdouble(
0036 [wps[eff] for wps,eff in zip(working_points_drnn_dbscan,working_points)]
0037 )
0038 )
0039 parameters_c3d.EGIdentification = identification
0040 return process
0043 def custom_identification_histomax(process,
0044 working_points=tight_wp
0045 ):
0046 if len(working_points)!=len(working_points_histomax):
0047 raise RuntimeError('HGC TPG ID: Number of working points ({0}) not compatible with number of categories ({1})'.format(
0048 len(working_points), len(working_points_histomax)))
0049 for wp,cat in zip(working_points,working_points_drnn_dbscan):
0050 if not wp in cat:
0051 raise KeyError('HGC TPG ID: Cannot find a cut corresponding to the working point {}'.format(wp))
0052 parameters_c3d = process.l1tHGCalBackEndLayer2Producer.ProcessorParameters.C3d_parameters
0053 identification = egamma_identification_histomax.clone(
0054 WorkingPoints = cms.vdouble(
0055 [wps[eff] for wps,eff in zip(working_points_histomax,working_points)]
0056 )
0057 )
0058 parameters_c3d.EGIdentification = identification
0059 return process