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0001 #include "L1Trigger/L1THGCal/interface/concentrator/HGCalConcentratorTrigSumImpl.h"
0003 HGCalConcentratorTrigSumImpl::HGCalConcentratorTrigSumImpl(const edm::ParameterSet& conf) {}
0005 void HGCalConcentratorTrigSumImpl::doSum(uint32_t module_id,
0006                                          const std::vector<l1t::HGCalTriggerCell>& trigCellVecInput,
0007                                          std::vector<l1t::HGCalTriggerSums>& trigSumsVecOutput) const {
0008   double ptsum = 0;
0009   double mipptsum = 0;
0010   double hwptsum = 0;
0012   for (const auto& trigCell : trigCellVecInput) {
0013     // detId selection is already done in HGCalConcentratorProcessorSelection:
0014     // here we do not worry about it and assume all cells are from the same module
0015     ptsum +=;
0016     mipptsum += trigCell.mipPt();
0017     hwptsum += trigCell.hwPt();
0018   }
0019   if (!trigCellVecInput.empty()) {
0020     GlobalPoint module_pos = triggerTools_.getTriggerGeometry()->getModulePosition(module_id);
0022     math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector p4(ptsum, module_pos.eta(), module_pos.phi(), 0);
0023     l1t::HGCalTriggerSums ts;
0024     ts.setP4(p4);
0025     ts.setDetId(module_id);
0026     ts.setPosition(module_pos);
0027     ts.setMipPt(mipptsum);
0028     ts.setHwPt(hwptsum);
0029     trigSumsVecOutput.push_back(ts);
0030   }
0031 }