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0001 #include "L1Trigger/L1TMuon/interface/MicroGMTIsolationUnit.h"
0003 #include "L1Trigger/L1TMuon/interface/GMTInternalMuon.h"
0004 #include "DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/MuonCaloSum.h"
0005 #include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Muon.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0008 l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::MicroGMTIsolationUnit() : m_fwVersion(0), m_initialSums(false) {}
0010 l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::~MicroGMTIsolationUnit() {}
0012 void l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::initialise(L1TMuonGlobalParamsHelper* microGMTParamsHelper) {
0013   m_fwVersion = microGMTParamsHelper->fwVersion();
0014   m_BEtaExtrapolation = l1t::MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory::create(
0015       microGMTParamsHelper->bEtaExtrapolationLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::ETA_OUT, m_fwVersion);
0016   m_BPhiExtrapolation = l1t::MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory::create(
0017       microGMTParamsHelper->bPhiExtrapolationLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::PHI_OUT, m_fwVersion);
0018   m_OEtaExtrapolation = l1t::MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory::create(
0019       microGMTParamsHelper->oEtaExtrapolationLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::ETA_OUT, m_fwVersion);
0020   m_OPhiExtrapolation = l1t::MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory::create(
0021       microGMTParamsHelper->oPhiExtrapolationLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::PHI_OUT, m_fwVersion);
0022   m_FEtaExtrapolation = l1t::MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory::create(
0023       microGMTParamsHelper->fEtaExtrapolationLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::ETA_OUT, m_fwVersion);
0024   m_FPhiExtrapolation = l1t::MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory::create(
0025       microGMTParamsHelper->fPhiExtrapolationLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::PHI_OUT, m_fwVersion);
0026   m_IdxSelMemEta = l1t::MicroGMTCaloIndexSelectionLUTFactory::create(
0027       microGMTParamsHelper->idxSelMemEtaLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::ETA, m_fwVersion);
0028   m_IdxSelMemPhi = l1t::MicroGMTCaloIndexSelectionLUTFactory::create(
0029       microGMTParamsHelper->idxSelMemPhiLUT(), MicroGMTConfiguration::PHI, m_fwVersion);
0030   m_RelIsoCheckMem =
0031       l1t::MicroGMTRelativeIsolationCheckLUTFactory::create(microGMTParamsHelper->relIsoCheckMemLUT(), m_fwVersion);
0032   m_AbsIsoCheckMem =
0033       l1t::MicroGMTAbsoluteIsolationCheckLUTFactory::create(microGMTParamsHelper->absIsoCheckMemLUT(), m_fwVersion);
0035   m_etaExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::bmtf] = m_BEtaExtrapolation;
0036   m_phiExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::bmtf] = m_BPhiExtrapolation;
0037   m_etaExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::omtf_pos] = m_OEtaExtrapolation;
0038   m_etaExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::omtf_neg] = m_OEtaExtrapolation;
0039   m_phiExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::omtf_pos] = m_OPhiExtrapolation;
0040   m_phiExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::omtf_neg] = m_OPhiExtrapolation;
0041   m_etaExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::emtf_pos] = m_FEtaExtrapolation;
0042   m_etaExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::emtf_neg] = m_FEtaExtrapolation;
0043   m_phiExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::emtf_pos] = m_FPhiExtrapolation;
0044   m_phiExtrapolationLUTs[tftype::emtf_neg] = m_FPhiExtrapolation;
0046   m_caloInputsToDisable = microGMTParamsHelper->caloInputsToDisable();
0047   m_maskedCaloInputs = microGMTParamsHelper->maskedCaloInputs();
0048 }
0050 int l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::getCaloIndex(MicroGMTConfiguration::InterMuon& mu) const {
0051   // handle the wrap-around of phi:
0052   int phi = (mu.hwGlobalPhi() + mu.hwDPhi()) % 576;
0053   if (phi < 0) {
0054     phi = 576 + phi;
0055   }
0057   int phiIndex = m_IdxSelMemPhi->lookup(phi);
0058   int eta = mu.hwEta() + mu.hwDEta();
0059   eta = MicroGMTConfiguration::getTwosComp(eta, 9);
0060   int etaIndex = m_IdxSelMemEta->lookup(eta);
0061   mu.setHwCaloEta(etaIndex);
0062   mu.setHwCaloPhi(phiIndex);
0064   return phiIndex + etaIndex * 36;
0065 }
0067 void l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::extrapolateMuons(MicroGMTConfiguration::InterMuonList& inputmuons) const {
0068   int outputShiftPhi = 3;
0069   int outputShiftEta = 3;
0070   if (m_fwVersion >= 0x4010000) {
0071     outputShiftPhi = 2;
0072     outputShiftEta = 0;
0073   }
0075   for (auto& mu : inputmuons) {
0076     // get input format
0077     std::shared_ptr<MicroGMTExtrapolationLUT> phiExtrapolationLUT =>trackFinderType());
0078     int ptRedInWidth = phiExtrapolationLUT->getPtRedInWidth();
0079     int ptMask = (1 << ptRedInWidth) - 1;
0080     int etaRedInWidth = phiExtrapolationLUT->getEtaRedInWidth();
0081     int redEtaShift = 8 - etaRedInWidth;
