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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ## Fills CondFormats from the database
0004 from CondCore.CondDB.CondDB_cfi import CondDB
0005 CondDB.connect = cms.string("frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS")
0008 ## Fills firmware, pT LUT, and PC LUT versions manually
0009 emtfParamsSource = cms.ESSource(
0010     "EmptyESSource",
0011     recordName = cms.string('L1TMuonEndCapParamsRcd'),
0012     iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
0013     firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
0014     )
0016 emtfParams = cms.ESProducer(
0017     "L1TMuonEndCapParamsESProducer",
0018     ## Version 5 was used for all of 2016
0019     ## Version 6 is the first version used in 2017
0020     ## Version 7 was deployed June 8, 2017
0021     PtAssignVersion = cms.int32(7),
0022     ## 123456 is default (most up-to-date) firmware version
0023     ## Versions < 50000 correspond to 2016 (labeled according to Alex's FW version number)
0024     ## Versions > 50000 coorespond to 2017 (labeled automatically by timestamp)
0025     FirmwareVersion = cms.int32(123456),
0026     ## v0 corresponds to data/emtf_luts/ph_lut_v1, used for all of 2016
0027     ## v1 corresponds to data/emtf_luts/ph_lut_v2, used at the beginning of 2017
0028     PrimConvVersion = cms.int32(1)
0029     )
0032 ## Fills pT LUT XMLs ("forests") manually
0033 emtfForestsSource = cms.ESSource(
0034     "EmptyESSource",
0035     recordName = cms.string('L1TMuonEndCapForestRcd'),
0036     iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
0037     firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
0038     )
0040 ## Fills CondFormats from local XML files instead of database.
0041 emtfForests = cms.ESProducer(
0042     "L1TMuonEndCapForestESProducer",
0043     PtAssignVersion = cms.int32(7),
0044     bdtXMLDir = cms.string("2017_v7")
0045     )