File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:20:54
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 emulatorCppfDigis = cms.EDProducer("L1TMuonCPPFDigiProducer", 0004 ## Input collection 0005 recHitLabel = cms.InputTag("rpcRecHits"), 0006 rpcDigiLabel = cms.InputTag("muonRPCDigis"), 0007 rpcDigiSimLinkLabel = cms.InputTag("simMuonRPCDigis", "RPCDigiSimLink"), 0008 MaxClusterSize = cms.int32(3), 0009 # cppfSource = cms.string('Geo'), #'File' for Look up table and 'Geo' for CMSSW Geometry 0010 cppfSource = cms.string('File'), #'File' for Look up table and 'Geo' for CMSSW Geometry 0011 0012 cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFmerged.txt') 0013 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFn1.txt') 0014 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFn2.txt') 0015 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFn3.txt') 0016 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFn4.txt') 0017 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFp1.txt') 0018 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFp2.txt') 0019 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFp3.txt') 0020 # cppfvecfile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data/cppf/angleScale_RPC_CPPFp4.txt') 0021 ) 0022
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