0083     // only use LSBs of pt:
0084     int ptRed = mu->hwPt() & ptMask;
0085     // here we drop the LSBs and mask the MSB
0086     int etaAbsRed = (std::abs(mu->hwEta()) >> redEtaShift) & ((1 << etaRedInWidth) - 1);
0088     int deltaPhi = 0;
0089     int deltaEta = 0;
0091     if (mu->hwPt() < (1 << ptRedInWidth)) {  // extrapolation only for "low" pT muons
0092       int sign = 1;
0093       if (mu->hwSign() == 1) {
0094         sign = -1;
0095       }
0096       deltaPhi = (phiExtrapolationLUT->lookup(etaAbsRed, ptRed) << outputShiftPhi) * sign;
0097       deltaEta = (>trackFinderType())->lookup(etaAbsRed, ptRed) << outputShiftEta);
0098       if (mu->hwEta() > 0) {
0099         deltaEta *= -1;
0100       }
0101     }
0103     mu->setExtrapolation(deltaEta, deltaPhi);
0104   }
0105 }
0107 void l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::calculate5by1Sums(const MicroGMTConfiguration::CaloInputCollection& inputs, int bx) {
0108   m_5by1TowerSums.clear();
0109   if (inputs.size(bx) == 0)
0110     return;
0112   for (int iphi = 0; iphi < 36; ++iphi) {
0113     int iphiIndexOffset = iphi * 28;
0114     // ieta = 0 (tower -28) and ieta = 1 (tower 27)
0115     // 3by1 and 4by1 sums
0116     for (int ieta = 0; ieta < 2; ++ieta) {
0117       int sum = 0;
0118       for (int dIEta = 0 - ieta; dIEta <= 2; ++dIEta) {
0119         if (m_caloInputsToDisable.test(ieta + dIEta) || m_maskedCaloInputs.test(ieta + dIEta))
0120           continue;  // only process if input link is enabled and not masked
0121         sum +=, iphiIndexOffset + dIEta).etBits();
0122       }
0123       m_5by1TowerSums.push_back(sum);
0124     }
0125     // 5by1 sums
0126     for (int ieta = 2; ieta < 26; ++ieta) {
0127       int sum = 0;
0128       for (int dIEta = -2; dIEta <= 2; ++dIEta) {
0129         if (m_caloInputsToDisable.test(ieta + dIEta) || m_maskedCaloInputs.test(ieta + dIEta))
0130           continue;  // only process if input link is enabled and not masked
0131         sum +=, iphiIndexOffset + dIEta).etBits();
0132       }
0133       m_5by1TowerSums.push_back(sum);
0134     }
0135     // ieta = 26 (tower 27) and ieta = 27 (tower 28)
0136     // 4by1 and 3by1 sums
0137     for (int ieta = 26; ieta < 28; ++ieta) {
0138       int sum = 0;
0139       for (int dIEta = -2; dIEta <= 27 - ieta; ++dIEta) {
0140         if (m_caloInputsToDisable.test(ieta + dIEta) || m_maskedCaloInputs.test(ieta + dIEta))
0141           continue;  // only process if input link is enabled and not masked
0142         sum +=, iphiIndexOffset + dIEta).etBits();
0143       }
0144       m_5by1TowerSums.push_back(sum);
0145     }
0146   }
0148   m_initialSums = true;
0149 }
0151 int l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::calculate5by5Sum(unsigned index) const {
0152   if (index > m_5by1TowerSums.size()) {
0153     edm::LogWarning("energysum out of bounds!");
0154     return 0;
0155   }
0156   // phi wrap around:
0157   int returnSum = 0;
0158   for (int dIPhi = -2; dIPhi <= 2; ++dIPhi) {
0159     int currIndex = (index + dIPhi * 28) % 1008;  // wrap-around at top
0160     if (currIndex < 0)
0161       currIndex = 1008 + currIndex;
0162     if ((unsigned)currIndex < m_5by1TowerSums.size()) {
0163       returnSum += m_5by1TowerSums[currIndex];
0164     } else {
0165       edm::LogWarning("energysum out of bounds!");
0166     }
0167   }
0168   return std::min(31, returnSum);
0169 }
0171 void l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::isolate(MicroGMTConfiguration::InterMuonList& muons) const {
0172   for (auto& mu : muons) {
0173     int caloIndex = getCaloIndex(*mu);
0174     int energySum = calculate5by5Sum(caloIndex);
0175     mu->setHwIsoSum(energySum);
0177     int absIso = m_AbsIsoCheckMem->lookup(energySum);
0178     int relIso = m_RelIsoCheckMem->lookup(energySum, mu->hwPt());
0180     mu->setHwRelIso(relIso);
0181     mu->setHwAbsIso(absIso);
0182   }
0183 }
0185 void l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::setTowerSums(const MicroGMTConfiguration::CaloInputCollection& inputs, int bx) {
0186   m_towerEnergies.clear();
0187   if (bx < inputs.getFirstBX() || bx > inputs.getLastBX())
0188     return;
0189   if (inputs.size(bx) == 0)
0190     return;
0191   for (auto input = inputs.begin(bx); input != inputs.end(bx); ++input) {
0192     if (m_caloInputsToDisable.test(input->hwEta()) || m_maskedCaloInputs.test(input->hwEta())) {
0193       continue;  // only process if input link is enabled and not masked
0194     }
0195     if (input->etBits() != 0) {
0196       m_towerEnergies[input->hwEta() * 36 + input->hwPhi()] = input->etBits();
0197     }
0198   }
0200   m_initialSums = true;
0201 }
0203 void l1t::MicroGMTIsolationUnit::isolatePreSummed(MicroGMTConfiguration::InterMuonList& muons) const {
0204   for (const auto& mu : muons) {
0205     int caloIndex = getCaloIndex(*mu);
0206     int energySum = 0;
0207     if (m_towerEnergies.count(caloIndex) == 1) {
0208       energySum =;
0209     }
0211     mu->setHwIsoSum(energySum);
0213     int absIso = m_AbsIsoCheckMem->lookup(energySum);
0214     int relIso = m_RelIsoCheckMem->lookup(energySum, mu->hwPt());
0216     mu->setHwRelIso(relIso);
0217     mu->setHwAbsIso(absIso);
0218   }
0219 }