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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_hgcalV16_cff import phase2_hgcalV16
0005 from RecoLocalCalo.HGCalRecProducers.HGCalRecHit_cfi import dEdX, dEdX_v16
0006 from . import l1tHGCalTriggerGeometryESProducer_cfi as geomparam
0008 AllLayer_weights = cms.vdouble(0.0,
0009                                0.0158115,
0010                                0.0286877,
0011                                0.017707,
0012                                0.00884719,
0013                                0.00921472,
0014                                0.00654193,
0015                                0.00737344,
0016                                0.00737619,
0017                                0.0090818,
0018                                0.00776757,
0019                                0.011098,
0020                                0.00561986,
0021                                0.012015,
0022                                0.0105088,
0023                                0.00834435,
0024                                0.0113901,
0025                                0.00995654,
0026                                0.0120987,
0027                                0.00708785,
0028                                0.0101533,
0029                                0.0108289,
0030                                0.0143815,
0031                                0.0145606,
0032                                0.0133204,
0033                                0.0137476,
0034                                0.00911436,
0035                                0.0275028,
0036                                0.0338628,
0037                                0.0674028,
0038                                0.0546596,
0039                                0.0634012,
0040                                0.0613207,
0041                                0.0653995,
0042                                0.0450429,
0043                                0.065412,
0044                                0.0585679,
0045                                0.0530456,
0046                                0.0484401,
0047                                0.0694564,
0048                                0.0684182,
0049                                0.117808,
0050                                0.126668,
0051                                0.142361,
0052                                0.154379,
0053                                0.102089,
0054                                0.114404,
0055                                0.160111,
0056                                0.178321,
0057                                0.0964375,
0058                                0.131446,
0059                                0.115852,
0060                                0.326339
0061                                )
0063 TrgLayer_weights = cms.vdouble(0.0,
0064                                0.0183664,
0065                                0.,
0066                                0.0305622,
0067                                0.,
0068                                0.0162589,
0069                                0.,
0070                                0.0143918,
0071                                0.,
0072                                0.0134475,
0073                                0.,
0074                                0.0185754,
0075                                0.,
0076                                0.0204934,
0077                                0.,
0078                                0.016901,
0079                                0.,
0080                                0.0207958,
0081                                0.,
0082                                0.0167985,
0083                                0.,
0084                                0.0238385,
0085                                0.,
0086                                0.0301146,
0087                                0.,
0088                                0.0274622,
0089                                0.,
0090                                0.0468671,
0091                                0.,
0092                                0.078819,
0093                                0.0555831,
0094                                0.0609312,
0095                                0.0610768,
0096                                0.0657626,
0097                                0.0465653,
0098                                0.0629383,
0099                                0.0610061,
0100                                0.0517326,
0101                                0.0492882,
0102                                0.0699336,
0103                                0.0673457,
0104                                0.119896,
0105                                0.125327,
0106                                0.143235,
0107                                0.153295,
0108                                0.104777,
0109                                0.109345,
0110                                0.161386,
0111                                0.174656,
0112                                0.108053,
0113                                0.121674,
0114                                0.1171,
0115                                0.328053
0116                                )
0120 def trigger_dedx_weights(ecal_layers, reco_weights):
0121     weights = []
0122     for lid, lw in enumerate(reco_weights):
0123         if lid > (ecal_layers+1):
0124             weights.append(lw)
0125         else:
0126             # Only half the layers are read in the EE at L1T
0127             if (lid % 2) == 1:
0128                 weights.append(lw+reco_weights[lid-1])
0129             else:
0130                 weights.append(0)
0131     return weights
0133 triggerWeights = cms.PSet(
0134     weights = cms.vdouble(trigger_dedx_weights(geomparam.CEE_LAYERS, dEdX.weights))
0135 )
0137 phase2_hgcalV16.toModify(triggerWeights,
0138                          weights = cms.vdouble(trigger_dedx_weights(geomparam.CEE_LAYERS_V16, dEdX_v16.weights))
0139 )