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0001 #include "L1Trigger/L1THGCal/interface/backend/HGCalStage1TruncationImpl_SA.h"
0002 #include <cmath>
0004 unsigned HGCalStage1TruncationImplSA::run(const l1thgcfirmware::HGCalTriggerCellSACollection& tcs_in,
0005                                           const l1thgcfirmware::Stage1TruncationConfig& theConf,
0006                                           l1thgcfirmware::HGCalTriggerCellSACollection& tcs_out) const {
0007   unsigned sector120 = theConf.phiSector();
0008   std::unordered_map<unsigned, l1thgcfirmware::HGCalTriggerCellSACollection> tcs_per_bin;
0010   // configuation:
0011   bool do_truncate = theConf.doTruncate();
0012   double rozmin = theConf.rozMin();
0013   double rozmax = theConf.rozMax();
0014   unsigned rozbins = theConf.rozBins();
0015   const std::vector<unsigned>& maxtcsperbin = theConf.maxTcsPerBin();
0016   const std::vector<double>& phiedges = theConf.phiEdges();
0018   // group TCs per (r/z, phi) bins
0019   for (const auto& tc : tcs_in) {
0020     double x = tc.x();
0021     double y = tc.y();
0022     double z = tc.z();
0023     double roverz = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y) / std::abs(z);
0024     unsigned roverzbin = rozBin(roverz, rozmin, rozmax, rozbins);
0026     double phi = rotatedphi(x, y, z, sector120);
0027     int phibin = phiBin(roverzbin, phi, phiedges);
0028     if (phibin < 0)
0029       return 1;
0030     unsigned packed_bin = packBin(roverzbin, phibin);
0032     tcs_per_bin[packed_bin].push_back(tc);
0033   }
0034   // apply sorting and trunction in each (r/z, phi) bin
0035   for (auto& bin_tcs : tcs_per_bin) {
0036     std::sort(bin_tcs.second.begin(),
0037               bin_tcs.second.end(),
0038               [](const l1thgcfirmware::HGCalTriggerCell& a, const l1thgcfirmware::HGCalTriggerCell& b) -> bool {
0039                 return a.mipPt() > b.mipPt();
0040               });
0042     unsigned roverzbin = 0;
0043     unsigned phibin = 0;
0044     unpackBin(bin_tcs.first, roverzbin, phibin);
0045     if (roverzbin >= maxtcsperbin.size())
0046       return 1;
0048     unsigned max_tc = maxtcsperbin[roverzbin];
0049     if (do_truncate && bin_tcs.second.size() > max_tc) {
0050       bin_tcs.second.resize(max_tc);
0051     }
0053     for (const auto& tc : bin_tcs.second) {
0054       tcs_out.push_back(tc);
0055     }
0056   }
0058   return 0;
0059 }
0061 unsigned HGCalStage1TruncationImplSA::packBin(unsigned roverzbin, unsigned phibin) const {
0062   unsigned packed_bin = 0;
0063   packed_bin |= ((roverzbin & mask_roz_) << offset_roz_);
0064   packed_bin |= (phibin & mask_phi_);
0065   return packed_bin;
0066 }
0068 void HGCalStage1TruncationImplSA::unpackBin(unsigned packedbin, unsigned& roverzbin, unsigned& phibin) const {
0069   roverzbin = ((packedbin >> offset_roz_) & mask_roz_);
0070   phibin = (packedbin & mask_phi_);
0071 }
0073 int HGCalStage1TruncationImplSA::phiBin(unsigned roverzbin, double phi, const std::vector<double>& phiedges) const {
0074   int phi_bin = 0;
0075   if (roverzbin >= phiedges.size())
0076     return -1;
0077   double phi_edge = phiedges[roverzbin];
0078   if (phi > phi_edge)
0079     phi_bin = 1;
0080   return phi_bin;
0081 }
0083 double HGCalStage1TruncationImplSA::rotatedphi(double x, double y, double z, int sector) const {
0084   if (z > 0)
0085     x = -x;
0086   double phi = std::atan2(y, x);
0088   if (sector == 1) {
0089     if (phi < M_PI and phi > 0)
0090       phi = phi - (2. * M_PI / 3.);
0091     else
0092       phi = phi + (4. * M_PI / 3.);
0093   } else if (sector == 2) {
0094     phi = phi + (2. * M_PI / 3.);
0095   }
0096   return phi;
0097 }
0099 unsigned HGCalStage1TruncationImplSA::rozBin(double roverz, double rozmin, double rozmax, unsigned rozbins) const {
0100   constexpr double margin = 1.001;
0101   double roz_bin_size = (rozbins > 0 ? (rozmax - rozmin) * margin / double(rozbins) : 0.);
0102   unsigned roverzbin = 0;
0103   if (roz_bin_size > 0.) {
0104     roverz -= rozmin;
0105     roverz = std::clamp(roverz, 0., rozmax - rozmin);
0106     roverzbin = unsigned(roverz / roz_bin_size);
0107   }
0109   return roverzbin;
0110 }