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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:20:48

0001 #
0002 #  Load ES Producers for any conditions not yet in GT...
0003 #
0004 # The intention is that this file should shrink with time as conditions are added to GT.
0005 #
0007 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0008 import sys
0009 #
0010 # Legacy Trigger:  No Hacks Needed
0011 #
0012 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_stage1L1Trigger_cff import stage1L1Trigger
0013 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_stage2L1Trigger_cff import stage2L1Trigger
0015 #
0016 # Stage-1 Trigger:  No Hacks Needed
0018 #
0019 # Stage-2 Trigger
0020 #
0021 def _load(process, fs):
0022     for f in fs:
0023         process.load(f)
0024 modifyL1TMuonHackConditions_stage2 = stage2L1Trigger.makeProcessModifier(lambda p: _load(p, [
0025     "L1Trigger.L1TTwinMux.fakeTwinMuxParams_cff",
0026     "L1Trigger.L1TMuonBarrel.fakeBmtfParams_cff",
0027     "L1Trigger.L1TMuonOverlap.fakeOmtfParams_cff",
0028     "L1Trigger.L1TMuonEndCap.fakeEmtfParams_cff",
0029     "L1Trigger.L1TMuon.fakeGmtParams_cff"
0030 ]))