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0001 # CPPFDigis Emulator
0003 This is the first version of the CPPF emulator. we use the RPC Digitization and 
0004 reconstruction as intermedate steps. 
0005 Under test you can find two examples, one unpacking 2017F RAW Data (
0006 and another one using generated MC events ( 
0007 The output of the unpacker is an edm branch named emulatorCppfDigis, following
0008 the CPPFDigi dataformat already committed in CMSSW_10_1_X.
0010 # Out of the box instructions
0012 ```
0013 ssh -XY
0014 #setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc6_amd64_gcc630 
0015 #(or export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc630)
0016 cmsrel CMSSW_10_1_X_2018-03-11-2300
0017 cd CMSSW_10_1_X_2018-03-11-2300/src
0018 cmsenv
0019 ```
0021 ```
0022 git cms-init
0023 git fetch maseguracern
0024 git cms-merge-topic -u maseguracern:CPPF_Emulator
0025 #scram b clean 
0026 scram b -j6
0027 ```
0029 ## Run the code (check the input)
0030 ```
0031 cd L1Trigger/L1TMuonCPPF
0032 cmsRun test/
0033 ```
0035 ## Setup your Github space (In case you haven't)
0036 ```
0037 git remote add YourGitHubName
0038 git fetch YourGitHubName
0039 git checkout -b YourBranchName
0040 ```
0042 ## Modifying files
0043 ```
0044 git add <Modified files>
0045 git commit -m "Commit message"
0046 git push my-cmssw YourBranchName
0047 ```