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0001 #include "L1Trigger/L1THGCal/interface/veryfrontend/HGCalVFESummationImpl.h"
0003 HGCalVFESummationImpl::HGCalVFESummationImpl(const edm::ParameterSet& conf)
0004     : lsb_silicon_fC_(conf.getParameter<double>("siliconCellLSB_fC")),
0005       lsb_scintillator_MIP_(conf.getParameter<double>("scintillatorCellLSB_MIP")) {
0006   constexpr unsigned nThickness = 3;
0007   thresholds_silicon_ =
0008       conf.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("noiseSilicon").getParameter<std::vector<double>>("values");
0009   if (thresholds_silicon_.size() != nThickness) {
0010     throw cms::Exception("Configuration") << thresholds_silicon_.size() << " silicon thresholds are given instead of "
0011                                           << nThickness << " (the number of sensor thicknesses)";
0012   }
0013   threshold_scintillator_ = conf.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("noiseScintillator").getParameter<double>("noise_MIP");
0014   const auto threshold = conf.getParameter<double>("noiseThreshold");
0015   std::transform(
0016       thresholds_silicon_.begin(), thresholds_silicon_.end(), thresholds_silicon_.begin(), [threshold](auto noise) {
0017         return noise * threshold;
0018       });
0019   threshold_scintillator_ *= threshold;
0020 }
0022 void HGCalVFESummationImpl::triggerCellSums(const std::vector<std::pair<DetId, uint32_t>>& input_dataframes,
0023                                             std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& triggercells) {
0024   if (input_dataframes.empty())
0025     return;
0026   // sum energies in trigger cells
0027   for (const auto& [cellid, value] : input_dataframes) {
0028     // Apply noise threshold before summing into trigger cells
0029     uint32_t value_zero_suppressed = value;
0030     if (triggerTools_.isSilicon(cellid)) {
0031       int thickness = triggerTools_.thicknessIndex(cellid);
0032       double threshold =;
0033       value_zero_suppressed = (value * lsb_silicon_fC_ > threshold ? value : 0);
0034     } else if (triggerTools_.isScintillator(cellid)) {
0035       value_zero_suppressed = (value * lsb_scintillator_MIP_ > threshold_scintillator_ ? value : 0);
0036     }
0037     if (value_zero_suppressed == 0)
0038       continue;
0040     // find trigger cell associated to cell
0041     uint32_t tcid = triggerTools_.getTriggerGeometry()->getTriggerCellFromCell(cellid);
0042     triggercells.emplace(tcid, 0);  // do nothing if key exists already
0044     // sums energy for the same trigger cell id
0045     triggercells[tcid] += value_zero_suppressed;  // 32 bits integer should be largely enough
0046   }
0047 }